Wednesday 3 November 2010

io9's What's standing between us and time travel?

In this week's "Ask a Physicist" io9 gives some design specs to the practical time traveler.

What's standing between us and time travel? Is it true that we'll only really be able to move forward in time (as a result of relativistic travel, for example), or is backwards travel just as feasible once the mechanism is discovered?

More Here and also doctor who get a mention :)

The Sarah Jane Adventures The Empty Planet Part 2 CBBC Extra - Behind the Scenes


Doctor Who 20 things from the series 5 boxset

1. There will be a speech in the Christmas special about the Doctor not having a hat.

2. Matt Smith calls Karen Gillen “Plumpy sparrow” because she likes to eat but doesn’t put on weight.

3. The “Jeff co-ordinates the experts via his laptop” scene in “The Eleventh Hour” was originally going to take place in a classroom full of kids (without the porn references)…

4. Also in “The Eleventh Hour”, during the video conference, the guy above Patrick Moore is the director’s brother.

5. The cave corridors in the Silurian two-parter were redressed corridors from the Byzantium in the Weeping Angels two-parter (that’s why they’re both circular).

6. Karen calls her chin her “plural” because she thinks she has a double chin.

7. The Tennant-era TARDIS makes an unscheduled cameo appearance in “The Time Of Angels” – they used the wrong CGI version in the scene where River flies through space.

8. Matt Smith eats egg and cress sandwiches on set nearly every day.

9. In “The Time Of Angels” Matt Smith really did bite Karen’s hand. Her scream was for real.

10. The gondolas in “The Vampires Of Venice” were filmed in Caerphilly Castle moat and CGIed in later.

11. The Pandorica Chamber was the biggest set ever built for Doctor Who to date.

12. Matt bought a copy of football mag Match as a Secret Santa present.

13. Karen bought Matt a Katherine Jenkins calendar.

14. The line about the “final resting place of the Headless Monks” in “The Time Of Angels” was texted by Moffat to the crew when producer Piers Wenger felt that the ecclesiastical location needed some explanation.

15. Amy learnt about all the Doctor’s previous companions in-between “Flesh And Stone” and “The Vampires Of Venice”.

16. Mark Gatiss’s favourite colour is orange.

17. The Silurian voiceover during “Cold Blood” was a post-filming addition, scripted by Steven Moffat.

18. Mark Gatiss has been trying to sneak the phrase “arrows of the half-light” into a script for years (he failed again with “Victory Of The Daleks” – it was cut).

19. Alex Kingston was worried she would look like mutton dressed as lamb as Cleoptra.

20. Originally the book the Doctor finds in “The Time Of Angels” was going to have been written by one of the warrior clerics whom the Angels had sent back in time.



Why is the Doctor so cool?

Doctor who adventures magazine are putting together a brilliant feature for a future issue of Doctor Who Adventures, all about the things that make the Doctor the coolest hero in the universe and they want your help!

More Here

Karen gaillan wins cosmo award

Good news for Doctor Who fans: karen Gillan was awarded Ultimate UK TV Actress for her role as Amy Pond in the popular sci-fi television series Dr who 

More Here

Matt and Karen to appear on Daybreak next week

Matt Smith and Karen Gillan will be guests on Daybreak next Monday, 8th November!

the same day will mark the DVD/Blu-ray release of the complete boxset of their first series as the Doctor and Amy. The anticipated Series 5 soundtrack, the track listing for which was revealed last month, will also be available to buy. Later in the day, from 1:00PM, Matt and Karen will be signing copies of the boxset at HMV on Oxford Street, London.


Doctor Who A Celebration with David Tennant part 10

Dr who tenth doctor quotes Army of Ghosts

Rose:Planet Earth. This is where I was born. And this is where I died. The first nineteen years of my life, nothing happened. Nothing at all, not ever. And then I met a man called the Doctor. A man who could change his face. And he took me away from home in his magical machine. He showed me the whole of time and space. I thought it would never end.
The Doctor:How long are you going to stay with me?
Rose: Forever.
Rose: Well, that's what I thought. But then came the Army of Ghosts. Then came Torchwood and the war. That's when it all ended. This is the story of how I died.
The Doctor: When did it start?
Jackie: Well, first of all, Peggy heard this noise in the cellar. So she goes down...
The Doctor: No, I mean world-wide.
Jackie: You're always doing this, reducing it to science. Why can't it be real? Just think of it though, all the people we've lost, our families coming back home. Don't you think it's beautiful?
The Doctor: I think it's horrific.
The Doctor: Who you gonna call?
Rose: Ghostbusters!
The Doctor: I ain't afraid of no ghost!
The Doctor: I like that, "Allons-y". I should say allons-y more often. Look sharp, Rose Tyler, allons-y! And then it would be really brilliant if I met someone called Alonso, 'cause then I could say allons-y Alonso every time... you're staring at me.
Rose: My mum's still on board.
Jackie:If we end up on Mars, I'm gonna kill you!
Yvonne Hartman: You always travel with a companion. There's no point hiding anything. Not from us. So where is she?
The Doctor: Yes. Sorry, good point. She's just a bit shy, that's all.
The Doctor: But here she is, Rose Tyler! Hm, she's not the best I've ever had. Bit too blonde. Not too steady on her pins. A lot of that
The Doctor: And just last week she stared into the heart of the time vortex and aged 57 years. But she'll do.
Jackie: I'm forty!
The Doctor: Deluded. Bless. I'll have to trade her in. Do you need anyone? She's very good at tea. Well, when I say "very good" I mean not bad. Well, I say "not bad"— anyway, lead on. Allons-y—but not too fast. Her ankle's going.
Jackie: I'll show you were my ankle's going!
The Doctor: All those times I’ve been on Earth, I’ve never heard of you.
Yvonne Hartman: Well, of course not. You’re the enemy. You’re actually named in the Torchwood Foundation Charter of 1879 as an enemy of the crown.
The Doctor: 1879? That was called Torchwood. That house in Scotland.
Yvonne Hartman: That’s right. Where you encountered Queen Victoria and the werewolf.
Jackie: I think he makes half of it up.
Yvonne Hartman: Her Majesty created the Torchwood Institute with the express intention of keeping Britain great and fighting the alien horde.
The Doctor: But if I’m the enemy, does that mean I’m a prisoner?
Yvonne Hartman: Oh, yes. But we’ll make you perfectly comfortable.
Yvonne Hartman: She one of yours?
The Doctor:Never seen her before in my life.
Yvonne Hartman: Good. Then we can have her shot!
The Doctor: Oh alright then, it was worth a try. That's Rose Tyler.
Rose: Sorry. Hello!
Yvonne Hartman:Well if that's Rose Tyler, who's she!?
Jackie: I'm her mother!
Yvonne Hartman: Oh, you travel with her mother!?
Jackie: He kidnapped me!
The Doctor: Please, when Torchwood comes to write my complete history, don't tell people I travelled through time and space with her mother! 
The Doctor: I've got a reputation to uphold!
Yvonne Hartman: They're invading the whole planet.
The Doctor: It's not an invasion, it's too late for that. It's a victory.
Mickey: I know what's in there. And I'm ready for them. I've got just the thing.This is gonna blast them to Hell.
Rajesh: Samuel, what are you doing?
Mickey: The name's Mickey, Mickey Smith. Defending the Earth.
The Doctor: But I don't understand, the Cybermen don't have the technology to build a void ship, that's way beyond you. How did you create that sphere?
Cyber Leader: The sphere is not ours.
The Doctor:What?
Cyber Leader: The sphere broke down the barriers between worlds; we only followed. Its origin is unknown.
The Doctor:Then what's inside it?
Jackie: Rose is down there!
Mickey: That's not Cybermen...
Rose:Oh my God!
Black Dalek: Location: Earth! Lifeforms Detected! Exterminate!
All Daleks: Exterminate! Exterminate! EXTERMINATE!! EXTERMINATE!!!

Sarah Jane adventures Ratings - The Vault of Secrets

Part One of The Vault of Secrets had a confirmed audience of 731,000 viewers with Part Two getting 606,000 watching. Both episodes were repeated later in the week on BBC One where they had around 400,000 watching according to overnight figures. Final figures for the BBC One showing will be out later in the month.


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