Monday 22 November 2010

New Hat Matt (Utah Filming Pics)


Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah 0177

Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah 2700Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah 1837Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah 1853Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah 1866Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah 1876Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah 1929Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah 1935Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah 1947Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah 1950Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah 2021Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah 2262Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah 2504Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah 2515Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah 2528

My Take At The Christmas Carol DVD Cover

Christmas Carol DVD Cover 2

Christmas Carol DVD Cover 2






Doctor Who Christmas Special – A Christmas Carol Synopsis

Amy and Rory are trapped on a crashing space liner, and the only way The Doctor can rescue them is to save the soul of a lonely old miser, in a festive edition of the time-travelling adventure, written by Steven Moffat. But is Kazran Sardick, the richest man in Sardicktown, beyond redemption? And what is lurking in the fogs of Christmas Eve?

Amy Pond is played by Karen Gillan, Rory Williams by Arthur Darvill, The Doctor by Matt Smith and Kazran Sardick by Michael Gambon.


15 Minutes of Graceless Free

The Tracer twins Abby and Zara from the conclusion of Key 2 Time release The Chaos Pool on into brand new adventures as they slowly learn what it means to be part of an enormous galaxy.

Starring Ciara Janson and Laura Doddington, Graceless is a three-story box set written by Simon Guerrier and available to buy now. But because we love it so much, we thought we'd give you all the chance to have a listen to some of it as we're sure it'll win you over. By clicking here you can download the first 15 minutes of the opening story, which finds the twins both creating and solving trouble on The Sphere.

The fans have been very enamoured of the story so far, and here's a sampling of comments from the forums:
'Amazing! Listening to the first one right now and loving every second! It’s really dark, not what I expected and the music is really well done!'

'All in all a good listen, it's very dark and bleak and the baleful theme music put me in mind of the old BBV audios for some reason. I'm really hoping there's a season two and maybe has an extra story in it; after listening to season one I'd certainly buy it.'

'That was a good trilogy. It has a "sound" to it that is new and quite unusual. It brings a nice gritty heightened-reality feel. The rock-blues guitar theme was a nice touch. The scripts and performances were all very solid. I would be happy to listen to series two.'
Brian Doob

'We have to have a second series, this one is absolutely fantastic.'

'The whole story evolves in quite surprising, sometimes shocking, ways but I feel it's all handled with an expert touch.'


Watch Online–DW–S1–The End Of The World


Dr who filming utah series 6 update

Drive-by of Doctor Who filming in Utah And Here

The sun covers the filming Here

Loads More Pics Here - Source of pictures is Here and Some more pictures Here

Doctor Who VOTG filming (possible spoilers)

Keep up to date on filming reports on twitter Here

Dr who tenth doctor quotes The Fires of Pompeii

Donna: Don't our clothes look a bit odd?
The Doctor: Nah! Ancient Rome, anything goes. It's like Soho, but bigger!
Donna: Have you been here before?
Doctor: Hmm, ages ago, and before you ask, that fire had nothing to do with me. Well, a little bit. But I never got a chance to look around properly; Colosseum, Pantheon, w:Circus'd expect them to be looming by now. Where is everything? Let's try this way.  
Donna: I'm not an expert, but there's seven hills of Rome, aren't there? How come they've only got one? 
Donna:One mountain, with smoke, which makes this...
The Doctor:Pompeii. We're in Pompeii! And it's Volcano Day!
Lucius Caecilius Iucundus: Who are you?
The Doctor: I am... Spartacus.
Donna: And so am I.
Lucius Caecilius Iucundus: Mr and Mrs Spartacus?
The Doctor: Oh, no no no no no, we're not married...
Lucius Caecilius Iucundus: Oh, brother and sister? Yes, of course, you look very much alike.
The Doctor and Donna: Really?!
The Doctor: Well, caveat emptor...
Caecilius: Oh, you're Celtic?  There's lovely. 
Donna: No way!
The Doctor: Yes way, Appian Way!
Donna: You fought it off with a water pistol! I bloody love you!

Dr Who Quotes Book: "The Quotable Doctor Who" 2000 Quotations about the world's favourite Time Lord

Contact Information

Colin M Jarman

London, UK

London UK


"The Quotable Doctor Who" - Dr Who Quotes book: Volume One is a fully comprehensive cosmic and comic collection of 2000 biographical and thematic quotations about the world's longest-running sci-fi television show "Doctor Who" ... and about the time-travelling Time Lord himself, The Doctor. Running from 1963 to 2010, this book covers both Classic Who and the New Series, plus all eleven TV Doctors from William Hartnell to Matt Smith, and all companions from Susan Foreman to Amy Pond. Other subjects covered include the TARDIS, Sonic Screwdriver, Regeneration and Behind the Sofa.

Online PR News – 20-November-2010 – London, UK - November 19, 2010 -- Who said What about Doctor Who?
The Quotable Doctor Who
The TARDIS of Quotations Books

Volume One:
A Cosmic and Comic Collection of 2000 Biographical Quotations about The Doctor. Compiled & Edited by Colin M Jarman & Catherine A Davies.

Published on 7th December, 2010.
"I love this show as much as ever. It has not diminished as I feared it would. I can still catch a Jon Pertwee repeat on UK Gold and be happy as a Zygon."
Russell T. Davies in The Guardian (2005)

The Quotable Doctor Who Series delivers the first-ever, comprehensive collection of quotations about Doctor Who - the show and the character … in the words of those involved with the production, as well as considerable contributions from critics and fans, and more …

"The cliché about Doctor Who - that it had us 'hiding behind the sofa' - is more telling in its tone than its questionable factuality. It connotes nostalgia, and a pleasurable mixture of fright and fascination - above all it connotes domesticity. It united fear and soft furnishings in the British mind."
Sam Leith in The Daily Telegraph (2008)

The Quotable Doctor Who - Volume One contains 2000 interesting quotations and insightful comments about the TV show from the first black and white episode in 1963 to the HD wonders of 2010. This publication from Blue Eyed Books covers all eleven TV incarnations of the Doctor - both character and actor - William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith as well as other Film & TV Doctors - Peter Cushing & William Hurndall.

This deeply-researched and well-presented compendium also includes observations and opinions about all The Doctor's companions (from Susan Foreman to Amy Pond).

On The Doctors getting younger - "What is odd is that the companions have remained pretty much the same nubile, up-for-it age. They began as children out with a cranky magical uncle of a sort that was common in Edwardian children’s books, but have now ended up with an inter-galactic blind date."
A.A. Gill in The Sunday Times (2010)

There are special sections on The Doctor's 'accessories' from the TARDIS to his Sonic Screwdriver; along with the three Doctor Who movies & TV spin-offs such as Torchwood & The Sarah Jane Adventures. There are also specially chosen comments from other TV shows, movies and even quotations comparing The Doctor to other fictional characters.

"The TARDIS may have been impressively roomy but it would still only be a changing room for Superman."
Steve Tomkins in Third Way (2006)

The Quotable Doctor Who is published by Blue Eyed Books on 7th December making it the perfect Christmas present for the millions of Doctor Who fans around the world. The book can be pre-ordered online (Amazon, etc) or via the publisher's 'Dr Who' webpage at:

As the first volume in a series of Quotable Doctor Who books, this book will be the basis for an ongoing collection to complete the highly desirable set of matching, complimentary volumes covering the whole Doctor Who universe.

About the Authors
In a 'Time And Relative-Duality Interrelated Symbiosis' the co-authors of The Quotable Doctor Who coincidentally correlate with the original 1963 Doctor Who 'pairing'. Where William Hartnell (early 50s) and Carol Ann Ford (early 20s) played grandfather & grand-daughter, Colin & Catherine (uncle & niece) fit the same age group as their predecessors.

Colin M Jarman
With 30 books published since 1990, Colin has already penned 'biographies' on popular cultural icons James Bond, Roy of the Rovers, Fred Astaire and Judge Dredd. He fondly remembers the earliest 1960s incarnations of The Doctor from Hartnell to Pertwee as being iconic TV moments that ranked up there with the 1966 World Cup Final and the 1969 Moon landing. Unsurprisingly, Colin has focused on the Classic Who series …

Catherine A Davies
No relation to Who writer / producer Russell T. Davies, Catherine did, however, start her Doctor Who journey with RTD's New Series in 2005. After finding The Adipose cute and The Weeping Angels terrifying she can't wait to see what new adventures Matt and Amy get up to in 2011 and beyond.

About the Book
Pages: 250
Format: Paperback
Quotes: 2000
Size: 17.00 cm x 24.40 cm
ISBN: 9781907338151
Publish Date: 7th Dec, 2010
RRP: £14.99*
25% pre-publication discount £11.24 available on

Review copies with Author Interviews and Hi-Res Cover Images available on request.

Future Volumes of The Quotable Doctor Who to be published in 2011 ...

Volume Two: Enemies, Monsters & Other Characters
A broad selection of quotations about The Doctor's major enemies and scary monsters (from the Daleks to Weeping Angels, Silurians to Sontarans, Davros to The Master) plus a cast list of supporting / minor characters & famous guest stars from the TV show.

Volumes Three & Four: The Quotable Doctor Who Episode Guides
Critical reviews & first-hand, behind the scenes comments on all 32 seasons of the TV Show from ...
Vol 3 Classic Who: An Unearthly Child (1963) to Survival (1989)
Vol 4 New Series: Rose (2005) to Season Six (2011).

For more details on both volumes, go to

For more sample quotes from Volumes One and future Volumes, please go to the main Quotable Doctor Who webpage at - The Home of Humorous Quotations Books.

Other humour / quotes publications from Blue Eyed Books include:
James Bond: Licence To Quote - The Quotable 007; The Quotable Poker Player; The Quotable Fred Astaire; The Quotable Dancer and The Quotable Film Critic.
Future titles include: Olympic Wit, The Quotable Comic Book Hero, The Quotable Harry Potter and
The Quotable Michael Jackson

THE QUOTABLE DOCTOR WHO is not an authorised publication of BBC Worldwide or officially affiliated with the BBC TV show.

Contact :
Colin M Jarman
Blue Eyed books
London, UK

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