Tuesday 5 May 2009

New Doctor Who Cardboard Cutouts

It has recently been revealed that a third wave of Doctor Who cardboard cutouts will be released on Friday. This wave will consist of four new cardboard cutouts and they will be of; the 10th Doctor in his brown suit, Captain Jack Harkness, Davros and the Supreme Dalek. They will be released in most collector shops across the country and each cutout will go on sale at an RRP of £29.99. All four of these cutouts will join the eleven previously released cutouts which are of; the 10th Doctor in his blue suit and brown coat, Martha Jones, a Cyberman, a Dalek, the Master, an Ood, a Scarecrow, a Weeping Angel, Dalek Sec, K9 and the Tardis. You can view more information about these previous cardboard cutouts here where you can also view more information and this upcoming wave. Will you be purchasing any of these new Doctor Who cardboard cutouts when they are released later this week?

Rose and The Other Doctor In 4:18?

I received some very interesting email earlier this afternoon, here we go...
Just found out this morning that Tennant is coming up to London on Friday to shoot a scene with Billie Piper. And it is literally just the one scene. Episode 4.18, Scene 163 to be precise. They're going to be out on location in a reasonably public place so there's some chance of photos but I don't want to be too specific in case the descent of hordes of 'Doctor Who' fans prompts anyone to try and find out where the information originated.
No idea what the scene actually entails but the Call Sheet lists the characters as "The Other Doctor" and "Rose Smith" so draw your own conclusions!
I am the first to admit this may be rubbish, but it has something that tells me it could be true!
Rose Smith? - Has Rose Tyler married the other doctor?
Sarah Janes cameo farewell is scene 153 and the bookstore is scene 155, so scene 163 isn't too high!

Doctor Who & The Face On Mars

(Click for a Larger, Sharper Image)

I've just remembered this, so I thought I'd share!
In 1976, NASA photographed the Cydonia area of Mars, which resulted in the now famous face on Mars photograph being published. The area has since been re-photographed and proven the face is nothing to get excited about, however...
When I first saw the image, the first thing I thought of was Cybermen (Classic, not new of course), I wonder why Doctor Who writers didn't notice the similarity also? I know Mars is more Ice Warriors and Sutekh than Cybermen, but it would have been a very clever story!
Or am I wrong and I've missed something, Doctor Who novels maybe?

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