Saturday 4 September 2010

DVD Files Extended AGAIN ...

They have been extended again -

The first twenty-eight issues covered series one to four of Doctor Who since its return in 2005, and from issue twenty nine they have covered the Doctor's past adventures. The publishers have now been given permission to sell the last four Tenth Doctor episodes, the Eleventh Doctor's series five episodes and Doctor Who Confidential's. They've also been given permission for Doctor Who Greatest Moments and The 2010 Christmas Special.

The Past Issues are alright as they include classic episodes which are the best in my opinion, I love the fact about the greatest moments and Series 5 + confidential. They are dragging this out. But my brother gets these monthly and lets me read the files and watch the dvds. He is alright at times. Please comment on your opinion.

See the list HERE

Karen Drops Phone

The Lovely Doctor Who companion, Karen Gillan was shopping in Oxford Street, London, speaking on her mobile phone and spotting a friend on the opposite side of the Road. Karen Ran across the road and ended up in dropping her phone. I don't know if she realized.

Fortunately, she was able to pick up her Mobile Phone and luckily it was still working.

Time To Introduce Myself

Hey ive been working with Timelord50 for quite a while now. Mainly on Doctor Who Media.

But now im on this blog, I will be posting news and youll have The Dalek Weekly Reviews , Random episode ever week stay tuned to this blog to find out more over the coming week. And Thank you everyone please visit doctor who media and please follow and bookmark this blog. There is quite alot of work to be done.

Thanks for visiting

Watch Online - K9 - Mind Snap

Timelord50 Episode Guide - Rose

1.01 Rose

read here

1.1 Rose

Rose Tyler, a young woman of 19 accidentally trapped one evening in the London department store where she works, finds herself surrounded by plastic mannequins that have come to life in the basement. She is saved by a man who introduces himself as "The Doctor" and tells her to flee the building. He then blows up the transmitter that controlled the mannequins from the store's roof, ravaging the building in the process. The Doctor visits the now unemployed Rose the next day and rescues her from a second attack by a mannequin's arm she had taken home unthinkingly, but refuses to give her more explanations.

Rose talks with her boyfriend, Mickey Smith, about her experience, and they find aconspiracy theory website that claims a man fitting the Doctor's description has appeared throughout history. Rose and Mickey visit Clive, the man who runs the website. While Rose is in Clive's house, Mickey is kidnapped by a wheelie bin and replaced with a plastic replicant. When the fake Mickey attempts to question Rose about the Doctor, the Doctor shows up and beheads the replicant. The Doctor takes Rose to his TARDIS, which is disguised as a 20th century police box, and attempts to use the fake Mickey's head to locate the controlling signal. The head melts, but Rose sees the transmitter outside the TARDIS. The Doctor explains to Rose that the fake Mickey was an Auton, controlled by the Nestene Consciousness, and that if he cannot stop it by using a vial of "anti-plastic" liquid, it will destroy all humans on Earth. He also explains to her that he is an alien.

The Nestene Consciousness has taken up residence beneath the London Eye. The Doctor tries to negotiate with it, but it gets angry when he identifies himself as a Time Lord, blaming him for the destruction of its home planet during "the time war." The Nestene Consciousness activates all the autons at the Queens Arcade, where several shoppers are shot dead, including Clive. The Doctor is overpowered by the Autons, but Rose rescues him and drops the "anti-plastic" into the vat where the Nestene Consciousness resided, killing it.

After fleeing the underground complex with Mickey, who was held hostage by the Nestene Consciousness, the Doctor offers Rose more adventures with him. Though Rose initially refuses as she is concerned about her mother and Mickey, she ends up joining the Doctor when he explains that the TARDIS can also travel in time as well as space.

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