Wednesday 12 January 2011

Who’s the Marked Man?

Most of you will remember that the recent Doctor Who Series 6 trailer featured River Song (Alex Kingston) and Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) with mysterious tally marks all over their skin in scenes from the opening two-parter. Many had assumed a connection between the characters as the pair were the only ones seen with the markings.

Now comes an interesting development. Previously unseen snaps from the Utah shoot, taken by location spy Chris Nuccitelli, reveal that Rory (Arthur Darvill) is also a marked man, as you can see in the picture below. Due to the quality, we can’t be sure they are definitely tally marks, but it just seems too coincidental to be something else.

Presumably someone is counting down to something. But who, what and why?

Other pics show that Rory is being chased by the men in black (who are also seen in the trailer chasing Amy).

The happens on a dam…

…and Rory ends up surrounded.

Just don’t look down!

So could the men in black be capturing the Doctors companions and taking them to Area 51? Are they hunting people with the markings? Speculate away!

Doctor Who Star to Play an Elf in The Hobbit?

File this under news that is too good to be true:Doctor Who's Tenth Doctor, David Tennant, might just be appearing in the upcoming Hobbit film. If that doesn't fill you with a strange amount of nerdy excitement, I don't know what will.

Tennant, pictured right in his stage role as Hamlet, who wrapped his role as the Doctor on the British sci-fi classic Doctor Who last January, has reportedly been "linked" to a role in the upcoming 2012 film The Hobbit, according to Digital Spy.

The role is that of Thranduil the Elven king, who Bilbo (Martin Freeman) will meet on his journey to destroy Smaug, the dragon. Thranduil is the father of the character Legolas (Orlando Bloom), who previously appeared in the Lord of the Rings film trilogy as a member of the Fellowship of the Ring protecting Bilbo's nephew, Frodo.

Tennant was previously rumored to be in the running for the lead role in The Hobbit, but was eventually beaten out by Martin Freeman of The Office fame. If these rumors are true and Tennant has been cast, he will join other famous British actors such as Sir Ian McKellen, Cate Blanchett, Elijah Wood, and Andy Serkis.

Personally, I would be more than happy to see Tennant nab a role in the film -- he's absolutely brilliant in everything he does, from Harry Potter to Doctor Who. His addition to the cast would be yet another reason to jump onboard The Hobbit fan-wagon.

Part One of the two-part film is expected to be released in December 2012, meaning that this film will effectively end the world.

The War Games

The War Games-title


The Doctor, Jamie & Zoe land in a war Zone


The three are captured by soldiers


Brought before General Smythe Jamie charged with desertion from Highlanders regiment, The Doctor & Zoe charged with espionage.


The Doctor faces a military firing squad


General Smythe taking orders from a mysterious man


With the help of a friendly Lieutenant, The Doctor & Zoe commandeer a military car in an attempt to rescue Jamie held in prison


Discovery of the computer screen in General smythe’s office


Attempting to Escape in military ambulance they run into a mysterious force field that changes everything


1917 version of starting a vehicle, crank, crank and hoping you don’t break an arm in the attempt


A new threat. Roman Soldiers


2 Generals from opposite sides in 1917 plot strategy on a map of the various war zones throughout history

Doctor who - seroes 6 - episode move

Steven Moffat has announced changes to the episode order for the 2011 series of Doctor Who.

Speaking to Doctor Who Magazine, the executive producer revealed he has shuffled the running order of the series with the Mark Gatiss penned story moving into the second half of the season, due in the Autumn.

The story was originally scheduled to run in the first part of the series due in the spring. The empty slot will now be filled by an episode written by Steve Thompson. Although new to Doctor Who, Thompson is an established writer who is best known for his work with Moffat as the author of the second Sherlock episode, The Blind Banker. He won the Arts Council's Meyer-Whitworth Award for new writing for his first play, Damages, in 2004.

Thompson's script will run as the third episode in the series, with the long awaited Neil Gaiman script moving into position four.

Moffat told the magazine the changes are purely to balance out the look of the series and to combat worries in the production team that there was "not enough outside" in the first half of the series.

Source- gallifreynewsbase

Doctor who - Shameless

Last night the latest episode of Shameless on channel 4 featured a few minutes of Dr who themed scenes 

Watch it Here - blogtorwho

The Doctor Meets The Doctor!

Forbidden planet

Matt Smith gets his very first look at the Eleventh Doctor Maxi Bust on The Graham Norton Show!

Torchwood quotes Meat

Rhys: Who'd you trust to transport your goods? Harwoods! You won't be sorry with a Harwoods lorry!
Gwen: Have you ever eaten alien meat?
Jack: Yeah.
Gwen: What was it like?
Jack: Well, he seemed to enjoy it.
Ianto: Pizza's arrived – thought it would be another late night.
Owen: What did you get?
Ianto: The usual. Meat feast.
Owen: Lovely.
Owen: So the protein chains are regenerating despite the mutilations, so not only is it replenishing its own flesh, but it's increasing it, giving them a brand new meat supply.
Gwen: It would last them for years, then.
Toshiko: If we understood how worked, we could feed the world!
Ianto: We could release a single.
Rhys: Well if you stopped and asked me exactly what I saw in there instead of showin' off...
Jack (aside): Do I show off?
Ianto: Just a bit.
Rhys: ...You'd know that I got out by telling them I wanted a job as a delivery boy! So rather than "cock things up", I found you a way to get in! But if you can't handle that, big boy, then you can stuff it!
Jack: This is quite homoerotic.
Jack: If we go in there, guns blazing Owen: I wasn't suggesting blazing. Just waving.
Jack: We're going to save it. Stabilize it, wait for the rift to open, and, fwooh, send it back.
Ianto: ...And guess who'll have to look after it in the meantime?

Torchwood quotes Meat

Rhys: Who'd you trust to transport your goods? Harwoods! You won't be sorry with a Harwoods lorry!
Gwen: Have you ever eaten alien meat?
Jack: Yeah.
Gwen: What was it like?
Jack: Well, he seemed to enjoy it.
Ianto: Pizza's arrived – thought it would be another late night.
Owen: What did you get?
Ianto: The usual. Meat feast.
Owen: Lovely.
Owen: So the protein chains are regenerating despite the mutilations, so not only is it replenishing its own flesh, but it's increasing it, giving them a brand new meat supply.
Gwen: It would last them for years, then.
Toshiko: If we understood how worked, we could feed the world!
Ianto: We could release a single.
Rhys: Well if you stopped and asked me exactly what I saw in there instead of showin' off...
Jack (aside): Do I show off?
Ianto: Just a bit.
Rhys: ...You'd know that I got out by telling them I wanted a job as a delivery boy! So rather than "cock things up", I found you a way to get in! But if you can't handle that, big boy, then you can stuff it!
Jack: This is quite homoerotic.
Jack: If we go in there, guns blazing Owen: I wasn't suggesting blazing. Just waving.
Jack: We're going to save it. Stabilize it, wait for the rift to open, and, fwooh, send it back.
Ianto: ...And guess who'll have to look after it in the meantime?

Tardis Radio


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