Friday 29 August 2008

Doctor Who Wins Festival Award Series named as top show once more.

Doctor Who has won the trophy for Best Programme Of 2008 at the Edinburgh TV festival's annual awards.

It was the second year in a row that the series has won in the Best Programme category.

Step Back In Time UK Sci Fi Channel reruns Classic Series highlights.

With a rainy Bank Holiday weekend forecast for much of the UK, the only ray of sunshine for Who fans seems to be the marathon of Classic Series stories being screened on the Sci Fi Channel.

The schedule, running from Saturday 23 August to Monday 25 August, will mainly focus on adventures from the Fourth and Fifth Doctors.

Highlights include such classics as The Ark In Space, Earthshock and The Caves Of Androzani.

In addition, there will be another chance to see the 1996 TV movie starring Paul McGann and Sylvester McCoy and The Two Doctors, starring Patrick Troughton and Colin Baker.

Sunday 17 August 2008

doctor who murray gold series 3 tracks

if you can't be bothered to go out and buy the cd well listen to all your favourite doctor who tracks from series 3 here.




track 4

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Doctor Who Episode Blink For Top Genre

Future Doctor Who Executive Producer Steven Moffat has scooped his third Hugo Award in a row.

Blink, written by Steven and directed by Hettie Macdonald, beat off strong competition from Paul Cornell's two-parter Human Nature/The Family of Blood and Catherine Treganna's Torchwood episode Captain Jack Harkness to be voted Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form.

The 2008 awards winners were announced on Saturday night at the WorldCon event in Denver.

The Hugo Awards celebrate the best of science-fiction across various media.

Steven has previously won Hugo awards for his Doctor Who episodes The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances and The Girl in the Fireplace.

Thursday 7 August 2008

DOCTOR WHO (my take and randomness)

We’re all mad in the UK, we love the doctor who so I had to write something. The chat rooms are full of it, the people are debating will Tennant be back (or rather not go?), will Sylvester McCoy make an appearance - who knows, anyways as a fan I am please to dabble and give my take on it…


SO ......


The doctor raises his arms and the familiar death and rebirth begins, leaving all viewing agog at the events unfolding !

The regeneration energy arcs across the tardis and crashes into the bubbling hand in the jar. A scream of electricity can be heard throughout the tardis the energy IS enough to almost rip the tardis in half. Somehow Rose knows something is wrong having witnessed a regeneration in the past.
"It is isn’t working ! !
"The hand!" jack points - "LOOK"

The hand grips moves………and a flash of light!

The tardis quietens and we can see


The first is David Tennant born from the hand but is completely different in attitude and thought. (similar to the way Colin Baker was an Ass when he was born in his regeneration.) However where the original Tennant stood stands a new doctor who loves rose etc etc but looks completely different played by (insert favourite actor here) - this obviously confused all around and makes the viewer not know who to route for….Remember the doctor from the hand is different but completely different in attitude and verbal style,



"Can you hear that?"

"What?" Jack replies, my ears are still ringing from dying five times in ten minutes."

"Like Drums……..Underneath everything……." I heard them as soon as I stepped into the shadow proclimation……. its like something carryind itself inside me.


As all die around Donna is revealed………The Ring Cracks Open and her time lord spirit returns.

"I hid myself in time……As I crashed into the fire I saw the light from Dalek Khan pull Davros from his death and I latched onto him. The only thing I could do was hide and wait hoping that some of your followers were bound to find me….……….In all the cionfusion i had seconds to use the chameleon arch, hiding in time until I could return…… Knowing at the Medusa Cascade I would fight with you once more……

"But you hate me Rani….you hate everything I have done…….this just isn’t you……"

There is no point in ruling over nothing……Davros is flawed, and we will fight again…………..remember that… and I......or whatever idiot carnation you find yourself in.....


NEW DOC - If I must die then we can live then it is right…………..this is the burden you face…..……

DOC BORN OF JAR - "I am not brave enough for this, yet she loves me……."

NEW DOC - "That’s because some of his coward DNA is in you at least until you regenerate again. Your still brilliant but for a little out of sorts, try and avoid domination of races and go somewhere quiet......She loves your image, and soon you will be your old self again………you will learn to forgive again, and carry on…..

Listen, just listen you can feel the world turn, and the pulse of time……….....remember that..........this is the first time i have actuially died.... make all of this mean something....

As the conversation ends somehow the new Doc sacrifices himself to save one and all and as things are wrapped up on the beach…..

The doctor leaves.

"where are you going now….your so alone….what will you do…."……

"I need time to think, I once met a girl in a library that said she has some answers for me, they were spoilers, and now I have to live them…......."


Russell T Davies: Amy Winehouse would be a brilliant Doctor Who

DOCTOR WHO writer and exectutive producer Russell T Davies says that dysfunctional diva Amy Winehouse would make a "brilliant" Time Lord.

Davies was clearly aware of earlier reports in which bookmakers listed the odds of several celebrities becoming the next Doctor Who.

Although Winehouse could keep several sonic screwdrivers and probably another space-time dimension within her beehive hairdo, she sometimes seems like she's heading towards her own black hole of destruction without any help from the Daleks or other alien races.

Her odds of becoming the next Time Lord were listed by William Hill as an unlikely 100:1, the same as those of Paul McCartney's former wife Heather Mills.

Davies says he also can't help imagining Lesley Sharp (who appeared in the Doctor Who episode Midnight) and Judi Dench in the role, though I don't think either is a good choice.

Davies was speaking to the Guardian newspaper where, despite saying Winehouse would be "brilliant", he concluded that David Tennant's eventual replacement should not be female.

"I am often tempted to say yes to [a female Doctor] to placate everyone but, while I think kids will not have a problem with that, I think fathers will have a problem because they will then imagine they will have to describe sex changes to their children.

"I think fathers can describe sex changes to their children and I think they should and it's part of the world, but I think it would simply introduce genitalia into family viewing. You're not talking about actresses or style, you're talking about genitalia, and a lot of parents would get embarrassed."

David Tennant will feature in this year's Christmas special, which will be set in Victorian England and feature the Cybermen, as well as four other specials which begin filming in 2009. Davies is hard at work on those specials, after which he hands over the reins to Steven Moffatt.

Davies refused to say whether Tennant will return when the full series returns in 2010, except that a decision has been made and the BBC knows what it is.

Doctor Who finale: Tennant not evicted from the Tardis - but who will be the next companion?

FANS of Doctor Who actor David Tennant must have been relieved - and then doubly delighted - at tonight's end-of-season finale.

Last week's cliffhanger showed the Time Lord exterminated by a Dalek and then beginning to regenerate, adding to speculation that Tennant was leaving the show and causing a total hullaballoo in the Whovian fan community.

Tonight's conclusion, Journey's End, the last episode to be written by departing writer and executive producer Russell T Davies, delivered dramatic fates for the Doctor, for Donna and for his former companion Rose.

First we saw the Doctor use what he needed of his regenerative energies to heal himself and then directing the rest of the energy into the severed hand he kept on the Tardis (a hand chopped off by the Sycorax leader in The Christmas Invasion special, and regrown by the Doctor as he was in the first hours of his latest incarnation).

As companion Donna Noble and the Tardis faced destruction from the Daleks, Donna reached out to the hand, which then regenerated into a second Doctor (another David Tennant - no signs of Robert Carlyle or any of the other speculated replacements). This Doctor double was part-human and mortal, with just one heart. Some of the energy stored in the hand also went into Donna and turned her into a Time Lord with the Doctor's intellect and knowledge.

The clues to these three Doctors had been there earlier in the mention in a previous episode of the Time Lord being 'the threefold man'. Many of us suspected that severed hand would play a part. And one commenter on my earlier blog pointed out that Donna means woman, noble means lord and temp (her former job) means time, hence 'woman time lord.'

The episode was most certainly a Journey's End for many. The Daleks (and seemingly leader Davros) were destroyed; the second Tennant, along with former Doctor's companion Rose Tyler (Billie Piper), was sent to a parallel reality where the pair were to live happily together for the rest of their lives; and poor Donna couldn't handle the strain of the Time Lord's vast knowledge and had to have her mind wiped of all Doctor Who memories and be returned home as though she'd never stepped foot in the Tardis.

Then the Doctor - the real one, the original Tennant - was left alone again. Now we are no longer wondering if there'll be a new Time Lord but are instead wondering who will be his new companion. River Song (Alex Kingston)? Jenny (Georgia Moffatt)? Will bookmakers soon be producing a list of possibilities for the next assistant?

We also saw Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman) walk away with Captain Jack, perhaps hinting that Martha will join Torchwood.

Although the episode piled on the plot twists and contrivances and you shouldn't even begin to question the physics of everything that happened with the Earth and the other planets (we saw our world towed into its correct position by the Tardis at one point!), Russell T Davies had obviously wanted to go out with a bang and clear his desk in style. It definitely gives a clean slate for the next series. And we all know the Daleks could return if they really wanted to bring them back.

What did you think of the episode? Did it deliver what you expected, hoped or wanted? Was Journey's End a fantastic voyage or a bad trip? And who will be the next companion?

Doctor Who to get axe in 2008

HIT show Doctor Who will be EXTERMINATED next year ? after the fourth series.

Boss Russell T. Davies has decided to axe the BBC1 sci-fi drama and concentrate on other projects.

He and senior staff have hatched a plot to hand in a group resignation in summer 2008.

A source said: “The heavy workload ? nine months of 16-hour days every year ? has started to take its toll.

“It was decided the best thing for the show was go out at the top next year.”

Davies was behind the relaunch of Doctor Who in 2005 ? 16 years after it was originally axed.


The series, starring David Tennant as the Time Lord, is watched by eight million every Saturday.

* EX Doctor Who star Billie Piper, 24, is due to get her divorce decree nisi from DJ Chris Evans, 41, at the High Court today.

William Hartnell Is Being Collected Or Going Places

William Hartnell, the first actor to take on the role of The Doctor when Doctor Who premiered in 1963, is featured on a new stamp from the Royal Mail.

Hartnell played The Doctor for three years, then gave way to Patrick Troughton. Before coming to the ground-breaking sci-fi show, Hartnell specialized in playing drill sergeants and tough cops. It was that sort of tough, loud persona he brought to the Carry On films that the stamp features.

The Carry On movies were a long-running series of modest-budget, slapstick comedies. While as subtle as an episode of The Benny Hill Show, there are 20 years' worth of Carry On films bouncing their way through British film history.

Image courtesy Royal Mail

Beyond Season 4

The season 4 Episode guide has now got enormous and I've noticed that we're now starting to get entries in it pertaining to the Christmas special, which traditionally we've always considered part of the next season. So I think possibly a new thread to collate the rumours and snippets we are getting about Beyond Season 4 (not sure we can call it season 5 as that is 2010).

The first post is spoiler tagged for plot elements, and the following 9 are spoiler free, so you can keep up with the shape of things to come without learning plot details. I will keep the first post up to date as a reference. But newer posts on the end may not be so well protected.

Here's what we know so far, or is rumoured so far...

General Info about 2008/2009

2009 is a light year for Doctor Who, it was originally announced there would be 3 specials in 2009, but now it appears there may be 4, with the Christmas 2009 possibly being bumped up to two parts. With the lite year taking place David Tennant is able to have a sabbatical to do some Shakespeare. Then at the end of 2009 we should get the start of season 5 production proper with a Christmas Special and a full season following in Spring 2010.

Children in Need 2008

Chances are we will have something for Children in Need this year as November 2008 is the 45th Anniversary of Doctor Who.

4B-00 Christmas Special 2008
Possible plot elements follow in spoiler tags

I've heard a possible title of "Ghosts in the Machines" and Cybermen are confirmed as as being involved. There may also be some form of "alternate Cyberman" or "Cyber Wraith" as something robed in black feathers, with a definite "cyber like face" has been seen. The face is bronze with a diamond shaped face and the handles are set at 45 degrees to the vertical, joining to the top of the head.

David Morrisey has been spotted in location filming of this episode, as has Dervla Kirwin (playing Mrs Hartigan, Hartinger or something similar in sound). There is also a rather striking young dark skinned woman with long curly black hair that appears to be a major character, possibly called Rosita.

Cast Trailer Door labels have been spotted bearing the legends "Hot Scottie Tottie" and "The Other Doctor".

The episode appears to be set in Victorian Times around the time of the Great Exhibition in 1851 (a poster can be seen advertising the event). It should be noted that in The Eighth Doctor visited the exhibition in the Big Finsh story "Other Lives".

It would appear the Doctor finally gets real snow at Christmas, albeit faked for filming.

Advertisments for Ironmongers feature in set dressing at more than one location. There is also a poster offer four guineas reward for someone named Emily Price.

Locations used -

9-10 Apr - St Woolos Cemetary (as seen in Blink)
14 Apr - Cardiff Maltings (as seen in Gridlock)
16 Apr - Tredegar House (as seen in The Christmas Invasion)
20-23 Apr - Gloucester (Miller's Green, the Cathedral, Berkerley Street)
24-25 Apr - The Shire Hall, Monmouth

4B-01 Mid Year Special 1 2009

Nothing much known about the mid year specials yet.

4B-02 Mid Year Special 2 2009

5-00 Christmas Special 2009

Nothing much known about this yet, though after season 4 wrapped when David Tennant was asked about how long he would be staying in the role he said he's only been asked to do 4 specials and nothing beyond that yet. Well this would be the last of those 4. However, recent announcements indicate there are now 4 episodes in 2009 in addition to the 2008 Christmas Special, so the Christmas Special may be a two parter.

Season 5

Expected to start production part way through 2009, season 5 will be the first season of NuHu without Russell T Davies at the helm, with Steven Moffatt taking over as show runner and Executive Producer.

Whats In Store For 2009

As we rush headlong into the end of season 4, so I've been casting around, ear to the ground, for what may or may not be in store for us next year.

As a result of various pieces of information that have come my way, I now believe that the following will be amongst the pleasures that await us in 2009.

Wednesday 6 August 2008


Adipose. It's called an Adipose. Made out of living fat. Stripped from ordinary human...

The Doctor and Donna look at each other. Both are stunned by surprise.

DOCTOR (mouthing through the window)

DONNA (mouthing too)

But... what? Wha... What?!


But... how?

It's me!

Well, I can see that!

Oh this is brilliant!

But what are you doing there?

I was looking for you!

What for?!

DONNA (miming)
I, came here, trouble, read about it, internet, I thought, trouble = you! And this place is weird! Pills! So I hid. Back there. Crept along. Heard this lot. Looked. You! Cos they...

She gestures and looks toward Miss Foster. Who is staring at her. Just like Penny and the guards. Donna freezes.

Are we interrupting you?

DOCTOR (mouthing)

Get her!

The Doctor locks the office door with the sonic screwdriver, then uses it to elevate the cradle back to the roof.

2009 Specials and series 5

Filming Schedule:
Filming has wrapped for the 2008 Christmas special. Filming for the 2009 specials will commence in January 2009 (Tennant will begin filming on the 9th Jan) with the filming for series 5 starting later that Spring.

The Christmas Special for 2008 has already been filmed. In 2009 there will be either three or four hour-long specials, one of which will broadcast at Easter and another of which will broadcast on Christmas 2009. Two will be written by RTD, and the rest will be co-written by him

And as for how many specials there are:
Three specials were mentioned in the original press release. DT confirmed four on the Andrew Marr show. DWM 397 also confirmed four specials for 2009. The Guardian said there were five in total. The latest information from Julie Gardner mentions four specials (including Christmas 2008) then mentions DT coming back to film them.

One of the Specials may be taking place partially or entirely in a location outside the UK.

For the Christmas Special:
Many have speculated this is based on the audio "The One Doctor" - according to "very good, close sources", this episode is indeed based on that audio, and is a light comedy after the tearjerker of the finale. DM is the fake Doctor, and the Cybershades are fakes made by Morrissey's character, only for the real Cybermen (and the real Doctor) to show up...


* Ace (Sophie Aldred)
* McGann rumoured to return in the second 2009 special, in an episode directed by Graham Harper (heard by a few people but apparently the "latest sources" say this is not happening)
* Brian Blessed may make his return to the show
* Agynes Deyn is reported as being in one of the specials.
* Rumour on IMDB that Bad Girls star Alicia Eyo has been offered a companion role for one of the specials; a role that may play into full-time companion for series 5
* John Simm - instead of a small cameo in series 4, plans were changed to bring the Master in a much bigger way in the specials
* Georgia Moffet may also be returning as Jenny.

Heroes and Villains

* Sea Devils. "The return of The Sea Devils is definitely planned and all preliminary work has long since been concluded."
* Winston Churchill (for specials or series 5) - reputedly TV people asked for his removal from "Revenge of the Judoon" so he could be kept in reserve.
* According to Julie Gardner, characters and storylines from last series will not necessarily be picked up for the specials


RTD is leaving and Moffat taking over for series 5. It'll be back to the original 13 episodes format. As for writers of the episodes, there are rumours abound that Neil Gaiman and Rob Shearman may be writing episodes for series 5

When asked what he knew about the rumour Rob Shearman replied "Only that it's news to me!"

Gaiman says on his blog that Gaiman HAS had dinner with the Moff but "if it ever gets to the point where I know that I'm actually, definitely, for certain, writing an episode of Doctor Who, I'll post it here. In big red letters. Or green. You'll know when it happens, trust me."

According to DWM, apparently "THEY'RE BACK"
Although we don't actually know what or who "They" are.

The Doctor
RTD refuses to say whether Tennant will return for series 5. RTD says he "knows when David is leaving..." DT has made his decision and the BBC knows what it is. He then went on to say that he blatantly lies about the future of Doctor Who....

According to the Sun, DT will leave after the four specials "and a movie"

A rumour from "a fairly good source" says that Andy Pryor has cast DT's replacement. There was a short list of names - including one woman. The rumour also suggested DT would not be in all specials...

There is also a rumour that the last special is being filmed with two endings to allow DT maximum time to consider his return (they did this for Parting of the Ways as well)

Supporting Cast

* Kylie to return? Old rumours from early 2008
* Negotiations in train to get back Alex Kingston (River Song) and Georgina Moffett (Jenny) for series 5?
* Tom Baker?!

Much thanks to everyone who shared these tidbits, and for Canterbury who put it all together. I salute you!

Hamlet And David Tennant

The RSC production of Hamlet officially opened last night and the press reviews have been positive. The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian and The Independent have been favourable towards David Tennant's portrayal of the Dane with words like 'riveting', 'energetic' and 'mesmerising' being bandied about.

Your humble reporter will be reviewing the show at the end of August.

Daily Telegraph has also kindly offered up some new images.

Doctor Who Could Beat The Stig

Well, you may have missed this but Top Gear put David Tennant in the Reasonably Priced Car late last year. Recently, some bods at the BBC had a muck around with the VT and came up with something new.

You can find about how it came to be on the BBC official Doctor Who website.

Catherine Tate More Loved Than Hated

It’s official, well sort of, after all the dust has settled that Catherine Tate as Donna Noble is more loved than hated. Using the uniquely scientific method of typing the terms ‘love catherine tate Doctor Who’ and ‘hate catherine tate Doctor Who’ into Googlefight produces the following results.

Love: 178,000 (79.9%)

Hate: 44,800 (20.1%)

Now, I wonder if Donna Noble can beat all the other companions?

I Wonder What The Companions Look Like Quiz

From her recent appearances in Doctor Who, and of course in her very own spin-off show, it’s fair comment to say that Elisabeth Sladen (aka Sarah Jane Smith) has aged rather well. I wondered if the same could be said for all the Doctor’s companions…

With that in mind, here’s a little quiz. Here are ten recent photos of actors who’ve travelled in the Tardis. Give yourself a point for the character name, and another for their real name. There are no prizes, just the satisfaction that you know stuff. Answers at the bottom of the post…











1. Ace (Sophie Aldred) 2. Romana II (Lalla Ward) 3. Jo Grant (Katy Manning) 4. Adric (Matthew Waterhouse) 5. Polly (Anneke Wills) 6. Mel Bush (Bonnie Langford) 7. Leela (Louise Jameson) 8. Vislor Turlough (Mark Strickson) 9. Peri Brown (Nicola Bryant) 10. Steven Taylor (Peter Purves)

The Cybermen Are Everywhere

BBC Worldwide are responsible for syndicating Doctor Who across the globe and last year, Doctor Who was the top five highest grossing programme, followed by Planet Earth, Top Gear, Spooks and Robin Hood. (source: BBC Annual Review 2008)

So, if you thought German speaking Daleks in the series four season finale Journey’s End was novel, consider that it’s being sold and translated globally.

Courtesey of YouTube, here’s The Doctor doing batle with Cybermen in Japanese.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

BBC Proms 2008

6,000 people, boiling hot day, two hours of unbelievably good music. If Catherine Tate had a hangover...well, I sympathised with her. Not one to stint on the sauce, I spent the previous night at Duckie over at the Vauxhall Tavern. Met some lovely fans and spotted Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman in the throngs outside. That's 'throngs'....

A stunning day followed and whilst in the queue also spotted the lovely Phil Collinson. Apparently there were 500 £5 tickets available on the day, a waiting list of 3000 and tickets going for £250 on eBay!

(Great picture from Mark Allan/Daily Mail)

It truly felt like a day of celebration and thanks to the fantastic BBC Philharmonic, Murray Gold, Ben Foster, Stephen Bell and the truly spectacular London Philharmonic was. Plus add in Freema, Camille, Noel...and a big surprise with the appearance of Catherine Tate...and you couldn't wish for a more perfect concert. Tate's reception was incredible and I think she was genuinely flabbergasted by the waves of love from the audience.

Judoon, Sontarans, Daleks, Cybermen and that nasty ol' Davros also popped in. I felt for those Judoon and Cybermen trying to clamber down the aisles of the Albert Hall. I was expecting someone to come a cropper! The raising up of Davros in the middle of the standing area was a real bonus and for a moment Davros and the Daleks were in control of Ben Foster and demanding only Dalek music be heard.

More lovely pics from Mark Allan and Daily Mail:

Another highlight was the Proms Cutaway Music Of The Spheres which was a specially filmed segment for the Proms. A very amusing little vignette with David Tennant on fine form and a philosophical theme about everyone's inner music. “Music isn’t all Proms and rock guitars and orchestras,” the Doctor said, holding 6000 people in raptures. “You’ve got music in your head, too. Next time you get a moment, sit still and listen to it. Everyone can write a song.”


With the added presence of the Choir, much of the music presented was given a tremendous scale and power and for me the highlights were This Is Gallifrey, Doomsday, Donna / Girl In The Fireplace / Astrid (introduced by Cath Tate) and for sheer choir power The Daleks And Davros and The Doctor's Theme/Song Of Freedom. Wonderful stuff. Here's the running order for those who want it.

# Murray Gold Concert Prologue* (3 mins)
# Copland Fanfare for the Common Man (3 mins)
# Murray Gold All The Strange Strange Creatures* (4 mins)
# Mark-Anthony Turnage The Torino Scale (UK premiere) (4 mins)
# Holst The Planets - Jupiter (8 mins)
# Murray Gold The Doctor Forever* (4.30 mins)
# Murray Gold Rose* (1.30 mins)
# Murray Gold Martha v The Master* (4.30 mins)
# Murray Gold Music of the Spheres (including theme original)* (7.30 mins)
# Wagner Die Walküre - The Ride of the Valkyries (5 mins)
# Murray Gold The Daleks & Davros* (8 mins)
# Murray Gold Donna, Girl in Fireplace, Astrid* (4 mins)
# Prokofiev 'Montagues and Capulets' from Romeo and Juliet (5 mins)
# Murray Gold This is Gallifrey* (3.30 mins)
# Murray Gold Doctor's Theme / Song for Freedom * (5.30 mins)
# Murray Gold Doomsday* (5 mins)
# Murray Gold Song for Ten* (4 mins)
# Murray Gold Doctor Who Theme* (1.30 mins)

The Whole Prom is available to listen below it is in 2 parts



Doctor Who Art : Lee Johnson

Just a brief nod to Lee Johnson. He's been producing superb DVD cover art for the new series of Doctor Who and for the classic series and Torchwood. If you're not keen on the covers being produced by 2|Entertain and BBC DVD...well you can download the alternatives, print them out and jazz up your DVD collection. Either that or you can use them as sleeves for your own off-air recordings.

Sure you'll agree that the artwork is quite superb and has much potential for use as wallpapers, screen savers and posters.

Lee's clean art for the series finale is above and here are some he's done for various new series episodes:

Tardis Radio


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