Saturday 30 October 2010

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 23:00 PM

The Split?

Personally, I'm a little bit miffed at the new thing there doing. For people who don't know, they are splitting Series 6 into two parts. So, Seven of the 13 episodes will air in Spring 2011, while the remaining six will follow in Autumn of 2011. I suppose this is good for 2011's Christmas Special because it makes it feel like it's here sooner, but I hate having to wait! and knowing Doctor Who on the Seventh episode it will be a super cliff-hanger. I am already on mental breakdown levels waiting for the Christmas Special I JUST CANT TAKE IT ARHH. No, but really, now that I think about it the split is probably a good thing because it will feel like Doctor Who is here all year. (Bloody Hell! stupid firework went off in my back garden.) So, yeah.

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 22:00 PM

Amy's Big Secret?
Someone told me (can't remember who it was. hmmm) that Amy has a big secret that is going to come out in the next series. I've seen some of the filming video's (which I'll post eventually) and she looks really depressed/dismal. The person I spoke to, I'm gonna call him John for now (Hi John) said that they think she may be pregnant for real this time. I don't know. We'll have to wait and see.

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 21:00 PM

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 20:00 PM

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 19:00 PM

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 18:00 PM

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 17:00 PM

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 16:00 PM

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 15:00 PM

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 14:00 PM

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 13:00 PM

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 12:00 PM

More Running To Come In Doctor Who Series 6

Dr who tenth doctor quotes The Impossible Planet

The Doctor:I don’t know what is wrong with her, she's sort of... queasy, indigestion... like she didn't want to land.
Rose:Well if you think that's gonna be trouble, we can always get back inside and go somewhere else.
The Doctor: I've trapped you here.
Rose: Oh, don't worry about me. [there is a rumble overhead] Okay... we're under a black hole... on a planet which shouldn't exist, with no way out. Right, I've changed my mind, start worrying about me.
Ida: Well, we've come this far, there's no turning back.
The Doctor: Oh come on! Did you have to? "No turning back," that's almost as bad as "Nothing could possibly go wrong," or "This is gonna be the best Christmas Walford's ever had!"
Ida: Have you finished?
The Doctor: Yeah... finished.
Toby Zed: These are the words of the beast. And he has woken, he is the heart that beats in the darkness, he is the blood that will never cease, and now he will rise!
The Beast: I have been imprisoned for eternity, but no more! The Pit is open... AND I AM FREE! 

Bits and bobs the big update john barrowman,Dr who,torchwood and some hacking

After being on a 2 day hacking by someone (no names) and my facebook,msn (both) and my Google account was hacked, so i was busy and hadn't been able to post so this is a big update of the past 2 days

Strictly for John Barrowman


The TV Movie DVD Release Confirmed for North America

The Doctor Returns the Night after Hallowe'en

Dr who spoilers (filming)

The Making Of Doctor Who

The November Madness Begins

Paul Magrs: Book Launch Reminder...

Torchwood Magazine - the "lost" season 2 episodes

Doctor Who’s Missing Episodes – Richard Molesworth

Dr who weta statues

Beneath the Salt Plains of Utah, the billionaire collector Henry Van Statten holds the last relic of an alien race.

See it here and more here

The Night After Hallowe'en: Prologue

Doctor Who - 2011 Teaser - BBC America

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 11:00 AM

River is counting something. After being threatened and she jumps off the building she has been counting and anyone else think she looks like she ran out of a casino ?

The Night After Hallowe'en: Prologue


Justin shivered, as the wind whipped around him. Instinctively he pulled his parka hood further across his face, he was very cold, and very lost.

'Thank heavens the moon's bright,' he muttered to himself as he glanced upwards. The moonlight cast eerie shadows around the forest he had been trudging through for hours.

'Mum is never gonna let me forget this,' he sighed. After all, she had warned him not to go hiking alone. 'Poor Mum, she's probably worried sick.' He should have been home hours ago but somehow had wandered off the path and had been struggling to find his way out of the trees ever since. Pulling his compass from his pocket, Justin held it up to the moonlight but it just wasn't bright enough to make the needle out clearly. Exasperated, he put it away and continued to weave through the forest.

The wind suddenly picked up, great gusts that newly blew him over. And then it dawned on him.

'That's not wind.' Glancing up he could see a dark object flying just above the tree line; the branches smouldering from the heat. Realizing that it was going to crash, Justin started to run. The pilot and passengers were going to need help. The noise was deafening as the craft passed overhead and sprinting now, Justin struggled to keep up. Ahead of him, he could hear a deafening roar as it plummeted towards the forest; there was an almighty splash and then silence.

Justin raced into a clearing, a large lake lay before him, but there was no sign of any airplane, no wreckage, no noise even. It was as though the entire world had fallen silent.

'Surely it can't be that deep?' Frantically he glanced around, slipping his rucksack off his back as he did so, dropping it to the ground. Sweating profusely, he unzipped his parka and made his way to the water's edge. The water was perfectly still, the moonlight reflecting off the mirror-like surface.

The young man, sank to the ground, his feet stretched out before him. Had he imagined it? Was he that tired? Dehydrated maybe? Slowly his breathing returned to normal as he calmed down. The lake looked beautiful in the moonlight; so peaceful. Justin pulled his mobile from his rucksack - maybe he would finally have a signal.

'Yes!' he exclaimed with relief. Just half a bar, but if he kept very still... As he dialled his mum, he could see a fish swimming by the water's edge, just underneath the surface of the water. He turned his attention back to his mobile. 'Come on, come on.'

Without warning a gnarled, bony hand reached up from the water and grabbed his ankle, holding it tight. Terrified, Justin dropped his phone and tried to break free, but whatever had him was immensely strong. Using his other leg and his hands he tried desperately to clamber away, but the grip was too tight. To his horror, it was pulling him into the lake. He tried to scream out, but no sound would come. He tried in vain to find something to grab onto, anything, but his fingers just clawed at the soft dirt. He was on his back, up to his waist in water, being dragged in.

On the bank, his discarded mobile lay in the soil.

'Justin, Justin, is that you?' But Justin was gone, the lake quiet and calm once more. 'If this is one of your Halloween pranks I'm really not impressed, young man. You might find it funny...' The words were beginning to sound desperate over the still, silent water. 'But nobody's laughing.'

Trapped Mars Rover Finds Evidence of Subsurface Water

The ground where NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit became stuck last year holds evidence that water, perhaps as snow melt, trickled into the subsurface fairly recently and on a continuing basis.

Stratified soil layers with different compositions close to the surface led the rover science team to propose that thin films of water may have entered the ground from frost or snow. The seepage could have happened during cyclical climate changes in periods when Mars tilted farther on its axis. The water may have moved down into the sand, carrying soluble minerals deeper than less soluble ones. Spin-axis tilt varies over timescales of hundreds of thousands of years.

The relatively insoluble minerals near the surface include what is thought to be hematite, silica and gypsum. Ferric sulphates, which are more soluble, appear to have been dissolved and carried down by water. None of these minerals are exposed at the surface, which is covered by wind-blown sand and dust.

"The lack of exposures at the surface indicates the preferential dissolution of ferric sulphates must be a relatively recent and ongoing process since wind has been systematically stripping soil and altering landscapes in the region Spirit has been examining," said Ray Arvidson of Washington University in St. Louis, deputy principal investigator for the twin rovers Spirit and Opportunity.

Analysis of these findings appears in a report in the Journal of Geophysical Research published by Arvidson and 36 co-authors about Spirit's operations from late 2007 until just before the rover stopped communicating in March.

The twin Mars rovers finished their three-month prime missions in April 2004, then kept exploring in bonus missions. One of Spirit's six wheels quit working in 2006.

In April 2009, Spirit's left wheels broke through a crust at a site called "Troy" and churned into soft sand. A second wheel stopped working seven months later. Spirit could not obtain a position slanting its solar panels toward the sun for the winter, as it had for previous winters. Engineers anticipated it would enter a low-power, silent hibernation mode, and the rover stopped communicating March 22. Spring begins next month at Spirit's site, and NASA is using the Deep Space Network and the Mars Odyssey orbiter to listen if the rover reawakens.

Researchers took advantage of Spirit's months at Troy last year to examine in great detail soil layers the wheels had exposed, and also neighbouring surfaces. Spirit made 13 inches of progress in its last 10 backward drives before energy levels fell too low for further driving in February. Those drives exposed a new area of soil for possible examination if Spirit does awaken and its robotic arm is still usable.

"With insufficient solar energy during the winter, Spirit goes into a deep-sleep hibernation mode where all rover systems are turned off, including the radio and survival heaters," said John Callas, project manager for Spirit and Opportunity at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "All available solar array energy goes into charging the batteries and keeping the mission clock running."

The rover is expected to have experienced temperatures colder than it has ever before, and it may not survive. If Spirit does get back to work, the top priority is a multi-month study that can be done without driving the rover. The study would measure the rotation of Mars through the Doppler signature of the stationary rover's radio signal with enough precision to gain new information about the planet's core. The rover Opportunity has been making steady progress toward a large crater, Endeavour, which is now approximately 8 kilometres (5 miles) away.

Spirit, Opportunity, and other NASA Mars missions have found evidence of wet Martian environments billions of years ago that were possibly favourable for life. The Phoenix Mars Lander in 2008 and observations by orbiters since 2002 have identified buried layers of water ice at high and middle latitudes and frozen water in polar ice caps. These newest Spirit findings contribute to an accumulating set of clues that Mars may still have small amounts of liquid water at some periods during ongoing climate cycles.

JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the rovers for the agency's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.

More information about the rovers is online at:

The Sarah Jane Adventures - Series 4 Unreleased Cue - Luke's Unwilling Goodbyes


Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 10:00 AM

Update: The poster who revealed the pictures has since confirmed that they are indeed from What Are Little Boys Made Of?

Update: For almost official confirmation that these pictures are indeed legitimate. One of the crew members tweeted that they’d heard news of leakages.

A doll (face on)Two dolls on a staircaseA doll (in profile)
Pictures courtesy of RJDiogenes

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 9:00 AM

This poster has revealed three spoilers for Mark Gatiss’ episode What Are Little Boys Made Of?

“I am 11″ – written on a cake!
Purcell is a character in episode three (Gatiss) and has a nasty run in with his floor
We get to see more of the TARDIS, i.e. An area other than the console room.

The poster suggests that Gatiss’ episode is to be third in the running order rather than fourth as was originally suggested by Neil Gaiman and numerous pieces of casting information that we have discovered over the recent weeks. So we’ll be keeping an eager eye open for anything that definitively confirms this altered broadcast order.

Update: This poster has revealed more details of the other areas of the TARDIS that we’re likely to see. He tells us that we won’t be seeing other rooms, but the space between them. He also believes that these scenes were filmed in a steelworks.

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 8:00 AM

Louise-Marie Bowen is playing “Mrs. Rossiter China Doll.”

This is interesting because it might shed some light on the storyline. Mrs. Rossiter is the old-lady character played by Leila Hoffman who was spotted filming at Waring House, Bristol. Does this mean that the china dolls are made in the image of our characters? Or are our characters turned in to china dolls?

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 7:00 AM

 Huge Thanks to ALUN_VEGA. for providing these images.

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 6:00 AM

Christmas Special Cast List : these aren't 100% Correct

Katherine Jenkins : Unknown
Michael Gambon (Older Kazran/Elliot)
Nick Malinowski (Eric)
Danny Horn (Young Adult Kazran)
Laurence Belcher (Young Kazran)
Peter Bowles : Unknown
Pooky Quesnel (The Captain)
Jason Isaacs (The Captain)
Steve North (Older Benjamin)
Laura Rogers : Unknown
Micah Balfour (Co-Pilot);
Leo Bill : Unknown
Bailey Pepper : Unknown
Tim Plester (Chief Servant).

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 5:00 AM

Exclusive Download of dreamlords teasers just for you.

As always click on the image and left click save image as .... and you have you very own dreamlord teasers page.

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 4:00 AM

Dreamlord Teasers 31-41 More coming soon...

31. 502, but never 503.
32. Beware of the kites.
33. “A pillar of salt, yes – but not because she looked back. Looking
back is good!”
34. They’ll have to get a new name for Thanksgiving.
35. Pay attention – It’s not really her.
36. Treading through the sand – on the one night they come back.
37. The Shuddering Brethren, they’ll stick in your mind.
38. “I’m my own Doctor.”
39. Octavian wasn’t lying.
40. Mysterious semblance at the the strand of nightmares.
41. The bones of the TARDIS.

Not all of these are believed to be true

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 3:00 AM

Dreamlord Teasers 21-30 More coming soon...

21. Argonite? Here?
22. An ordinary block of flats.
23. “If I saw them walking down the high street what would I think?” I don’t think you’d think anything at all, Amy.”
24. Find the lady – before she finds you!
25. “Margaret! Come back!”
26. The Doctor defeats the Sahara Desert.
27. Susannah’s still alive.
28. Mill Green on fire.
29. The Doctor will get married – Twice!
30. What are the dangers of Port Olveron?

Not all of these are believed to be true

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 2:00 AM

Source 12

Dreamlord Teasers 11-20 More coming soon...

11. Some lies are too much for the psychic paper.
12. “I won’t take calls from THAT Prime Minister.”
13. “Marc, where are you?”
14. The only water in the forest is the river.
15. What awaits the TARDIS at the zero point?
16. “12 years on and Rory’s still terrified of Granny Grainger?”
17. “I was lost in France.”
18. “How could a fellow Gallifreyan stoop so low?”
19. Horror of Bangkok.
20. “Give it up, sweet Korn.”

Not all of these are believed to be true

Spoiler Weekend : Saturday 30th 1:00 AM

Dreamlord Teasers 1-10 More coming soon...

1. The Doctor will be on trial – twice!
2. Who controls the light sculptors?
3. You won’t believe what’s buried under Wembley Stadium.
4. Scared of the Eye in Space? You should be.
5. Take up thy sins and walk – slowly.
6. There won’t be a pub quiz on Tuesday because there won’t be a pub.
7. Beau Geste is cool.
8. Bow Street runners are cool.
9. Bromley-by-Bow is cool.
10. 4 August 1982 – Happy Birthday, Ma’am.

Not all of these are believed to be true

SJA - Goodbye Sarah Jane Part 2 Story Line (spoilers)

Part Two: ?

Sarah Jane has gone - but a new regime begins at Bannerman Road! Clyde and Rani must face the fact that nothing lasts for ever - but can they still unite as a team, to face a new and deadly threat from Outer Space? Or is the old gang finished for good?
Posted by Timelord50 by Blackberry pin - 2200AEE8

SJA - Goodbye Sarah Jane Part 1 Story Line (Spoilers)

Part One

Sarah Jane faces her saddest day, as she realises that no one can defend the Earth forever, as the alien-busting adventure series concludes. She's saved the world so many times but must now hand over the task to safer hands. Clyde and Rani are distraught, and the forces of darkness gather as the inevitable day approaches.
Posted by Timelord50 by Blackberry pin - 2200AEE8

SJA - Lost In Time Part 2 Story Line (spoilers)

Part Two: ?

While Sarah Jane tries to prevent a future tragedy, Clyde has to take on the Third Reich single-handed. But Rani discovers to her horror that the march of history cannot be stopped, as a greater danger from the Time Vortex threatens to consume them all.
Posted by Timelord50 by Blackberry pin - 2200AEE8

SJA - Lost In Time Part 1 Story Line (spoilers)

Part One

A harmless investigation turns into an epic quest through time, as the alien-busting adventure series continues. Sarah Jane and the gang are separated by the enigmatic Shopkeeper and find themselves in three different time-zones throughout history, thrown together with ghosthunters, Nazis, Tudors ... and a mysterious parrot called Captain.
Posted by Timelord50 by Blackberry pin - 2200AEE8

Sja - The Empty Planet Part 2 Story Plot (spoilers)

Part Two: ?

Clyde and Rani meet their enemy as the Robots arrive on Earth - but what do they want, and where has the human race gone? It's a race against time, but without Sarah Jane's expertise, Clyde and Rani must trust each other like never before if they're to save the whole world.
Posted by Timelord50 by Blackberry pin - 2200AEE8

The Empty Planet Part 1 Story Line (spoilers)

Part One

Clyde and Rani wake up one day to discover that they are the only survivors of the human race, as the alien-busting adventures series continues. The whole of Earth is empty - even Sarah Jane has vanished. But a deserted London holds terrors of its own. Strange forces lurk in the shadows, as mysterious visitors approach...
Posted by Timelord50 by Blackberry pin - 2200AEE8

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