Saturday 2 October 2010

Dr who seventh doctor quotes Ghost Light

The Doctor:  All civilisation starts with hunting and foraging, but don't worry, you'll soon work your way up.
Light: I know you. I took you up as the last specimen of the extinct Neanderthal race from Earth. ... At least they knew when to stop evolving.
The Doctor: But you evolve too, Light.
Light: Nonsense.
The Doctor: Of course you do. You change, you adapt, all the time. Your attitude, your place, your mind... I mean, look at you now: you're no longer your original shape. And I don't think much of your catalogue- it's full of gaps.
Light:  All organic life is recorded!
The Doctor: What about the gryphons, the basilisks? You missed the dragons, the bandersnatches... then there are the slithy toves and the crowned Saxe-Coburg. 
Light: Where are these items?
The Doctor: I can't think how you missed them. You have to complete the catalogue before you destroy all life here.
Light: Control?
The Doctor: She's no use to you, she's evolved as well.
Light: No! All slipping away...
The Doctor: All is change, all is movement. Tell me, Light, haven't you just changed your location?
Light:  Not yet.
The Doctor: What's the matter, Light? Changed your mind?
Light: You are endlessly agitating, unceasingly mischievous, will you never STOP?!
The Doctor: I suppose I could. It would make a change.
Light: Nimrod- I can rely on you! Assist me now...
Nimrod: I'm sorry, sir, but my allegiance is to this planet- my birthright.
Light:  Everything is changing! All in flux! Nothing remains the same!
The Doctor: Even remains change. It's this planet- it can't help itself.
Light: I... will not change... I'll wake up soon. No... change... dead... 
The Doctor: Subject for catalogue: file under "imagination, comma, lack of".

Sarah jane adventures series 4 cast interviews

Tommy Knight plays Luke

How has Luke changed since The Sarah Jane Adventures started?

"He's changed in that he's maturing, he's not so much the nerdy kid anymore – although he still is a massive geek. But he's getting cooler and wearing nicer clothes!"

What's in store for him this series?

"Luke's going off to university, he did really well in his A levels and got all A*s, but he's having fears about leaving and the Nightmare Man sees those fears and starts picking on him. But he goes off to University, has a whale of time and comes back every now and again to save the day!"

What's it like to film the special effects?

"I've got a wild imagination so we'll do a scene when I'm supposed to be in a void and I'll just be surrounded by green. And sometimes we're supposed to be scared of an alien, but it's just a tennis ball on a big long pole. They will wiggle it around and the director shouts, 'Be scared, be scared!' The first time I did it we were supposed to be being chased up the stairs by an alien and trying to be scared of the director with this pole and tennis ball so we laughed a lot. But after a while you realise you just need to focus and get on with it. I've also done all my own stunts so far – I'm like Jackie Chan!"

How do you cope with the attention that comes with The Sarah Jane Adventures?

"I pick my little brother up from primary school and you can kind of imagine what that's like as a lot of them watch the show. My brother gets kudos for it though – everyone loves him because his big brother's on the telly! And once I was walking around Bluewater shopping centre with my mates and this group of people stalked us from shop to shop and when we turned around they'd hide!"

What's your favourite thing about filming The Sarah Jane Adventures

"My favourite scenes are always when we have explosions or dunkings. In the very first scene we shot for this we had to blow up the Slitheen. We had these big machines in front of us filled up with goo, then there was a countdown and we got bombarded with this gunky, gooey stuff. We had to be straight faced but we had goo dripping down our faces – it was so funny!"


Sarah jane adventures series 4 cast interviews

Anjli Mohindra as Rani Chandra

Are you like your character?

"Rani's like a much younger version of me. Like me she'll go in, do something then question it later. I think a lot of Sarah Jane's gang are like that. They'll go off and do things and then work out what's going on later. Because you can't really deal with the situations they're faced with by thinking about them first, you've got to go with your gut and do what you think is best."

How does the relationship between Rani and Clyde develop in this series?

"It's always very playful with Rani and Clyde. I can't say whether or not they'll get together but they do get closer. There's all sorts of interesting things happening in this series, the sort of things that people go through when they're 17. Relationships build and you see what impact that has on the friendship group as well."

What's the best alien you've encountered whilst filming the show?

"I quite like Androvax because you never know where he is. He's within someone but that person is trying to pretend that Androvax isn't inside them. From an actor's perspective it's quite fun and a real challenge when he takes you over."

Are there ever times you actually get scared during filming?

"Yes, sometimes you do. Especially with the haunted house stuff we did in Series Three. We were actually filming in a haunted place and I don't believe in that stuff at all, I think there's always a scientific explanation for everything, but there were so many sightings that when we came to do scenes when we were running away from stuff you think, there might actually be something here. Acting does get fused with reality."

This series sees the gang go back in time, if you could go back in time to any point in history, when would it be?

"I think I'd quite like to go back to slave trade times and try and show people how wrong it is. I'd like to go back to a big event in history and see what life was like, like to try and understand why people followed Hitler or used slaves."

What's been your favourite episode of this series?

"I love episodes five and six, we've got a guest on the show that all the fans will be really excited about. And it's really farcical – it's a bit like an episode of Scooby Doo!"


Sarah jane adventures series 4 cast interviews

Daniel Anthony who plays Clyde

Describe Clyde's character?

"Clyde would be my best mate ever. He's really funny and a laugh, so I'd definitely hang out with him. This series he's a lot older and more mature. You'll also see a little bit of romance and a lot more jokes."

What aliens will we be meeting in this series of The Sarah Jane Adventures?

"We've got a couple of new aliens. In the first story we've got the Nightmare Man who puts people into nightmares and freaks them out. We've also got the Shansheeth who are completely new and were created for us. They're like massive vultures."

Do you like doing the stunts?

"For one stunt I had to dive away from an explosion. Obviously, I watched it afterwards as I felt like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible – it looks wicked. It's quite daunting before you go for the take because you know you can only do it once, but it's good fun when it all comes together."

What was it like working with the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith?

"Matt Smith is an absolute legend, he's well cool. Last year we worked with David Tennant and he was wicked, so I think all the Doctors must have to have this quirkiness about them as they're both really chatty and lovely people. I guess it's because on Doctor Who they work with so many people they have to be really social and make people feel comfortable. Matt Smith loved his time on The Sarah Jane Adventures as far as I know and it was lovely to meet and work with him."

This series the gang do some time travel. Can you tell us about it?

"We do travel back in time looking for specific objects. I travel back to when the Nazis were here, Rani travels to Tudor times – she's in a corset with this massive dress which she loved - and Sarah Jane goes to a haunted house."

Where would you go if you could travel back in time?

"If I could go back in time I'd probably go back to when dinosaurs roamed the earth. When I was little I loved dinosaurs – so I'd love to see Raptors and a Tyrannosaurus Rex!"


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