Monday 4 July 2011

Doctor Who show The Crash of the Elysium hits Salford

Torchwood: Miracle Day - Ten teasers

1. There's a cheeky reference to a deceased former Torchwood member (and no, it's not Ianto).

2. The chief villains from Torchwood: Children of Earth also get a mention, in a roundabout sort of way.

3. "The Founding Fathers had me in mind when they wrote the Constitution, don't you think?"

4. At one point, Rex makes a less than graceful escape.

5. "She should have run faster."

6. A certain drug familiar to Torchwood fans is utilised once again.

7. "First sign of trouble, you go running off with Captain Jack B*llocks."

8. Wales is the British equivalent of New Jersey.

9. "I've got to *** for this ******?!"

10. After lurking in the shadows for a while, Captain Jack makes a suitably heroic return.

Digital spy

A full Series of Doctor who in 2012

Yesterday Steven Moffat was interviewed at Comic con by Alain Carraz.

Moffat said "there will be the same number of episodes next year" and at the end he added "But its true that there will be a change in the mode of distribution. I would explain it all. Later."

He also confirmed that the BBC have been approached about the 50th anniversary of Doctor who in 2013.

Source - Life, Doctor who and combom

Dr who Eleventh doctor quotes City of the Daleks (Adventure games)

The Doctor: 1963. Such a good year.
Amy: That the year you bought that outfit, then?
The Doctor: You know, we can go see the Beatles play in 1963 - but the Ice Age is only a click away on the dial.
Amy: Can I meet John Lennon?
The Doctor: What? Not Ringo? Why doesn't anybody ever want to meet Ringo?
Amy: There's no such thing as a sexy drummer.
The Doctor: You know, I'd never considered that. Then again, why would I? 1963. The Beatles' first two albums. Sean Connery as James Bond, The Kinks, The Rolling Stones, Mary Quant, John Steed and Cathy Gale. Right now, out there London is the coolest place not just on Earth, but the whole galaxy!

Torchwood - mekhi phifer guests on the talk

Torchwood - Mekhi Phifer - guests on 'The... by pfyrestorm

UK trailer for Torchwood: Miracle Day

Torchwood arrives back on our screens in the UK next week. And we’re got a trailer for you to help bridge the wait a little…

Torchwood: Miracle Day finally arrives on the Starz network in the US this coming Friday, and the show is set to premiere on BBC One the following week, with a 14th July transmission date set.

To help build up to that, BBC One has unveiled a UK trailer for Miracle Day. And we've got it below these very words...


Doctor Who: River Song and the Twelfth Doctor?

Doctor Who: River Song and the Twelfth Doctor?

Here’s an interesting bit of news for you Doctor Who fans out there. Actress Alex Kingston, who plays the mysterious River Song on the hit BBC sci-fi series, appeared on BBC Breakfast earlier this week and shared a few interesting bits about her  character’s relationship with the Doctor, hinting that her relationship  with the time traveller might not be restricted to just his tenth and  eleventh incarnations.
“[River] met a Doctor in the future - which is my past - and that  Doctor is a person [she] had a very strong relationship with. But it may  not necessarily be this Doctor.”
Granted, Kingston was speaking with uncertainty (“I don’t know,” she  admitted) due to the high secrecy that showrunner Steven Moffat shrouds  the series in. But if Kingston has reason to believe that her time on  the show might extend past Matt Smith’s tenure on the series, maybe we  should consider that as well.
It was recently revealed on the show that the character of River Song  is the daughter of the Doctor’s current companions, Amy Pond (Karen  Gillan) and Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill).
Doctor Who’s sixth series will return in September with  “Let’s Kill Hitler,” the conclusion to the two-part story begun with the  show’s midseason finale, “A Good Man Goes to War.”

h/t doctorwhoandthetardis

Here’s an interesting bit of news for you Doctor Who fans out there. Actress Alex Kingston, who plays the mysterious River Song on the hit BBC sci-fi series, appeared on BBC Breakfast earlier this week and shared a few interesting bits about her character’s relationship with the Doctor, hinting that her relationship with the time traveller might not be restricted to just his tenth and eleventh incarnations.

“[River] met a Doctor in the future - which is my past - and that Doctor is a person [she] had a very strong relationship with. But it may not necessarily be this Doctor.”

Granted, Kingston was speaking with uncertainty (“I don’t know,” she admitted) due to the high secrecy that showrunner Steven Moffat shrouds the series in. But if Kingston has reason to believe that her time on the show might extend past Matt Smith’s tenure on the series, maybe we should consider that as well.

It was recently revealed on the show that the character of River Song is the daughter of the Doctor’s current companions, Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill).

Doctor Who’s sixth series will return in September with “Let’s Kill Hitler,” the conclusion to the two-part story begun with the show’s midseason finale, “A Good Man Goes to War.”

Tardis Radio


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