Sunday 19 December 2010

10 things you can only do when you're single

Whether you’re recently single or you’ve been flying solo for a while it can be tempting to treat your current status as waiting time till you find ‘the one’. But have you ever stopped to think what you could be doing with your time instead? Here are some great things that are best done without a +1 in tow.

Go travelling
Most of us fantasise about the idea of packing up and jetting off to see the world at some time or another, but not so many of us actually get to do it. It’s a scary thing to do that reaps massive rewards – not least for the amazing sense of achievement at having taking the plunge in the first place. Leaving a partner behind is enough reason for a lot of us to shy away from the idea, so being single is the best position you could be in to globetrot.

Sleep star-shaped
Granted, it’s not quite as epic as seeing the world, but no one can dispute the sheer unadulterated pleasure gained from a good night’s sleep in a bed all to yourself - stretching out those limbs as far as they’ll go to all corners of the bed, rolling around, hogging the duvet, lying diagonally, the possibilities are virtually endless. Replace a partner with a hot water bottle and you won’t even miss the spooning.

Be spontaneous with arrangements
Your work buddy suggests drinks after work but you promised your partner you’d be home in time for dinner. An old friend calls you up at the weekend to suggest lunch, but you promised you’d attend your partner’s family get-together (even though you’d rather stick hot pokers in your eyes). Another half in your life means twice as many plans and it can often leave little room for spontaneity. The beauty of singledom is being the master of everything you do – whether it’s naff all on the couch after a hard day’s work or a cheeky boozy dinner on a Monday night.

Hang out with exactly who you want to
Duncan, 36 from South London says “my ex-girlfriend and friends really didn’t get on. It got increasingly tricky because she saw me making plans with them as a deliberate snub and I found myself turning certain stuff down just to avoid conflict.” Social freedom is an oft-overlooked advantage to being single. No annoying best friends, unbearable in-laws, no friendship jealousy.

Work the room at a party

Going to a party solo can be a terrifying prospect, but anyone who’s done it knows that it always works out fine. Your insecurities tell you that you look like a weirdo loner when the reality is that single people at a party have a certain allure. You may find you get more attention than you want, but being footloose and fancy free means you can talk and flirt with who you want, when you want for however long you want. Joy!

Have fun with guys and gals
You may not be looking for the love of your life, but that certainly doesn’t stop you from indulging in a fling or two. Dating is fun and it can be as serious or frivolous as you like. Throw yourself in it, try things you might not ordinarily do like going on a blind date or allowing yourself to be set up by a friend. Keep it light-hearted and it can be a real confidence-booster.

Be selfish
There are some things you just can’t really get away with in a relationship. You can’t finish the milk and not replace it in a reasonable amount of time, you can’t use up all the hot water in the shower, and you can’t splash out on a shopping spree if you’ve agreed to save for a holiday. Remove the source of guilt from the equation and you are free to be as utterly self-indulgent as you fancy.

Indulge in weird habits
From embarrassing work out videos to plucking the hairs on your legs, everyone has some sort of unconventional pastime that they get an unusual amount of pleasure from and that’s best done alone. Jayne, 28 from Birmingham says “I love putting on cheesy power ballads and standing in front of the mirror pretending I’m in the video. Before I split up with my boyfriend I found it really frustrating to not be able to act on the urge when it took me!”

Wear comfy underwear
Sexy undergarments look nice but they’re not a patch on your favourite loose-fitting M&S cotton numbers, and it doesn’t matter what they say, uncomfortable underwear just doesn’t make you feel as good as your trusty old, slightly off colour, pair. Not having to care about what you look like with the layers off is hugely liberating, make the most of it while you can.

Watch your programmes on TV

When you’re in a relationship, coordinating conflicting TV schedules and accounting fairly for varying tastes is near impossible and inevitably results in one party feeling hard done by. Catch-up TV might have gone some way to salvaging fractious couplings but there’s nothing like an evening of total uninterrupted back-to-back televisual indulgence.

Doctor Who Cast sing Merry Christmas - Preview Doctor Who Confidential

Last weeks reviews

Radio Free Skaro #228 – Helter Skelter

043 – Planet of Giants Part 1

Episode 33 - The Ribos Operation

"The Time Monster" - Episode Six

044 – Dangerous Journey (Planet of Giants Part 2)

“I never noticed the shadows before.”

Episode 34: Adam and Alicia are Partners in Crime!

Doctor Who Paradigm Daleks Action Figure Review

Ben, Polly and the War Machines

046 – World’s End (The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part 1)

Review: Night of the Humans

Last weeks reviews

Radio Free Skaro #228 – Helter Skelter

043 – Planet of Giants Part 1

Episode 33 - The Ribos Operation

"The Time Monster" - Episode Six

044 – Dangerous Journey (Planet of Giants Part 2)

“I never noticed the shadows before.”

Episode 34: Adam and Alicia are Partners in Crime!

Doctor Who Paradigm Daleks Action Figure Review

Ben, Polly and the War Machines

046 – World’s End (The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part 1)

Review: Night of the Humans

Last weeks reviews

Radio Free Skaro #228 – Helter Skelter

043 – Planet of Giants Part 1

Episode 33 - The Ribos Operation

"The Time Monster" - Episode Six

044 – Dangerous Journey (Planet of Giants Part 2)

“I never noticed the shadows before.”

Episode 34: Adam and Alicia are Partners in Crime!

Doctor Who Paradigm Daleks Action Figure Review

Ben, Polly and the War Machines

046 – World’s End (The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part 1)

Review: Night of the Humans

Last weeks reviews

Radio Free Skaro #228 – Helter Skelter

043 – Planet of Giants Part 1

Episode 33 - The Ribos Operation

"The Time Monster" - Episode Six

044 – Dangerous Journey (Planet of Giants Part 2)

“I never noticed the shadows before.”

Episode 34: Adam and Alicia are Partners in Crime!

Doctor Who Paradigm Daleks Action Figure Review

Ben, Polly and the War Machines

046 – World’s End (The Dalek Invasion of Earth Part 1)

Review: Night of the Humans

Watch Online–DW–S3- The Runaway Bride


Dr who advent calender Day Nineteen: Matt Smith's Cracking Christmas Challenge, Part Three

We caught up with Matt Smith, set him some cracking challenges and quizzed him about Christmas... In part three of this four part series we presented him with a spot the difference task... But before you see how well Matt did, why don't you give it a go yourself?

More Here

Dr who eleventh doctor quotes The Vampires of Venice

The Doctor: Rory!  That's a relief! I thought I had burst out of the wrong cake. Again. That reminds me, there's a girl standing outside in a bikini. Can someone let her in, give her a jumper? Lucy. Lovely girl. Diabetic. Now then, Rory, we need to talk about your fiancée. She tried to kiss me.  Tell you what though, you're a lucky man; she's a great kisser! ...Funny how you can say something in your head and it sounds fine.
The Doctor: It's a lot to take in, isn't it? Tiny box, huge room inside; what's that about? Let me explain...
Rory: It's another dimension.
The Doctor: It's basically another dimensi... what?
Rory: After what happened with Prisoner Zero, I've been reading up on all the latest scientific theories. FTL travel, parallel universes.
The Doctor: I like the bit when someone says "It's bigger on the inside!" I always look forward to that. 
Rory:You have no idea how much danger you make people to themselves! You make people take risks because they want- want to impress you!
Rory: Doctor, Doctor, we saw vampires!!
Amy: Yeah, he knows, he went to their house.
The Doctor: Hello, handsome.
Calvierri Girls: Who are you?
The Doctor: How are you doing that? I am loving it! You're like Houdini, only five slightly scary girls. And he was shorter-- will be shorter. I'm rambling.
Calvierri Girls: We'll ask you again, signore: who are you?
The Doctor: Why don't you check this out? Library card, of course! It's with - he's - I need a spare. Pale, creepy girls who don't like sunlight... and can't be seen... ah, am I thinking what I think I'm thinking? But the city, why shut down the city?
Calvierri Girls: Leave now, signore, or we shall call for the steward. If you're lucky.
The Doctor: Ooh!
The Doctor: Tell me the whole plan! day that'll work.  Listen, I would love to stay, but this whole thing; I mean, I'm thrilled; oh, this is Christmas!
Rory:Yours is bigger than mine...
The Doctor: Let's not go there.
Amy: Hey, look at this. I got my spaceship, I got my boys... my work here is done. 
Rory: We are not her "boys."
The Doctor: Yeah, we are.
Rory: Yeah, we are.
The Doctor: Rory, listen to that.
Rory: Er, what? All I can hear is...silence.
The Doctor: Exactly.
Signora Rosanna Calvierri:There were cracks. Through some we saw silence and the end of all things.

Merry christmas Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

6 days to go!!!

December 19th–Advent Calendar

Snowfall, Part One


Something was wrong. David Kershaw looked down the station platform and was left open-mouthed by what he saw.

Not just a little bit wrong, but a big fat what on earth is going on?wrong.

Christmas Eve and it should have been heaving with kids and commuters, rushing home with last minute gifts but the platform was empty and as he turned to take in the rest of the station, he could see the whole place was deserted. He glanced at his watch. 20:02. Weird. He'd been awake at Woking, ten minutes ago, must have dozed off and the next stop should have been Waterloo. The end of the line. So when he woke up and noticed the train had rolled to a halt he'd clambered onto the platform. It wasn't until the last carriage whooshed past him that he realised this wasn't a London terminal. Too small. Too quaint. Too wooden. So where was he and... something else struck him. Oh, no! The snow...

The snow was inches deep across the platform, an even, untouched carpet indicating that not only was the station deserted now, but no-one had been here for hours. Maybe days. Except... He squinted to a spot at the end of the platform. He could make out one small space where the snow had hardly fallen. A conspicuous square patch about three foot wide that only had a light coating of white flakes. Something had been there until very recently, but there were no tracks leading to or from the square and so how had -

- No time to consider that little mystery. David hit the speed dial for his wife and as he waited for an answer, he smiled at the falling snow. A warm smile as he recalled a childhood moment. Sledging down the street during one of those weeks when bad weather had closed school. He'd spent hours playing outside on the sleigh with his brother and on Boxing Day, when Mum asked, 'What was your favourite present?', they'd answered in unison, 'The snow!' and their dad had grumbled, 'We shouldn't have bothered forking out for the Atari, then...'

No answer. He looked at his phone. No signal. No bar. Not even one of those half bars that means you should wave your phone around and hope for the best. Nothing.

Okay. Don't panic. Another train would be along soon and he'd be in Waterloo within the hour. The icy wind lashed around him and whistled through the platform benches. And then he saw it. On the opposite platform, a large old-fashioned sign that read 'Refreshment Room' and beyond it, the room itself, or rather a frosted glass window through which he could see the silhouettes of two figures. He suddenly felt hope. They'd know where he was and when the next train was due. David Kershaw turned up the collar of his coat and headed towards the light.

The refreshment room's solitary customer, Big Jack, sat at a corner table, his hands cupping a mug of hot tea. His train to London Paddington had stopped, he'd alighted and then found that the announcements had been wrong. Too late. He was stuck in what looked like a country railway station, although the girl behind the tea bar had told him the next train into the city would be along any minute. That had been half an hour and two mugs of tea ago.

He glanced at the girl. She looked to be in her early twenties, pretty with long red hair. She wore a white blouse and a peeked porter's cap, titled at a rakish angle. This clearly belonged to the young man who leant easily across the bar, chatting to her. He wore an old-fashioned porter's uniform. Black suit, cream shirt, top button undone and tie at half mast. He had short dark hair, kind eyes and when the girl teased him, he occasionally replied with a dry come-back but usually he just shook his head and smiled like he'd heard it all before and loved her anyway.

Jack took a sip of his tea and almost choked on it when he saw who walked into the room: David Kershaw.

The new-comer smiled at the girl in the hat. 'Hi! Do you know when the next train to London is?'

'Any minute now.' She spoke with a soft Scottish accent. David nodded. 'Great. Do I have time for a cup of rosy?'

'Always time for a cuppa!' She studied the huge silver samovar on the counter and gingerly poured him a mug of tea. 'Here you go! On the house.'

'Thanks! That's very kind of...' His voice trailed off as he noticed Jack. A pause. He picked up his tea, walked over to the big man's table and took a chair. They glared at each other. David said, 'How long's it been?'

'Not long enough.'

'Ten years?'

'Like I said, not long enough.' Big Jack took a mouthful of tea. It burnt his tongue but he tried not to let on. 'What are you doing here?'

'Just passing through.'

Silence for a couple of minutes. 'Just passing through?' said Jack. 'An abandoned station. Middle of nowhere. You. Me. Something's going on.'

'Your imagination was always on the wild side,' David countered. 'Although...'


'This place does look deserted. The snow's undisturbed out there except for a square about the size of...' He grinned, despite himself. 'Well, you wouldn't understand but about yay big,' he added, stretching his arms.

'I wouldn't understand? Didn't take you long to start, did it? What wouldn't I understand?'

'Believe me, you would not get the reference! Hardly anyone on this planet would! But I was going to say, about the size of the TARDIS.'

Jack's mug paused mid-way to his lips. 'Did you say TARDIS?'

David managed to make Yes stretch to two syllables.

'As in the Doctor?'

'As in the Doctor. How on earth did... have you met the Doctor?'

Big Jack gave a big laugh. 'Have I met the Doctor? You think this is weird?' he gestured to their surroundings. 'Listen to this!'


Tardis Radio


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