Thursday 2 December 2010

Northern Charity Daleks raising cash for kids

DOCTOR Who fans Rob Bosher and Keith Lawler are hoping to exterminate the competition with their handbuilt Daleks.

The pair slaved away for two years to recreate the full-sized monster from the hit TV series.

Now, the pals are travelling around the region with the Time Lord to raise money for local charities.

Since setting up Northern Charity Daleks at the beginning of this year they have managed to pull in £5,000 for children’s charities nationwide.

And in September the charity managed to raise more than £500 for the Woodhorn Museum and Archives Centre, near Ashington, Northumberland.

Rob, of Birtley, Gateshead, said: “I’ve been a Doctor Who fan since I was a little boy. I have always wanted to build a full-sized Dalek, and then I came across a plan for making one on the internet.

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Doctor Who - Step Back in Time: The Dominators

Doctor Who – A Christmas Carol: introduction

The thrilling adventures of the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) and newlyweds Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) will continue in a Doctor Who fun-filled and heartfelt festive story, A Christmas Carol, this Christmas on BBC One.

In the grand tradition of Doctor Who Christmas specials, this year the show has once again attracted stellar guest stars, as veteran actor Michael Gambon (Harry Potter, The Singing Detective) and Opera diva Katherine Jenkins, in her first acting role, join the Time Lord for what might be his most Christmassy adventure yet!

On winning her part, Katherine Jenkins said: "I'm over the moon to be involved in the Doctor Who Christmas Special – I can't quite believe it as it's a part of the family tradition at the Jenkins household. I heard the news that I got the role on my 30th birthday and it was the best birthday present ever!"

About the series, Lead Writer and Executive Producer, Steven Moffat, commented: "Oh, we're going for broke with this one. It's all your favourite Christmas movies at once, in an hour, with monsters. And the Doctor. And a honeymoon. And... oh, you'll see.

"I've honestly never been so excited about writing anything. I was laughing madly as I typed along to Christmas songs in April. My neighbours loved it so much they all moved away and set up a website demanding my execution. But I'm fairly sure they did it ironically."

The Christmas special follows on from Matt Smith's first series as The Doctor, which attracted huge critical acclaim for Smith, his companion Gillan and lead writer Moffat, from press and legions of fans alike.

Ben Stephenson, Controller, BBC Drama Commissioning said: "Matt Smith and Karen Gillan captivated audiences in their debut series, and Doctor Who's clever twist on the much loved A Christmas Carol will thrill BBC One viewers this year with special guest stars Sir Michael Gambon and singing sensation Katherine Jenkins joining Amy and the Doctor for an unforgettable present!"


'Doctor Who: The Adventure Games' Ep.4 Announced

Doctor Who: The Adventure Games has been produced by a team drawing on the very best talent from TV and gaming. The interactive episodes are executive produced by Steven Moffat, Piers Wenger, Beth Willis and Anwen Aspden (BBC Wales Interactive), alongside Charles Cecil, one of videogaming's most revered creators. The games are being developed by Sumo Digital, one of the UK's best game designers. Stories and scripts are from Phil Ford (co-writer Doctor Who 'Waters of Mars') and James Moran (Severance, Torchwood Children of Earth). The project has been commissioned for BBC Online by the Vision Multiplatform team, headed up by Simon Nelson, and is being driven by BBC Wales Interactive.

Matt Smith and Karen Gillan have been digitally recreated in-game, and have provided full voice-overs. Music has been provided by TV series' composer Murray Gold. An additional cast will portray original characters and classic enemies.

Entitled ‘Shadows of the Vashta Nerada’, this fourth episode sees the first appearance of Steven Moffat’s brilliantly original monsters since their debut in Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead.

Executive produced by Steven Moffat and written by Doctor Who writer Phil Ford (Shadows of Mars, Torchwood), the game sees the return of Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in digital form – as the Doctor and Amy face their biggest adventure yet.

Kicking off immediately following the cliff-hanger ending of episode three, Shadows of the Vashta Nerada sees The Doctor and Amy materialise just south of London (and about a 1000 miles to the left) inside an aquatic sea-bed colony called Poseidon. The game features a breath-taking plot which surrounds a real-world conspiracy – and, of course, takes place at Christmas.

“We’ve gone all-out for the season finale,” says Steven Moffat, executive producer Doctor Who. “Shadows of the Vashta Nerada takes place entirely underwater – something which would be impossible for the TV series, as water is so expensive. It’s thrilling, terrifying, educational and fun. Just steer clear of those shadows...”

Shadows of the Vashta Nerada will be available on Christmas Day.

James Moran's madcap script takes players on a frantic, funny and altogether surprising adventure which could only be told by a Doctor Who story. With full virtual likenesses of Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, and music from Murray Gold, this adventure is as much a part of the Doctor Who legend as the TV series.

Establishing new forms of drama is exactly what the BBC should be doing. By aiming these 'interactive episodes' at the broad audience of TV show - unique in British television, in that it encompasses at least three generations - we're aiming to encourage the family to gather round the PC or Mac in the same way they do the television. Driving computer literacy is a keystone of the BBC's public service remit and we expect Doctor Who: The Adventure Games to be hugely popular in the homes of Britain this year.

TARDIS will be soon available simultaneously on PC and Mac from the Doctor Who website ( The game will be available for no extra cost to UK households. Users outside the UK will be able to purchase and download it on the same date - details will be put on the Doctor Who website.


TARDISes in Transit

A lorry carrying eleven TARDISes was spotted in a Cardiff industrial park today.

The lorry had made a stop in the Foreshore Road warehouses - which is next to the Heliport and not too far from the site of the new BBC Wales Studios - but it is not known where they were actually heading to, or what they are for. The TARDIS prop used for filming is transported as a flat pack and then assembled on location, which makes this sighting rather intriguing.

Their were actually 22 


A Christmas Carol Leaked Promo Pics


Craig Ferguson - The lost "Dr. Who" cold open.

'Buffy' producer joins new 'Torchwood'

Former Buffy and Angel producer Kelly Manners has joined the production team for Torchwood: The New World.

The Hollywood Reporter claims that Manners will begin work on the show next month, when production is expected to commence.

Life On Mars and Outcasts director Bharat Nalluri will join Manners on the fourth series of the Doctor Who spinoff, as will The Walking Dead production designer Gregory Melton and Dollhouse costume designer Shawn Trpcic.

The report also suggests that the ten-episode run could premiere in July in the US, though an official airdate is yet to be confirmed.


Piers Wenger on 'Doctor Who'

CraveOnline: What is your earliest "Doctor Who" memory?

Piers Wenger: My earliest "Doctor Who" memory was watching the show during the Tom Baker era. He was my first Doctor. I vividly remember being scared by the creatures.

CraveOnline: Do you have a favorite Doctor, a favorite companion or a favorite villain?

Piers Wenger: Well, when I was a kid - my favorite Doctor is Tom Baker - but when I was a kid it was still Tom Baker. I didn't really have a favorite companion. I wasn't as much into the companions as I was for the Doctor, but I did love K-9. And I was utterly terrified of The Master. I thought that the idea of this body-snatching [villain] after the Doctor was [frightening].

CraveOnline: You started working on "Doctor Who" back in 2009, right?

Piers Wenger: That's right, yeah. I actually started working on it during 2008. We started filming in 2009 but from September 2008 we were prepping the scripts.

CraveOnline: Why did you decide to work on "Doctor Who"?

Piers Wenger: I didn't pick it, it picked me. I was offered the job by Jane Tranter, who was the controller of BBC of fiction at that time. She knew I was an avid "Doctor Who" fan. And of course I completely jumped at it.

CraveOnline: For season 5, what were your favorite moments?

Piers Wenger: Well, I guess "The Eleventh Hour," which I just love the first ten or fifteen minutes which [reintroduces] the Doctor. I love the scene where [Amy] saw the Tardis. There was a [Weeping Angels] two-parter that I just find so compelling and it takes "Doctor Who" to a new place. But my happiest moments were watching the finale, the final two-parter at Stonehenge and seeing the Doctor really drop his [defenses] and say goodbye to Amy. They both felt very connected and they were both the focus of the series up to that point.

CraveOnline: What can you tell us about the "Doctor Who" Christmas special coming out in December?

Piers Wenger: It's called "A Christmas Carol" and you know Steven [Moffat's] obsession with timelines to drive a story is very well documented. It's based on the iconic Christmas story that does that. It's very much a "Doctor Who" "Christmas Carol." He meets a character named Kazran Sardick played by Michael Gambon who is similar to Scrooge and the Doctor appears to him as the Ghost of Christmas Past and takes him back to his childhood and tries to show him the error of his ways while trying to save Amy and Rory who are trapped on a [space] train.

CraveOnline: After the Christmas special, what's coming up in season six?

Piers Wenger: Well, season six... you know we've got the pressure up after the success of the last season. We really have to raise the bar. Steven has written a two-parter, which will be the first season opening two-parter since the series came back in 2005 and it's all set in the [United States]. The [production] went to the states to film the American locations for that two-parter. I'm particularly dying to see that one. I think it's going to be the most ambitious season opener that "Doctor Who" has seen for the last five or six years.

CraveOnline: Are we finally going to learn who River Song is in that two-parter?

Piers Wenger: No. We're probably not finding that out quite yet, but stay tuned. I think you'll get really great clues in the coming season.

CraveOnline: Will "Doctor Who" be shooting anywhere else besides Britain and the U.S. in the upcoming season?

Piers Wenger: Not currently. Although, we are nothing if not opportunistic. If an opportunity to do so would arrive, we would probably take it. Or if it would bring something new to an episode and give it a completely new landscape. We're open to that because we're always pushing it.

CraveOnline: What was the rationale for splitting season six into two parts next year?

Piers Wenger: I think it was basically driven by the story that Steven had in his head. It had a big [story] in the middle of it and I think [Steven] spoke to the drama commissioner of the BBC about that where he figured "why not build a [structure] that really built to it?" It was an excellent opportunity to really get the audience hooked by making it an end of season cliffhanger. We get a three month hiatus between the first part and the second part in the U.K.

CraveOnline: So, it'll be seven episodes in the spring, with six episodes and the 2011 Christmas special in the fall, right?

Piers Wenger: That's right, yes. You're never more than three months away from the next "Doctor Who."

CraveOnline: Will that be the schedule going forward even beyond this year?

Piers Wenger: We don't know that yet. As I said, it was driven by a story thing, by a two-parter from Steven.

CraveOnline: Can you tell us about any guest stars coming up in season six?

Piers Wenger: Well, we tend to do it on a rolling basis when the scripts are ready. But we've got some really exciting negotiations going on at the moment. We've got Alex Kingston returning for several episodes this year. But at the moment, there's no one I can actually reveal other than Alex.


Boxing Day for Australian debut of A Christmas Carol

The TV Tonight blog confirms that the Doctor Who 2010 Christmas special, A Christmas Carol, will make its Australian debut on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on Boxing Day, Sunday 26 December 2010 at 7.30pm on ABC1. As TV Tonight reports, this will be the first time ever an episode of Doctor Who will air in Australia within 24 hours of its UK debut.


Torchwood: The New World to Premiere in July

Starz is hoping to premiere its upcoming U.S. version of Torchwood: The New World, about a team of alien hunters, sometime in July, reports The Hollywood Reporter.

The network hopes to introduce Captain Jack to stateside audiences this summer, although nothing is set in stone.

Here are the credits for Torchwood: The New World so far:

Bharat Nalluri - Director - Life on Mars
Kelly Manners - Producer - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Nathaniel Goodman - Lead DP - Heroes; Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
Gregory Melton - Production Designer - Stephen King's The Mist; The Walking Dead
Skip Schoolik - Post-production Producer - The Walking Dead
Shawna Trpcic - Costume Designer - The Cabin in the Woods
Todd McIntosh -Make Up - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Hunter M Via - Film Editor - The Walking Dead; Stephen King's The Mist


Watch Online–DW–S1- Bad Wolf


Doctor Who Action Figures: Peri & Sil Vengeance On Varos

The Sixth Doctor and Peri visit the planet Varos to obtain supplies of a rare ore called Zeiton 7, vital to the functioning of the TARDIS. Varos was once a colony for the criminally insane and the descendants of the original guards still rule, while the poverty-stricken people are kept entertained by screenings of public torture from the Punishment Dome.

See it Here

December 2nd–Advent Calendar

Here's Day 2,


Merry Christmas Folks

Dr who tenth doctor quotes The Stolen Earth

Rose:Right! You two! You can put that stuff down, or run for your lives. Do you like my gun?
Mr Smith: I'm receiving a communication from the Earth-bound ships. They have a message for the human race.
Sarah Jane Smith: Put it through. Let's hear it.
Jack: No. Oh, no!
Gwen: What is it? Who are they? Do you know them, Jack?!
Sarah Jane Smith:No.
Jack: There's nothing I can do. I'm sorry, we're dead.
Sarah Jane Smith:No, not them. You're so young!
Harriet Jones: Captain, I'm transferring the subwave network to Torchwood. You're in charge now. And tell the Doctor from me: he chose his companions well. It's been an honour. Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister!
Daleks: Yes, we know who you are.
Harriet Jones: Oh, you know nothing of any human, and that will be your downfall. 
The Doctor: There's another signal— Hello? Who is it? Can you hear me? ...Rose?
Davros: Your voice is different, and yet... its arrogance is unchanged.
Sarah Jane:No... He's dead!...
Davros: Welcome to my new Empire, Doctor. It is only fitting that you should bear witness to the resurrection—and the triumph—of Davros, Lord and Creator of the Dalek race.
Donna: Doctor...?
Davros: Have you nothing to say?
Donna: Doctor, it's alright. We're in the TARDIS. We're safe.
The Doctor: ...But you were destroyed. In the very first year of the Time War, at the Gates of Elysium. I saw your command ship fly into the jaws of the Nightmare Child. I tried to save you.
Davros: But it took one stronger than you. Dalek Caan, himself.
Dalek Caan:I fleeeeew into the wild and fire! I danced in the flames and died a thooouuuusand tiiimes!...
Davros: The Emergency Temporal Shift took him back into the Time War itself.
The Doctor: But that's impossible, the entire war is time-locked!
Davros: And yet he succeeded. Oh, it cost him his mind, but imagine: a single, simple Dalek succeeded where Emperors and Time Lords have failed! A testament, don't you think, to my remarkable creations?
The Doctor: And you made a new race of Daleks.
Davros: I gave myself to them... quite literally. Each one grown from a cell of my own body.
Davros: New Daleks. True Daleks. I have my children, Doctor. What do you have... now?
The Doctor: After all this time... after everything we saw, after everything we lost... I have only one thing to say to you... bye!
Doctor: Think, Donna, when you met Rose, in that parallel world, what did she say?
Donna: Just "the darkness is coming".
Doctor: Anything else?
Donna: Why don't you ask her yourself?
Dalek: Exterminate!
Rose:I've got you. I missed you. Look, it's me, Doctor!
Doctor:Rose! Long time, no see.
Rose: Yeah, well, I've been busy, you know...
Rose:Don't die! Oh, my God, don't die! Oh my God, don't die!
Jack:Get him into the TARDIS! Quickly, move!
Donna: What do we do?! There must be some medicine or something!
Jack: Just step back. Rose! Do as I say and stand back! He's dying and you know what happens next!
Donna: What do you mean?!
Rose:But he can't! Not now! I came all this way!
Donna: What do you mean?! What happens next?!
Doctor: It's starting!
Jack: Here we go! Good luck, Doctor!
Donna:Will someone please tell me what is going on?!
Rose: When he's dying, his body, it repairs itself, it changes... but you can't!
The Doctor: I'm sorry, it's too late! I'm regenerating!

Demon Quest 5: Sepulchre

This is the first exciting adventure in a brand new series of five linked multi-voice adventures for the Doctor and friends, based on characters from the classic TV series. It is written by the acclaimed novelist Paul Magrs. Further details to be confirmed

See it Here

Demon Quest 4: Starfall

This is the first exciting adventure in a brand new series of five linked multi-voice adventures for the Doctor and friends, based on characters from the classic TV series. It is written by the acclaimed novelist Paul Magrs. Further details to be confirmed

See it Here

Doctor Who Adventures - out today


Doctor Who Adventures - out today


Doctor Who Adventures - out today


Doctor Who Adventures - out today


Let’s Get Weird With Honey

Here is a curious article about an interesting hurdle faced by some urban beekeepers in Brooklyn…their honey is turning out bright red!  Guess what the culprit is: Red Dye #40 from Dell’s Maraschino Cherries Company.  So people who want hives in the neighbourhood to contribute to the whole slow foods/locally grown/organic/natural movement are being betrayed by bees who cannot resist heavy syrup no matter how many native nectar rich plants are around.

Speaking of weird honey, Lorraine and I finally got around to putting some of our extracted honey into jars.  Kind of fascinated by our honey colors this year.  We usually only have light colored honey, but this year we have both light and dark.  Both taste fabulous, the darker honey is a bit more…rich in flavor, while the light is delicate and subtle in its sweetness.

I was not having the best day.  A project I have been working on for some time received a setback yesterday.  Every time I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel with this project, I get the rug yanked out from under me.  This time it’s a financial setback on the project. Lorraine and I had planned on bottling honey today, but when I saw the snow and ice as I got out of bed this morning, I texted Lorraine that I was bad company and decided to stay home to brood a bit about my problem.  She called and said, “No, that’s not what you need to do, you need to come out here and help me with the honey and talk.”

Well…how could I argue with that?

We have some honey that has been drained from comb and then we have comb with honey called Ross Rounds.  Both are safe for human consumption.  We decided to get a little arty with our bottling and put chunks of wax and comb honey in our jars.  We’d then pour extracted honey over it.  It looked cool and it gives our friends the chance to try comb honey if they want but still get plenty of the straight liquid variety.  As we admired how cool the wax comb looked in the jars…we wondered what else we could put in there…like the above Buddah.  We were quite pleased with the results and wondered how far we could go with this madness.

I noticed a Weeping Angel figurine and told Lorriane that I wished we could try that.  She said, “It’s my figurine, let’s do it.”

The affect was cool and terrifying.  If you have seen the Doctor Who episode, you know why this is the most terrifying and dangerous honey ever.  If not…well…I guess Lorraine and I seem a little weird, but that’s okay.

The shenanigans helped put my project in perspective.  I’m always thrilled to rediscover that no matter what life throws at me on a long project, friends and beekeeping are a great escape.

Tardis Gone Through Cloning?



A Christmas Carol Leaked Promo Pics


The Radio Times Cover CLEAN


The Radio Times Cover


Tardis Radio


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