Wednesday 6 August 2008


Adipose. It's called an Adipose. Made out of living fat. Stripped from ordinary human...

The Doctor and Donna look at each other. Both are stunned by surprise.

DOCTOR (mouthing through the window)

DONNA (mouthing too)

But... what? Wha... What?!


But... how?

It's me!

Well, I can see that!

Oh this is brilliant!

But what are you doing there?

I was looking for you!

What for?!

DONNA (miming)
I, came here, trouble, read about it, internet, I thought, trouble = you! And this place is weird! Pills! So I hid. Back there. Crept along. Heard this lot. Looked. You! Cos they...

She gestures and looks toward Miss Foster. Who is staring at her. Just like Penny and the guards. Donna freezes.

Are we interrupting you?

DOCTOR (mouthing)

Get her!

The Doctor locks the office door with the sonic screwdriver, then uses it to elevate the cradle back to the roof.

2009 Specials and series 5

Filming Schedule:
Filming has wrapped for the 2008 Christmas special. Filming for the 2009 specials will commence in January 2009 (Tennant will begin filming on the 9th Jan) with the filming for series 5 starting later that Spring.

The Christmas Special for 2008 has already been filmed. In 2009 there will be either three or four hour-long specials, one of which will broadcast at Easter and another of which will broadcast on Christmas 2009. Two will be written by RTD, and the rest will be co-written by him

And as for how many specials there are:
Three specials were mentioned in the original press release. DT confirmed four on the Andrew Marr show. DWM 397 also confirmed four specials for 2009. The Guardian said there were five in total. The latest information from Julie Gardner mentions four specials (including Christmas 2008) then mentions DT coming back to film them.

One of the Specials may be taking place partially or entirely in a location outside the UK.

For the Christmas Special:
Many have speculated this is based on the audio "The One Doctor" - according to "very good, close sources", this episode is indeed based on that audio, and is a light comedy after the tearjerker of the finale. DM is the fake Doctor, and the Cybershades are fakes made by Morrissey's character, only for the real Cybermen (and the real Doctor) to show up...


* Ace (Sophie Aldred)
* McGann rumoured to return in the second 2009 special, in an episode directed by Graham Harper (heard by a few people but apparently the "latest sources" say this is not happening)
* Brian Blessed may make his return to the show
* Agynes Deyn is reported as being in one of the specials.
* Rumour on IMDB that Bad Girls star Alicia Eyo has been offered a companion role for one of the specials; a role that may play into full-time companion for series 5
* John Simm - instead of a small cameo in series 4, plans were changed to bring the Master in a much bigger way in the specials
* Georgia Moffet may also be returning as Jenny.

Heroes and Villains

* Sea Devils. "The return of The Sea Devils is definitely planned and all preliminary work has long since been concluded."
* Winston Churchill (for specials or series 5) - reputedly TV people asked for his removal from "Revenge of the Judoon" so he could be kept in reserve.
* According to Julie Gardner, characters and storylines from last series will not necessarily be picked up for the specials


RTD is leaving and Moffat taking over for series 5. It'll be back to the original 13 episodes format. As for writers of the episodes, there are rumours abound that Neil Gaiman and Rob Shearman may be writing episodes for series 5

When asked what he knew about the rumour Rob Shearman replied "Only that it's news to me!"

Gaiman says on his blog that Gaiman HAS had dinner with the Moff but "if it ever gets to the point where I know that I'm actually, definitely, for certain, writing an episode of Doctor Who, I'll post it here. In big red letters. Or green. You'll know when it happens, trust me."

According to DWM, apparently "THEY'RE BACK"
Although we don't actually know what or who "They" are.

The Doctor
RTD refuses to say whether Tennant will return for series 5. RTD says he "knows when David is leaving..." DT has made his decision and the BBC knows what it is. He then went on to say that he blatantly lies about the future of Doctor Who....

According to the Sun, DT will leave after the four specials "and a movie"

A rumour from "a fairly good source" says that Andy Pryor has cast DT's replacement. There was a short list of names - including one woman. The rumour also suggested DT would not be in all specials...

There is also a rumour that the last special is being filmed with two endings to allow DT maximum time to consider his return (they did this for Parting of the Ways as well)

Supporting Cast

* Kylie to return? Old rumours from early 2008
* Negotiations in train to get back Alex Kingston (River Song) and Georgina Moffett (Jenny) for series 5?
* Tom Baker?!

Much thanks to everyone who shared these tidbits, and for Canterbury who put it all together. I salute you!

Hamlet And David Tennant

The RSC production of Hamlet officially opened last night and the press reviews have been positive. The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian and The Independent have been favourable towards David Tennant's portrayal of the Dane with words like 'riveting', 'energetic' and 'mesmerising' being bandied about.

Your humble reporter will be reviewing the show at the end of August.

Daily Telegraph has also kindly offered up some new images.

Doctor Who Could Beat The Stig

Well, you may have missed this but Top Gear put David Tennant in the Reasonably Priced Car late last year. Recently, some bods at the BBC had a muck around with the VT and came up with something new.

You can find about how it came to be on the BBC official Doctor Who website.

Catherine Tate More Loved Than Hated

It’s official, well sort of, after all the dust has settled that Catherine Tate as Donna Noble is more loved than hated. Using the uniquely scientific method of typing the terms ‘love catherine tate Doctor Who’ and ‘hate catherine tate Doctor Who’ into Googlefight produces the following results.

Love: 178,000 (79.9%)

Hate: 44,800 (20.1%)

Now, I wonder if Donna Noble can beat all the other companions?

I Wonder What The Companions Look Like Quiz

From her recent appearances in Doctor Who, and of course in her very own spin-off show, it’s fair comment to say that Elisabeth Sladen (aka Sarah Jane Smith) has aged rather well. I wondered if the same could be said for all the Doctor’s companions…

With that in mind, here’s a little quiz. Here are ten recent photos of actors who’ve travelled in the Tardis. Give yourself a point for the character name, and another for their real name. There are no prizes, just the satisfaction that you know stuff. Answers at the bottom of the post…











1. Ace (Sophie Aldred) 2. Romana II (Lalla Ward) 3. Jo Grant (Katy Manning) 4. Adric (Matthew Waterhouse) 5. Polly (Anneke Wills) 6. Mel Bush (Bonnie Langford) 7. Leela (Louise Jameson) 8. Vislor Turlough (Mark Strickson) 9. Peri Brown (Nicola Bryant) 10. Steven Taylor (Peter Purves)

The Cybermen Are Everywhere

BBC Worldwide are responsible for syndicating Doctor Who across the globe and last year, Doctor Who was the top five highest grossing programme, followed by Planet Earth, Top Gear, Spooks and Robin Hood. (source: BBC Annual Review 2008)

So, if you thought German speaking Daleks in the series four season finale Journey’s End was novel, consider that it’s being sold and translated globally.

Courtesey of YouTube, here’s The Doctor doing batle with Cybermen in Japanese.

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