Monday 1 August 2011

The Timelord50 Needs You!

doctor who needs youtumblr_ll6rx6TJjf1qbry2bo1_500

We here at the like to think that our community is more that just watching the television show, it's a celebration of it! But we could do with a little help to make this community and it's blogger site grow.

Would you like to write for us?

We are looking for contributors to our site, people who may have ambitions to be writers and maybe have a passion for writing about Doctor Who!  Ideally people who are Doctor Who fans and can do reviews about your favourite stories, characters or merchandise!  In short any article about the series or it's many spin-offs!  But like the show itself we like to keep it upbeat. Any negative opinions should be balanced as it's a policy of the not to deride any of the television stories.

So if you would like to put yourself forward as a contributor, please get in touch with us.  You can either DM or tweet @timelord50blog, you can also email us too, contact details are

We look forward to hearing from you all.

Craig Ferguson 7/29/11E Late Late Show Matt Smith

Your Song - Captain Jack

A Doctor Who/Torchwood fanvid about Captain Jack. He's thinking about his two lives - the one with the Doctor, and the one with Torchwood.

Found on Youtube

The Sunmakers (DVD) Released today

Starring Tom Baker and Louise Jameson


Doctor Who Monopoly Limited Edition

Back in April i posted about this and today it is out at Forbidden planet - the game features all our greatest heroes, villians and monsters. planets and places. and it can be bought Here

Tardis Radio


To listen you must install Flash Player. Visit Draftlight Networks for more info.

Launch in external player