Tuesday 3 May 2011

Latest Dr who magazine cover

Remember the latest Dr who magazine is out this thursday (05/05/2011)

Found on twitter DWMtweets

Dr who The Curse of the Black Spot radio trailer

SFX - Doctor Who: Karen Gillan interview

SFX: Are you loving the clothes you’re getting to wear for this story?

“Yeah, this is my favourite outfit so far. It’s just really cool, it’s a massive pirate coat! I have a hat normally as well, and it’s just cool!”

SFX: So did she get this outfit from the TARDIS?

“These were picked up in the pirate ship. This is a pirate coat and a hat that she’s added to her outfit because, y’know, it just adds to her dramatic entrance with the sword.”

SFX: Were you into pirates when you were a little girl?

“Never, never. I’ve never really had an interest in pirates, but this is swaying it, yeah!”

SFX: We gather you’ve been doing lots of waving a cutlass around – have you had anyone’s eye out?

“Er, no I haven’t, and everyone was really nervous when I got a sword in my hand – like really nervous – but I was actually fairly co-ordinated, which was a surprise to all of us. I really, really got into it and I would actually like to take up sword fighting as a hobby – I really, really loved it! I just found it really fun. That’s actually one of the funnest days that I’ve ever had at work, when I got to do a fight sequence with a sword.”

SFX: Do they train you, or do they just push you out with a sword and say, “Wave that about a bit”?

“No, we choreographed an entire sequence which involved loads of blocking and then swiping. So I learned the whole thing, practised for two days beforehand and then we shot it, and yeah, I think it looks good.”

SFX: Did you have a stunt double, or is it just you?

“All of the stuff in the pirate episode is me, apart from one stunt which I wasn’t allowed to do. But I did as much as I was allowed to do.”

SFX: And how was swinging from the rigging?

“Really scary at first, and then I just loved it and rehearsed it loads, when we didn’t need to, because I enjoyed it that much. Then Arthur and I collided during a scene and the back of his head really hit my nose, so everyone was freaking out, but it wasn’t that bad! So I was trying to calm everyone down, saying ‘I’m fine!’ ‘No, we shouldn’t have put you on the ropes!’ We continued to do it for ages after that – I loved it!”

SFX: Were you any good on the ropes in PE at school?

“I remember the one and only time I went on a rope and I couldn’t get anywhere, because I have no upper body strength, so I couldn’t actually get off the ground! So thankfully when I was doing the stunt, swinging across the rigging, I had a harness and men on wires doing everything for me.”

SFX: Did you do anything to get into the pirate zone, like watch any films?

“I watched Pirates Of The Caribbean, the first one. I watched a bit of Keira Knightley doing a bit of fighting, just to get into it.”

SFX: We gather there was a huge crowd gathered while you were filming on the ship down in Cornwall. Is it weird trying to do your job when you have so many bystanders?

“Well, quite often we have a crowd if we’re filming in a public place, but we’ve never had a crowd that big, I think, who’d specifically come down just to see the filming. And they were just screaming constantly! So it was quite difficult to act when they’re in your eyeline, but it was really nice that they came down because they weren’t shouting horrible things, they were really excited.”

SFX: What were they shouting?

“Like, ‘Matt! Matt! I love you! Amy! Rory!’ Just names.”

SFX: We’ve seen Lily Cole on set, all painted green! Do you ever look at her and think, “God, I wish I was looking nuts like that”?

“Well I’m kind of split, because I know that she had to get up at four in the morning to get that green but no, I think it’d be really fun to do something like that, really really fun, to get to do something completely different. Though I think there is something of that nature – though not green – coming up for me later on in the series…”

SFX: When you think of pirate movies you think of parrots on shoulders and wooden legs and all that. Are they going for that, or is it a more realistic portrayal of how it actually was?

“I think there’s a bit of both, actually. I mean it is kind of big, swashbuckling adventure, but then they go into the story of the stowaway, a little boy, and there’s some sadness as well. So that’s good. I remember, actually, that they made the decision to not do cheesy pirate voices, so they’re kind of keeping it a bit more real.”

SFX: Is there any other historical period that you’d love to do in the series?

“Hmm. I always say I want to go back to the ’60s, but then I think, ‘Well, is that really very exciting for a Doctor Who episode? Because what would the monster be? And yeah, when you can go and do stuff like pirates… Maybe something like Victorian times? That’s been done before, hasn’t it?”

SFX: Is there anything that you’re really into where you think ‘I’d love to do that in Doctor Who’?

“I’m really into The Addams Family – can we go there? And also I’m a really big fan of Little Shop Of Horrors, so maybe there could be some sort of killer plant?”

SFX: Or a musical episode?

“A musical episode with a killer plant! Yeah, done!”

Dr who - series 6 Talking about the little girl, omega and the silence

A Talk on (Chatango - Tardis chat) between me (Emma - Themasterstoe), Rob (EternalDalek) and Skaro (Theskarorevenger) This morning we were talking about omega, series 6, the little girl who regenerated and the silence.

Themasterstoe2: Doesn't anything that the silence "could" be something to do with the time lords

EternalDalek: Probably the Silence are working for somebody else, but they want to rebel against that person maybe?

Themasterstoe2: probably omega

EternalDalek: Unless Omega founded some sort of organization early on in Time Lord history?

Themasterstoe2: Annnd why didn't the doctor detect the girl (as in why didn't he smell her as a time lady ) if you get me (ect the end of time)

Themasterstoe2: I'm wondering if omega was resurrected for the time war and like the master he ran away and built an organization

EternalDalek: To protect himself or something?

EternalDalek: And maybe the girl is the result of Omega's experiments?

EternalDalek: Because the little girl can only survive in the suit, hence her regeneration. Maybe Omega distorted Time Lord biology so much the Doctor didn't recognize her?

Theskarorevenger: but what i want to know if the girl was fatally dieing, how did she survive 6 months?

So what do you think could omega have something to do with the silence? could the time lords be returning? (who knows)

Please comment and say what you think

the silence can plant something in your head without you knowning it...
they could have done it to amy - making her think shes not pregnant when she is
Perhaps they could have done it to the doctor to - making him think that the time lords are dead when they are actually alive.

BAFTA Cymru Nominations 2011

Hot on the heels of the BAFTA Television Award nominations (with Matt Smith up for the Best Actor award) come the nominations for the 2011 British Academy Cymru Awards; as with previous years Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures are represented in a number of categories:
Music and Entertainment Programme
Last summer's Doctor Who at the Proms is nominated in this category; it was produced by Paul Bullock, whose work on BBC Young Musician 2010 with Steve Freer is also up for the award, plus Llangollen 2010: Uchafbwyntiau Dydd Mercher (Gareth Williams, Hefin Owen).
Children's Programme
This category sees spinoff series The Sarah Jane Adventures nominated for Death of the Doctor, produced by Brian Minchin; other nominations for this award are an episode of documentary series My Life focusing on the impact on a child with My Dad in Prison (Stephanie Harvie Campbell, Inge Hanson, Rachel Evans), and an episode of pre-school documentary series Y Diwrnod Mawr on farming with Sion Pyrs (Nia Ceidiog).
Editing: Fiction
Editor William Oswald is nominated in this category for his work on The Time of Angels; other nominations here are Kevin Jones for S4C's drama Pen Talar, and John Gillanders for BBC daytime drama The Indian Doctor.
Make Up and Hair
This category sees Barbara Southcott nominated for her work in Vampires of Venice; Pen Talar also features in this category with a nomination for Nel Bat, whilst Moffat's other successful series Sherlock sees Claire Pritchard in the running for her work on the episode The Great Game (as well as working in earlier series of Doctor Who she has also recently worked on the forthcoming Torchwood: Miracle Day).
A Christmas Carol is featured here, with the nomination to Tim Ricketts for his work on this episode; Sherlock's Bang Post Production Team are nominated forThe Great Game, whilst talent show Cyngerdd Mawr Talent Cymru is represented through Toby Alington's nomination.
Matt Smith's opening story The Eleventh Hour is represented here with Mark Hutchingson being nominated in this category; he'll be facing Bernie Davis for the final of BBC Young Musician 2010, and Nigel Catmur for Only Men Aloud.

Dr who - The curse of the black spot CBBC trailer

Dr who - More promo pics from The curse of the black spot!

The BBC have released a few more promo pics from Curse of the black spot More of these can be found Here!

Tardis Radio


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