Monday 14 March 2011

River's sacrifice - Doctor Who - BBC


Dr who filming pictures (12/03/2011)

More of these can be found Here and loads more Here

Dr who Opening episode titles revealed? series 6

News reporter Lizo Mzimba has just tweeted that he has been invited to a screening of the opening story, revealing the titles to be The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon.

Source - Doctor who spoilers

Torchwood: Week Nine Production

Production: Week Nine:

Torchwood hits the beach! It was one of those rare occasions when the production was in an open place, with members of the public appearing in the background if they so wished (as long as they agreed to the conditions laid out on the notices!).

Eve Myles and Mekhi Phifer were on location today, with filming taking place by the DogTown skate park on Venice Beach. Tweets from Dichen Lachman suggested she was enjoying the beach, too!
16:00 AF After thinking it was going to rain all weekend,
the sun today feels SO good. :)
11:03 AF Hard at work!
11:08 AF
11:18 MP shooting on venice beach right now...
was supposed to rain but we been blessed with sunshine.
11:45 AF The sun is warm and lovely, but wind is a bit chilly. :)
14:53 AF GAH! Sandstorm! O_O
14:55 AF Pre-sandstorm!
17:52 AS Cold, sun and wind burnt. Still its so beautiful. Yay for the beach.
18:37 AF I miraculously managed to get thru it without any kamikaze grains
going for my contact lenses! :D
18:47 AF I think this is my favorite photo I took of Venice Beach while down
at the #Torchwood shoot today. ALIEN SEAGULLS! :-)

Paul Sauser was also on hand to see some of the action at the skate park, including Eve Myles apparently being filmed as Gwen on her mobile. Additional photos of her were published by Caught on Set.

Tuesday - Wednesday

Chazz Sutton, via Plixi
After such a public location on Monday, the production disappeared into relative obscurity once more. However, it was possible to infer that one of the units was present at the Inglewood Forum based on snatches of conversation on Twitter:
07 20:48 CS Working a show for Starz called Torchwood
tomorrow in Inglewood. I just Google searched
it... seems very intriguing
*scratches fake goatee*
08 18:01 CS I just shook Lonestar's hand #Winning
08 20:13 CS The end to a long ass day which I so needed.
It's good to be paid.
So grateful to be called back for tomorrow.
08 23:11 CS Yeah 14 hours on set was no joke.
So exhausting but was awesome to be part of
somethin so hush hush.
Also met great new peeps. Recall baby!
09 13:07 CS Adventures in extras holding. So exciting.

Allyson Floyd chatted a little bit about the life of a stand-in:
08 14:53 AF I spent more time wrangling with UPS today than I spent on set! :P Oy.
08 23:07 AF I'm literally not there at all, lol! Stand-ins are only used to set up
camera angles and lighting!
08 23:19 AF I've done kind of a ridiculous amount of extra work though...
if you knew where to look, you'd see the back of my head everywhere!
08 23:20 AF And a few places where I'm pretty recognizable, but it would be
too tedious to look up all the episode #'s and movies.
11 01:15 AF I generally stand in for one of the main cast, so that usually puts me
there several days a week.

Meanwhile, the BBC Production Office were prepping for two kinds of activity later in the week ...
08 14:45 BBC We have a birthday coming up soon, 3 days to be exact.
Mission #3 get JB the perfect gift. Are surprises still classy?
Oh the possibilities!
09 18:38 BBC Wonderfully productive day! RTD is typing away and we're prepping two units.
Phones are ringing! Carpal tunnel arising! Action galore.


Matthew Arnold, via YFrog
Two locations were listed for activity Thursday, the James Oviatt Building (home to the Cicada Restaurant), and the Yard, a kick-boxing club - however, reports indicated other locations were visited throughout the day, with at least two units operating! Matthew Arnold reported that filming was taking place on a street at his uncle's, and this unit included Alexa Havins.

Meanwhile, another unit had to contend with a minor disaster on set:
09 17:18 AF Then it's back to work on the set of
#Torchwood: MD tomorrow!
10 09:56 AS Another early morning. Yawn!
But I have my honey with me today. :)
10 12:22 AS A water main just broken now there's a river
running thru set. Too bad the waters nasty or
I would run thru it like the 10 yr old I am. LOL
11 13:00 BBC A water main broke at our 2nd Unit location,
a cool looking salvage yard. Awesome location
11 13:04 BBC The water leak had nothing to do with us!!
It was just a crazy random event.
11 14:27 AF I missed out on that! I had a later calltime. ^_^ 

BBC, via Twitpic
Another location in use turned out to be the Los Angeles City Hall again, with John Barrowman and Ernie Hudson present; John was later to receive two big cakes for his birthday on Friday (celebrated UK time!)
10 17:43 ST A bit quiet here shooting a 6 page scene.
Amazing actor with John today.
Both are intense. Really great writing too.
Beautiful location too.
10 19:01 ST Entire crew just sang @Team_Barrowman happy birthday
and presented him a cake with candles.
Lots of joy and laughter. Now we r on the move.
10 19:16 ST A glimpse of vintage LA I love this city :-)
10 20:00 ST I can't say where til tomorrow when we r gone :-)
12 08:00 ST LA City Hall

10 23:02 BBC Mission #3 SUCCESS! A surprise TWO cakes
and we gave John the day off tomorrow.
Happy Birthday!
10 23:54 JB Hello from LA
10 23:55 JB Thanks for all the birthday wishes..
6 more minutes till the actual bday
10 23:57 JB Going to bed then of to Palm Springs tomorrow
for celebrations with Mom and dad and family.
10 23:59 JB been very busy filming and feel bad
I have not tweeted. hope to rectify that.
11 00:00 JB Dont ask Torchwood questions as I cant answer...
But get to Comic con if you can..


Daryl Crittenden, via YFrog
As mentioned above, Friday was a day off for John Barrowman as it was his birthday, but work continued for the rest of the cast and crew as usual.

10:32 ST Concept meeting for episode 7.
Creativity is not only coming up with a brilliant story
it's bringing it to life on a budget. Oye!!
14:28 DC Heading to set on #Torchwood today....
time to make the doughnuts!
17:08 ST Hint pink flamingo
18:50 DC This is a light post. Only a lightpost. #Torchwood
18:51 DC Ps had a blueberry doughnut yum. #Torchwood

Filming also continued around the Yard, as observed by Dina Kampmeyer:
11 19:01 Okay, trying not freak out, but torchwood is filming 20 feet away from me.
If my bf can get me on set, i may just freak.
12 14:45 I was having a drink at Villains & they were filming next door.
They were packing up, but I was there!
12 14:47 The set was all dark & dank. Looks like maybe a basement or tunnels
where creepy aliens would hide.

Finally, we're pleased to include a special report on life as an extra, courtesy of Maria Zambrana:
Read Maria's Report:
I worked on the second unit of "Torchwood: Miracle Day" last night, (Ep5, I believe?), as one of about 150 people for the night shoot. We didn't have to sign a confidentiality agreement like I did in Episode 1 (two months ago), but common sense dictates that it'd be wise not to go into extreme detail, no?

We were shooting on "French Street" on the Warner Bros. lot (that's a street name not the location setting!), and our holding was this empty building on the corner. The room filled up pretty quickly so, despite it being a bit chilly, others took their folding chairs and lined up along the sidewalks. I found that the "store" next to this one was empty, so I simply went in there and had the place to myself. A props cart was set up right outside the door where we picked up a few items.

There were some background people there that performed two or three different roles and got there around 3pm or so, and another lump of people brought in just for the one scene (7:45pm., 8pm., etc.). We were ostensibly broken up into groups (Group A, Group B, etc.) but that's just a basic early-stage organizational thing; by the time filming takes place, you're just swept up en masse into the action. The only thing that matters is your call time... as in, the 3pm. call time allowed the earlier people to be dismissed earlier. Also, they got lunch - we didn't get any food on set, save for some people who scavenged their leftovers before catering threw them away (this food-raid done at the encouragement of one of the A.D.s, incidentally, who was rather put off by the fact that catering was not available to everyone).

(This is why I always make sure to eat before I go to a set, and to bring my own water. You can't rely on a production to take care of you. I was on the set of final episode of "24" and the entire building ran out of toilet paper. Guess who the only extra was that brought their own roll that day?)

Eve Myles was the only main cast member on our part of the lot; there were two units, ours and another over at Warner Ranch, but I've no idea what they were shooting or who with. At one point, upon finding out that one of our number was a big "Doctor Who" and "Torchwood" fan, she took a few minutes to pose with and take photos with the guy, which put him on Cloud 9! So sweet of her to do that.

All in all, though, the shoot went well. We all did one rehearsal walking around the block, past our holding area, and back to our starting positions. Then we made three or four more circles, wearing and carrying our props (aw, c'mon, why should I spoil what they were?). And we were done! Check-in to sign-out was about six hours, and a good four of those hours was wasted at wardrobe and holding.

Source - Dr who news page

Staggering Stories Podcast #101: Chap with the Wings


Adam J Purcell, Jean Riddler and Keith Dunn talk about the Doctor Who: Inferno, reminisce about the wonderful Nicholas Courtney and his great Doctor Who character Brigadier Sir Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, find some general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

Listen to it Here

Celebrating the Series: The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang

And so, after 11 episodes, countless monsters and a million memories, we came to the series finale: The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang. The adventure had a number of stand-out moments, from the Doctor's speech by Stonehenge to the heart-pounding finale. But here's what you thought of it...

'My favourite episodes of the last series were the last two,' Laura told us. 'The way the whole series had to be written so that these would work and the jumping back and forward was genius. The series was like a treasure hunt... and the prize was the fantastic surprise for the Doctor! All of the enemies from the past and the present (and future) and the Doctor still beat them!'

Many people were thrilled by the collection of old foes the Doctor faced and Alex said, 'The scene in The Pandorica Opens when the Doctor finds out what the Pandorica was for was brilliant... the big trio of the Daleks, Cybermen and Sontarans explaining their plan was a fantastic watch! Glued to the screen!'

Ashton got in touch to say, 'The arm of the Cyberman was AWESOME. The sun's going out of the end of the episode was amazing... The BEST part of this episode though was the gathering of the enemies working together to stop the Doctor!!! They honestly thought they could outsmart him!'

The gathering was a surprise for John who commented, 'The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang was the best finale ever. It brought back Rory, which made me happy and it had all of the Doctor's enemies teaming up on him to save the universe... I didn't see that coming.'

Conal's favourite moment was '...the Doctor's speech to the massive fleet of ships. I. AM. TALKING!' Many people enjoyed that moment with Tayfun calling it 'my favourite moment of Doctor Who'.

Claire was another fan of the adventure, citing her fave moments... 'Every single thing about the last fifteen minutes of The Pandorica Opens. The reveal that the Romans were Autons, Amy remembering Rory, the revelation that the Pandorica was meant for the Doctor, River stuck in the exploding TARDIS, Rory shooting Amy, the beautiful music and the chilling final shot of the stars exploding... Best cliff-hanger ever.'

Clementine wrote to us from France and called the adventure 'outstanding'. But one phrase relating to Amy's wedding struck her and she told us, 'One last thing. 'Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue' will definitely be said at my wedding. Well, that's about it. Actually, it's not, I could write about this for hours, but I must stop somewhere, right?'

Well, bon courage for your wedding, Clementine, and you're right. This has got to stop somewhere... We hope you enjoyed revisiting the Eleventh Doctor's adventures to date and frankly we can't wait for the new series to start! Massive thanks to everybody who wrote to us. We read every email and tried to include as many of your thoughts as possible... it's been brilliant reading your opinions - some of them unexpected, many of them witty and several which we found genuinely moving. Thanks for taking part and we hope to hear from you again soon!

Source - BBC Dr who

Dr who quotes Daleks The pandorica opens

Supreme Paradigm Dalek: You have been scanned. Assessed. Understood... Doctor.
Supreme Paradigm Dalek: The cracks in time are the work of the Doctor. It is confirmed!
The Doctor: No, no, no, not me, the TARDIS! And I'm not in the TARDIS, am I?
Dalek Paradigm Supreme: Only the Doctor could pilot the TARDIS.
The Doctor: Please! Listen to me!
Dalek Paradigm Supreme: You will be prevented!

Doctor Who - What I've Done (By pollydoo08)


Doctor Who Series 5 Transcript– Vincent and the Doctor


The Curse of Fatal Death Part 1

To celebrate the return of Doctor Who to Comic Relief, we've got the mini-adventure written by Steven Moffat for 1999's Red Nose Day.

The adventure is an affectionate parody and features the Doctor, the Master and an army of Daleks. It stars Rowan Atkinson, Richard E Grant, Jim Broadbent, Hugh Grant, Joanna Lumley, Julia Sawalha and Jonathan Pryce.

It was written by Steven Moffat, who, of course, went on to become Doctor Who's Lead Writer and Executive Producer. His fellow Executive Producer on The Curse of Fatal Death was Richard Curtis who later wrote Vincent and the Doctor.

Part one of The Curse of Fatal Death is below... we'll be bringing you part two on Wednesday.

Red Nose Day is Friday, 18 March and amongst all the brilliant stuff that's going out on the big night on BBC ONE, the Doctor, Amy and Rory will be returning! They're back in an adventure specially written by Steven Moffat and directed by Richard Senior.

To find out more and to get involved in Red Nose Day, visit the website

Dr who filming pictures from last week

View loads more Here

Doctor Who Comic Relief Preview

Doctor Who premiere date, plot details, poster revealed


Doctor Who fans, your wait is almost over. EW has learned the premiere date of the new season of the international cult hit, plus some plot details and we have a first look at the show’s marketing art.

BBC America will launch Doctor Who on Saturday, April 23 at 9 p.m ET. That’s Part One of a two-part opener penned by show runner Steven Moffat (who also did


the BBC’s Sherlock reboot — rent it if you’re a Holmes & Watson fan and haven’t seen it yet). This season also includes guest star Mark Sheppard (Supernatural, Battlestar Galactica). Alex Kingston (ER, Flash Forward) is returning for this round too.

The premiere description has the Brit team filming in North America for the first time: “The Doctor (Matt Smith), and his companions Amy (Karen Gillan) and Rory (Arthur Darvill), find themselves on a secret summons that takes them on an adventure from the desert in Utah — right to the Oval Office in 1969.”

Doctor Who underwent some changes last season when Moffat took over the lead writing duties on the show and Smith stepped into the starring role. The show jumped to record ratings for BBC America and was a top seller on iTunes behind only AMC’s Mad Men and Fox’s Glee.

Here’s an exclusive first look at the new Doctor Who poster:

Matt Smith wants Doctor Who separation with New Gay Character


'Doctor Who' star Matt Smith is hoping his new TV role as a gay young man in 'Christopher and His Kind' will separate him from his role in the BBC One sci-fi drama.

Matt Smith hopes his latest TV role will separate him from 'Doctor Who'.

The 28-year-old actor, who has shot to fame playing the Time Lord in the BBC One series says he wants his portrayal of a young gay man in 'Christopher and His Kind' to show his diversity.

He said: "Hopefully people see me as actor who can adapt to different roles and I'm very grateful to 'Doctor Who' for giving me the platform to do it - it's one of the favourable things about having a great role like that.

"But hopefully, watching this, you don't see the Doctor."

The star added that playing Christopher Isherwood - a 1970s pioneer of open sexuality - in the new drama was difficult because he was aware he has to separate the character from the time-travelling Doctor.

When asked if he found the role challenging, he replied: "Challenging the perception that I can only be one thing, yes. I mean, I always want to do varied work that is challenging - this is a great story

"I don't think it has any bearing on whether I'm straight or purple or Bognor Regis or whatever; you can be anything. The point is you pretend and make it all up. I'm just an actor playing a part."

A Christmas Carol OST CD

The soundtrack, which features music from the 2010 Doctor Who Christmas Special, will also feature Katherine Jenkins on a track titled 'Abigail's Song'.

The music is composed by Murray Gold and performed by the excellent BBC National Orchestra of Wales and Crouch End Festival Chorus.

See it Here

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