Saturday 19 September 2009

Alan Clark is at it again….



Alan clark is recently building yet another dalek model yet what makes this one special is yet unknown but i will find out.


Heres some pictures





Torchwood: The Musical



Just to prove that Torchwood fans have stolent he mantel of "most bonkers fan", a group of them are auditioning for players in a Torchwood music, reports musicals and hotel site

Aiming to go into production in early 2010, the producers are attempting to succeed in presenting a professional standard play - however the cast will not be compensated so as to avoid breaching copyright law.

Apparently 10 characters are required, including Captain Jack Harness, Owen Harper and Ianto Jones; Captain Jack's character breakdown requires the successful actor to sing in the style of John Barrowman.

You might have trouble thinking something like this up - hopefully the script will do the show justice, and if anyone involved is reading, we'd love to hear from you via the Connect page, if only to get a clue as to the plot.

Presumably in this version, Ianto doesn't die.

Or at least get's a rousing singalong send off.

Village of the Daleks


North Yorkshire seaside village Mablethorpe was rather horribly described as the "Village of the Daleks" (due to the perceived number of mobility scooters) in a Guardian article earlier in the summer - and one local businessman has taken particular umbrage with this tasteless reference to Doctor Who's greatest enemies.

Local paper The Louth Leader has reported how local businessman and owner of Sharky's bar Richard Borthwick has launched a tongue in cheek fightback, utilising a remote controlled Dalek toy and some clever camera angles.

Mr Borthwick, 46, said: "They think that because older and disabled people use these that we should be referred to as the 'Village of the Daleks'- well these things are a lifeline for some of the people around here."

Quite a shoddy remark to make - in fact the Guardian scribe responsible should win a Hack of the Week award for that..

More From Richard Curtis


Richard Curtis recently spoke to the BBC about his work on a Doctor Who script for the 2010 series of the show that sees Matt Smith Eleventh Doctor take Karen Gillan's Amy Pond on a spin through time and space

Curtis - the United Kingdom's most successful movie screenwriter - reveals little about the plot but does confirm that shooting on the episode begins in November.

Traditionally this would place the episode mid-series; however the BBC News site states that the episode is "likely to be shown in February" which would mark a departure from previous runs of the show since 2005.

"It features something very nasty and I hope it will be scary, funny and a bit touching," he said.

"Writing Dr Who is such a joy.  I started off overwriting him a bit, and Steven Moffat came to me and said 'He doesn't talk like that, he's informal, he's modern'.

"So I've crushed it down and added in a few colloquialisms and it's really fun."

"There are slices of comedy in it," he said.  "I've been aware because the plot is so strong that I can fool around and then frighten.  I wrote a chase today which is the most fun I've ever had."

Strong plot, fooling around and frightening? Sounds like a Steven Moffat script...

Tardis Radio


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