Wednesday 6 April 2011

John Smith’s Fezzes For Sale :D


Arthur Darvill on the New Series

The Press Pack for the new series has been released and in it, Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams) reveals how his character has grown, what being married to Amy is really like and how filming on a pirate ship made his childhood dreams come true.

Out of all the characters, Rory has perhaps been on the biggest journey since stepping into the TARDIS. "Last series I think Rory felt like he was on the outside looking into this world he was desperately trying to save Amy from," admits Arthur."But he's very much inside that world now and married life has stopped him feeling so unworthy. He feels that he's proved himself."

Arthur believes that Rory's new found confidence is all down to his exciting travels with the Doctor and Amy."His sense of adventure has awoken," reveals Arthur."But he hasn't become arrogant in any way, he's just more comfortable."

However, his new self-belief hasn't helped him shake the nickname of "Mr Pond"."I think Amy will always wear the trousers in the relationship. As much as Rory has proved himself, it's Amy after all, and I dare any man to be in charge of that relationship. She's a firecracker," laughs Arthur.

It's obvious that three isn't a crowd when it comes to life in the TARDIS, but how does Arthur find working with Matt and Karen?"They're brilliant, it's lucky we all get on so well. The most fun I have is when all three of us are together; it's a really good working relationship. It helps that we all came on board together because we're growing as a unit and keeping each other on our toes."

Doctor Who is known for its fantastic guest stars and the new series is no exception, featuring the likes of Hugh Bonneville as a Pirate Captain and David Walliams as a mole-like alien. Alex Kingston also makes a welcome return for Arthur,"Alex is back, which makes the team feel complete. She's just a dream to work with and is hilarious on set." But Arthur isn't daunted at the prospect of working with such household names."Funnily enough I get more nervous meeting writers than actors," he recalls."Even more so with Neil Gaiman as he's just brilliant."

This year, the cast swapped Cardiff for Utah in the USA to film the epic opening two-parter set in the 1960s."Filming in America was amazing, especially going to an area of America which I've seen in so many movies," says Arthur.

Asked what his highlight of the series has been, Arthur excitedly reveals that it was filming on board a pirate ship for the third episode."Going on a pirate ship was unbelievable; it felt like we were on a movie set." But it wasn't pirates that Arthur was worried about; instead it was Karen Gillan let loose with a sharp weapon."Karen got to do a massive sword fight and I thought she was going to be a liability. Someone was going to have their eye out at the very least! But she was actually pretty good, I think she'd been practising secretly," confides Arthur.

It appears Amy's swashbuckling skills could come in useful this series as Arthur hints that the monsters are scarier than ever before. "The ambition of the show has grown, there are a lot of surprises this year," teases Arthur. "It's not necessarily a big monster on the screen, but ideas that are presented in episodes one and two that keep building throughout the series." One monster stands out in particular for him."I think The Silence are really going to blow people's socks off. They're terrifying," exclaims Arthur.

Rory and Amy may be settling into the routine of married life, but the honeymoon period definitely isn't over for Arthur when it comes to the show. "Everyone cares so much about it, which is what makes coming to work such a joy every day," says Arthur.

Source - BBC Dr who

John Barrowman on TW: Miracle Day - Access Hollywood


First 7 Episode Titles

1) The Impossible Astronaut

2) Day of the Moon

3) The Curse of the Black Spot

4) The Doctor's Wife

5) The Rebel Flesh

6) The Almost People

7) A Good Man Goes to War


Dalek embryo attack - Resurrection of the Daleks - BBC


The time corridor - Doctor Who: Resurrection of the Daleks - BBC


Torchwood: John barrowman and Bill Pullman interviews

Source - Dr who news page

Doctor Who: I.D. (Trailer)


Dr who 30 Teasers!! from The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the moon

1) Neither episode starts as you’d expect

2) Both episodes open magnificently, especially episode two which is a patented Moffat-montage special

3) The gay agenda is back!

4) The monsters (whose mere name would be a spoiler) are brilliant, with a truly chilling MO. They should rate up there with the Weeping Angels as one of the new series’ greatest creations. They look great, but it’s the idea behind them that is truly chilling

5) There is an Easter Island gag

6) The Doctor dances… with some unexpected film stars

7) There are lots of Americans with guns gags

8) There are two fez mentions

9) It’s very, very dark and spooky at times. Wait till you see the scene in the Whitehouse toilets…

10) At least three Moffat tropes are put into action again

11) There is the startling return of a familiar special effect… twice

12) There is the curious return of a familiar prop

13) The Utah footage is quite simply stunning, but there’s not as much of it as we’d expected

14) There are some quite beautiful, cinematic sequences

15) Rory gets to wear some specs

16) Amy reveals a secret

17) The President’s nose dominates any scene it’s in

18) The special effects are downright magnificent

19) Matt Smith takes his portrayal of the Doctor up a gear

20) The Doctor looks very embarrassed at one point

21) The first time we see the Doctor, he’s naked. Sort of…

22) The monsters have some important dialogue, so it’s a bit of a shame their voices are not terribly clear at times

23) The first episode is a little talky and surprisingly character-led when you’d expect a barnstorming opening; the second episode kicks off storming that barn and keeps storming it

24) Having said that, the character led-moments are often quite exquisite

25) It’s funny, it’s wildly inventive, it’s fiendishly clever, it’s surprising, it’s audacious, it’s uncompromising and it’s quite unlike anything else on television

26) There’s lots of timey whimey stuff, and not just in terms of the science fiction – more so, we’re referring to some of the storytelling techniques involved, with lots of flashbacks, sudden jumps and montages

27) However, it’s so packed with ideas, you can’t help thinking some important elements are undeveloped. There are enough great concepts here to fuel five or six episodes, which is a good thing in many ways, because it keeps the energy fizzing and the plot surprising, but they do all fight for room a bit. We’d certainly liked to have seen more about the monsters’ background and had the dénouement clarified, among other things

28) You can’t help thinking there are a lot of moments when kids are going to turn to mum and dad go, “Why did that happen?” and mum or dad will go, “Erm… shhhh, I’m concentrating!”

29) You may suffer from revelation fatigue by the end of it. And a lot of things – perhaps a couple too many – are not wrapped up in the story itself, but are ongoing mysteries to be sorted out later. This show is getting like Lost, designed to be picked over on the internet! Let’s hope it doesn’t take seven years to get some answers

30) The final, final, final scene, though, will ensure you’ll carry on tuning in to find out what happens next… or maybe in the story after next. Or maybe next season…

Source - SFX

Exclusive First Look: The Final Curtain Part 2 - Planet of the Spiders


Dr who series 6 episodes 1 to 7

(1) The impossible planet

(2) Day of the moon

(3) The Curse of the Black Spot

(4) The Doctor's wife

5) The Rebel Flesh

(6) The Almost People (was known as Gangers)

(7) A good man goes To War (Was known as Demon's Run)

Source - Blogtorwho

Torchwood Miracle Day Trailer

Matt Smith on the New Series

The Press Pack for the new series has been released and in it, Matt Smith (the Doctor) reveals what lies in store for the Time Lord and his fellow TARDIS travellers in 2011, and why the Fez is no longer his favourite hat...

"I think The Silence are one of the greatest monsters of recent years and certainly one of the scariest," reveals Matt Smith."They're also very clever and I love the fact they've been silently working since the dawn of time to make The Doctor come unstuck."

Matt is talking about the new breed of monster which viewers will be introduced to in the opening two episodes of the series. He is remaining tight-lipped about what viewers can expect but he does offer some insights into the story arc for this series."Steven has a grand plan and some of the seeds he planted in the last series start coming to fruition and affecting the characters in drastic ways," explains Matt."Every character is faced with the most seismic and high-stakes choices we've seen so far."

Opening the new series is a special two-part story penned by Steven Moffat and set in America, marking the first time in its history that an episode of Doctor Who has been filmed there. The cast spent three days in the desert in Utah but that didn't stop hardcore Doctor Who fans from tracking them down. "It was very strange," laughs Matt."We were in the middle of the desert and suddenly there was a lady with a campervan and deck chair, holding an iPad up with a moving screen which read 'autograph please!'. I mean how on earth she knew we were in the middle of the desert I have no idea, but it certainly proved her dedication to the show!

"The landscape was incredible," continues Matt, "and I think being in America, filming in that terrain, has definitely added a sense of scale and a filmic quality to this series of Doctor Who. It was an amazing experience and a brilliant laugh. I have to confess that I think the Stetson has been my favourite hat for the Doctor so far, 100%. Viewers may well see more of the Stetson later in the series but I couldn't possibly reveal when..."

Alex Kingston joined Matt, Karen and Arthur in Utah to reprise her role as River Song and Matt admits it was great to have her back. "I'm very fond of Alex and I simply love the part of River Song because it makes the Doctor come unstuck; she's the one person in the world who knows more than him. I think Steven has written some really revelatory stuff about the character and she's extremely important to this series..." teases Matt.

"We've also been incredibly lucky to welcome a number of fantastic guest stars including Hugh Bonneville, Suranne Jones and Lily Cole. James Corden also returns later in the series" reveals Matt."I've admired so many people who have been involved and all of them have brought a touch of quality."

Matt also has high praise for his fellow co stars, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill. "I think with Rory, Arthur has perfectly judged the humour and he's got some fantastic storylines with Karen. I do think that Amy and Rory now being married has changed the dynamic in the TARDIS and in many ways it's the Doctor who is perhaps the odd one out," explains Matt."However, Karen and Arthur are hilarious and together we are always mucking around between takes and telling silly jokes to annoy each other!"

Matt also reveals that his clumsy reputation is still fully justified!"I was chatting away to someone the other day on set and I had my hand on a lamp stand. Little did I know that as I was leaning it was actually turning and suddenly it came crashing down on my head!"

Perhaps it was lucky for the rest of the cast then that Matt wasn't tasked with any sword fighting in episode 3 which is set on a pirate ship."It was 4am and we had four huge rain machines making us soaking wet but we all loved it. Karen had to do the sword fighting though,"chuckles Matt."I just had to walk round and act clever in the background!"

Source - BBC Dr who

DOCTOR WHO: Karen Gillan gives clues on new series (CBBC)

The new series of Dr Who starts this month with a double episode called The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon.

The story sees the Doctor and his companions facing a terrifying new threat, and the discovery of a terrible secret that his friends must never reveal to him.

Karen Gillan, who plays Amy Pond, has got some more clues about what to expect in the new adventures.

watch the video Here

Dr who series 6 more promo pics

Source - Blogtorwho

Dr Who fans vote for Helena Bonham Carter to be first female Timelord

SCI-FI fans reckon Harry potter star Helena Bonham Carter would be the ideal choice to play the first female Doctor Who.

Readers of sci-fi magazine SFX believe the King's Speech star should be given the role if producers decide to make the Time Lord regenerate as a woman in the future.

Harry Potter actress Emma Watson, who has played Hermione Grainger throughout the hit film series, was the only actress under 30 to make the top five.

Dave Golder, online editor of said: "The Doctor has always been an eccentric and actresses don't come much more eccentric than Helena. Of all the Doctors so far she is probably most like a female Tom Baker, though we can see little bits of Troughton, Tennant and Smith in there too."

However, thoughts of a female Doctor may be a little premature. At the launch of the latest series last night, actress Alex Kingston who plays the show's River Song, said: "I think the Doctor will always stay a male. I can't imagine it."

Top five choices for a female Doctor according to SFX readers:
1. Helena Bonham Carter
2. Tamsin Greig
3. Emma Thompson
4. Keeley Hawes
5. Emma Watson


Helena plays bellatrix in Harry potter (if you don't know already) I think she would be ideal for a villian in Dr who! 

Timelord50’s Doctor Who Blog Awards 2011



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