Thursday 2 December 2010

Torchwood: The New World to Premiere in July

Starz is hoping to premiere its upcoming U.S. version of Torchwood: The New World, about a team of alien hunters, sometime in July, reports The Hollywood Reporter.

The network hopes to introduce Captain Jack to stateside audiences this summer, although nothing is set in stone.

Here are the credits for Torchwood: The New World so far:

Bharat Nalluri - Director - Life on Mars
Kelly Manners - Producer - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Nathaniel Goodman - Lead DP - Heroes; Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
Gregory Melton - Production Designer - Stephen King's The Mist; The Walking Dead
Skip Schoolik - Post-production Producer - The Walking Dead
Shawna Trpcic - Costume Designer - The Cabin in the Woods
Todd McIntosh -Make Up - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Hunter M Via - Film Editor - The Walking Dead; Stephen King's The Mist


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