Sunday 17 July 2011

Jack Is Dying To Get Ahead Of The Soaps

What a brilliant storyline to kick off the new series of torchwood.

All over the world people have stopped dying. No matter what happens to them - impaling, electrocution, lethal injection - they're all surviving. The only apparent exception, ironically is John Barrowman's ''indestructible'' Captain Jack who's started showing signs he might actually peg it, possible as some kind of divine retribution for Tonight's The Night. What a blow that would be.

Duchess Cornwall Coronation Street Visit 4X9SJUTeTnnl

But don't let's go over-praising the writers here. Because you realise the whole idea is nicked? Stolen from Coronation Street, that is. Yep, Corrie's been doing the whole un-dead for about a year now. Think about it.

Did anyone actually see psycho Tony Gordon fatally frazzle in that fire last summer? Exactly.

And what about barmy John Stape plunging from that hospital roof and seemingly walk away?




And if you still don't believe me - What about Leanne's condition after falling down the stairs Friday night (15/7/2011)? ''Just a few bruises,'' she told Peter.




See what I'm getting at? As ever, if there's a clever story idea to be had the mighty corrie gets there first. Don't be surprised if Maria's hit and run victim hubby Liam strolls into the rovers next week. Albeit probably in instalments.

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Matt Smith drops in on Doctor Who theatre show

Doctor Who actor Matt Smith has made a surprise appearance in a highly acclaimed "immersive" theatre production based on the TV show.

Smith appeared in character in front of 25 fans aged 9-12 at a performance of The Crash of the Elysium at the Manchester International Festival.

The show puts the audience at the heart of a Doctor Who adventure and are told it is up to them to save the world.

Smith is normally seen on screens but appeared in person on Friday.

Matt Smith at The Crash of the Elysium

Matt Smith popped up to thank the young adventurers for saving the Doctor and the world

The Crash of the Elysium, created by theatre company Punchdrunk, has earned a series of five-star reviews in national newspapers.

The audience members are told to wear chemical decontamination suits as they are led through a series of rooms by actors dressed as soldiers, looking for clues and being chased by the Doctor's enemies.

Smith said the show was "a marriage made in creative space heaven".

"I've always watched Punchdrunk shows and marvelled at their inventiveness and individuality," he said.

"Put that together with Doctor Who and there is a wonderful template to tell unique stories in unique ways. The Doctor would definitely approve."

The Crash of the Elysium is one of the highlights of the Manchester International Festival, which ends on Sunday and also involves new works by Victoria Wood, Damon Albarn and Marina Abramovic.

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