Thursday 16 December 2010

Doctor Who Action Figure Collectors Set: Resurrection Of The Daleks

The TARDIS, with the Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough on board, becomes caught in a time corridor. Once freed it materialises in London in 1984 near the exit of the corridor. Upon investigating warehouses nearby, the travellers stumble upon a trap set for them by the Daleks!


Dr who dwm out today

OK so i know I've posted this but lets see whats inside. my earlier post is Here

from page 4 to to 9 is  Christmas special a Christmas carol

production notes is page ten 

gallifrey guardian is from page 11 to 13

beyond the tardis is page 14

coming soon is page 16 to 19 with ......


the lost stories second doctor box set

the demons of red lodge

relative dimentions


the edge of destruction

the jade pyramid

the galaxy forum is page 20 and 21

Dwm interviews

the universe according to tom baker is page 22 to 29 

life after green death - Katy manning is from page 42 to 48

dwm reviews 2010 is page 50 to 53

the fact of fiction is page 54 to 62

dwm reviews from page 63 and 71

and stock fillings is page 72 to 74

and page 82 is who on earth is carol Ann ford

Dr who advent calender Day Sixteen: Matt Smith's Cracking Christmas Challenge, Part Two


Dr who A Christmas Carol: The BFI Preview and source

Watch Online–DW–S2–Fear Her


More Episode Two filming and plot details

Thanks to the marvellous daveprince37 who discovered a discarded call-sheet for Episode Two recently in a car park in Caerphilly that appears to have been thrown away after the recent filming at Caerphilly Castle we have discovered details of several scenes that were filmed at Troy House which appears in the episode as an American orphanage called Greystark Hall.

It is mentioned that an stunt artiste dressed as an Astronaut is present at the location. So presumably he appears in one of the scenes mentioned on the document. There was also an Astronaut character during the filming at Lone Rock in Utah.

There would appear to be a prosthetic of some description for The Silent.

The call sheet describes several scenes, probably about eight to ten minutes worth of the episode. Here's a list of those scenes:

Scene Synopsis Pages

14 Canton and Amy arrive at the Orphanage.
5/8 Amy; Canton

16 Dr. Renfrew invites them in
4/8 Amy; Canton; Dr. Renfrew

17 Location: Entrance Hallway/Stairwell
Amy and Canton look at the graffiti . Dr. Renfrew mad as a box of frogs.
6/8 Amy; Canton; Dr. Renfrew

19 Location: Entrance Hallway/Stairwell
Dr. Renfrew did the graffiti. Amy splits off to look around.
1 6/8 Amy; Canton; Dr. Renfrew

(Part 2 of 2) Location: Dormitory
Silents hanging from the ceiling.
1/8 A Silent

24 Location: Corridor (Top floor)
Amy, an eye patched woman and a Silent. What could possibly go wrong?
5/8 Amy; A Silent

25 Location: Bedroom (Top floor)
Close ups on the Little Girl.
1/8 Little Girl

26 Location: Dr. Renfrew’s Office
Blam, blam, blam. Welcome to America Mr. Silent.
1 6/8 Canton; A Silent; Dr. Renfrew

Location: Corridor (Top floor)
Why use a gun when you’ve got a sonic?
1 1/8 The Doctor; Rory; River; Canton; Little Girl

30 Location: Bedroom (Top floor)
Amy’s voice calling for help.
2 The Doctor; Rory; River; Canton and Dr. Renfrew

31 Location: Dr. Renfrew’s Office
The Doctor face to face with a Silent.
3/8 The Doctor; Rory; River; Canton; A Silent; Dr. Renfrew

So what does all this tell us?

Scene’s 14 and 16 seem to be fairly straight forward. However scene 15 is missing so we can assume that scene 15 occurs somewhere else (possibly with The Doctor, River and Rory?)

In scene’s 17 and 19 it is revealed that there is graffiti. Could this be the same or similar graffiti to that which appears on River and Amy’s arms?

Scene 24 is interesting because of the “Amy, an eye patched woman” part. Since only Amy and A Silent are listed in the actors for the scene is it safe to assume that Amy is wearing an eye patch for some reason rather than there being a separate actor in the scene wearing an eye patch. Or could the eye patched woman be an extra who quickly falls prey to the Silent?


The Power of Love(Doctor/River)

Dr who eleventh doctor quotes Victory of the Daleks

The Doctor: Amy, Winston Churchill!
Churchill: Doctor... is it you?
The Doctor: Winston, my old friend!
The Doctor: Ha! Every time!
Amy: What's he after?
The Doctor: TARDIS key, of course.
Churchill: Think of what I could achieve with your remarkable machine, Doctor! Think of the lives that could be saved.
The Doctor: Ah, doesn't work like that.
Churchill: Must I take it by force?
The Doctor: I'd like to see you try.
Churchill: At ease.
Dalek: Would you care for some tea?
The Doctor:Stop this! What are you doing here? What do you want?!
Dalek: We seek only to help you.
The Doctor: To do what?
Dalek: To win the war.
The Doctor: Really? Which war?
Dalek: I do not understand.
The Doctor: This war against the Nazis or your war against the rest of the universe? The war against all lifeforms that are not Dalek?
Dalek: I do not understand. I am your soldier.
The Doctor: Okay, okay! Okay, soldier, defend yourself! 
Bracewell: What the devil?!
Dalek: You do not require tea?
Bracewell: Stop him! Prime Minister, please!
Churchill: Doctor!
The Doctor: Come on!
Churchill: What the devil?
The Doctor: Come on! Fight back! I know you will!
Bracewell: I must protest!
The Doctor: You hate me! You want to kill me! Well, go on! Kill me! Kill me!
Amy: Doctor, be careful!
Dalek: Please desist from striking me. I am your soldier.
The Doctor:You! Are! My! Enemy! And I am yours! You are everything I despise. The worst thing in all creation. I've defeated you. Time and time again, I've defeated you. I sent you back into the Void. I saved the whole of reality from you. I am the Doctor, and you are the Daleks!
Amy: So what do we do? Is this what we do now? Chase after them?
The Doctor: This is what I do, yeah, and it's dangerous, so you wait here.
Amy: So I've got to stay safe down here... in the middle of the London Blitz?!
The Doctor: Safest it gets around me.
Amy: Well, what does he expect us to do now?
Churchill: KBO, of course.
Amy: What?
Churchill: Keep Buggering On.
Dalek: We picked up a trace. One of the Progenitor devices.
The Doctor: Progenitor? What's that when it's at home?
Dalek: It is our past. And our future.
The Doctor: Ohhh, that's deep. That is deep for a Dalek. What does it mean, though?
Dalek: It contains pure Dalek DNA. Thousands were created. All were lost, save one.
The Doctor: The question is, what do we do now? Either you turn off your clever machine or I'll blow you and you new paradigm into eternity.
Supreme Dalek: And yourself.
The Doctor: Occupational hazard.
Strategist Dalek: Scan reveals nothing; TARDIS self destruct device non-existent!
The Doctor: All right it's a Jammie Dodger, but I was promised tea!

December 16th–Advent Calendar


Barnaby Edwards' Christmas Questions

What have been your personal highlights of working on Doctor Who?

Far too many to list here, but being shot at by a dozen Kalashnikov rifles while being drenched in water for Dalek comes pretty close. I felt like Bruce Willis.

What's surprised you most about the world of Doctor Who?

That I'm now a part of it. If you'd told my childhood self that one day he'd grow up to be a Dalek, I think he may have expired from the shock.

What are your earliest memories of Doctor Who?

I can recall Sarah Jane and the Third Doctor being menaced by Aggedor in 1974's The Monster of Peladon. I would have been four at the time and thought it was the most terrifying - and glorious - thing I'd ever seen.

How will you be spending Christmas? And after working on Doctor Who for ages, will you still be watching A Christmas Carol 'live' on the 25th?

I've been touring most of the year with Shakespeare's Globe's production of The Merry Wives of Windsor and feel I've earned a break, so I'll be spending a quiet Christmas with some friends in Menorca. If they can get BBC ONE there, I shall be watching it. If not, there's always the hard drive recorder.

What's your personal favourite Adventure Game to date? Be honest!

I love the Cyberman one. It's scary, it's exciting and my character gets bitten by a Cybermat. What's not to like?

The last time you went to a fancy dress party, who or what did you go as?

A mummy. I don't recommend it - those bandages are a nightmare!

Do you secretly prefer the Daleks to the Doctor?

That information is classified.

You get one trip in the TARDIS and wind up in a palace. Abba are performing in one room. Elvis is doing his thing in the next. Don't ask how. Timey-wimey, you know? Anyway, you've just got time to bound in and perform with Abba or Elvis. Which singing sensation do you plump for and what do you sing with them?

The likelihood of Abba reforming is slightly less than the possibility that Elvis is still alive, so I'll take the Abba ticket.

Five fast ones: What's your..

-Favourite movie?

It's a toss up between Citizen Kane and Flash Gordon

- Favourite TV Show? (apart from Doctor Who!)

Carl Sagan's Cosmos.

- Ideal Christmas present (to receive!)

An iPad

- Favourite book?

Bleak House by Charles Dickens

- Motto?

Seek. Locate. Destroy.

Finally... what are your new year's resolutions for 2011?

To exterminate that pesky Doctor once and for all.

Big yuletide thanks to Barnaby Edwards!

Doctor Who Magazine out today

The new Doctor Who Magazine from Panini features an exclusive preview of the Doctor Who Christmas Special. The Doctor himself, Matt Smith tells DWM about guest star Michael Gambon: “Michael is a naughty man, a naughty actor,” Matt laughs. “He’s hugely interesting, everyone on set could have listened to his stories all day!” Find out more in DWM 429, out in shops 16 December – with three bonus art cards! – price £4.99.


Doctor Who???

Ever wonder about the Doctor’s origins and how he came to be? Well wonder no more fans, this video will answer all your questions and some you may not even have thought of or really wanted to know. Enjoy

Who star not worried about Xmas ratings

Doctor Who star Matt Smith has claimed that he is not worried about the ratings for the show's upcoming Christmas special.

Last year, 'The End of Time - Part One' was the third most watched show on Christmas Day, with a final figure of 11.57m viewers.

Smith told BBC News: "I hope it continues to do well [this year], I really do. But I can't really feel any pressure for it because I've done it now. I've made it, so c'est la vie, what will be will be. It's out of my control. But I think it's a great episode."

The actor added that his first two years in the role of The Doctor had been a "wonderful" experience.

"It's whizzed by... because we're very busy up in Cardiff," he admitted. "But, yeah, it's been a wonderful two years. It's been a privilege to play it, I have to say, and it's been a great experience for me."


Jenkins fretted over 'Doctor Who' kiss

Katherine Jenkins has described a kissing scene involving her character in the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas special as the most terrifying moment of her career.

The opera singer was required to kiss actor Danny Horn as part of the festive instalment, but she admits that she was uncomfortable about filming the intimate moment.

"The kissing was the most stressful part of the whole thing," she said. "My mum's got to watch that on Christmas Day!

"I really don't know how it's going to come across. I just want to get that bit out of the way. It was by far the most nerve-wracking thing I've ever done."

Jenkins went on to say that the scene was even more intimidating than her performance in front of Pope John Paul II in 2003, according to The Sun.

The 30-year-old also recalled how Matt Smith mischievously decided to ruin the scene a number of times in order to have Jenkins and Horn do several takes.

"He kept doing it on purpose going, 'Oh sorry, I messed it up. You'll have to do it again,'" Bang Showbiz quotes her as saying.

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