Thursday 10 March 2011

Open the box - Doctor Who: Kinda - BBC

Ten/Rose // You're Not Alone In This Life... (DoctorwhoXMangafan)

Celebrating the Series: Amy's Choice

After battling the Weeping Angels and vampiric villains in the two previous episodes, the Doctor now confronted a different kind of enemy in Amy's Choice. The Dream Lord was a mysterious figure who gave the Time Lord, Amy and Rory a series of trials and cruel choices before a twist ending revealed what had really been going on.

Liz approved: 'Another episode that I found highly intriguing was Amy's Choice. As well as flipping from one reality to another, I like the fact we are seeing more of the Doctor's character, a darker side ... I really hope that we get to see the Dream Lord again ...' Many of you enjoyed this new, sinister figure and hoped for his return, with Paul declaring he was 'the most amazing new villain'. Gabrielle reflected that the Dream Lord was, 'a brilliant, ingenious and quirky villain who told us a lot about the Doctor'.

A few fessed up to shedding a tear over Rory's apparent death. Nicole wrote, 'The moment when Rory "died" in Amy's Choice made me cry the most out of the whole season. Its suddenness and Amy's reaction really put human life and death, love, and the Doctor into perspective.' And on that note, Charlie expressed the thoughts of many: 'I loved Amy's Choice, it was funny and sad and brilliant all at the same time and it was horrible how the Dream Lord kept teasing them. Also it was heart-breaking when Rory died but it was still a brill ep.'

Despite all the drama and moments of sadness, many enjoyed the episode's humour. Merryana said one of her favourite scenes was 'In Amy's Choice when Rory called Amy "Chubs"... So funny!' and Owen also enjoyed the light-hearted banter, revealing, 'The moment that made me laugh is the Doctor saying "You swallowed a planet!" to Amy who was pregnant in Amy's Choice.'

Katie called the adventure, 'mind-bending and revealing' and Evie observed, 'It was great how you were guessing all the way through!'

But the last word today goes to Chris who told us, 'Amy's Choice is my personal favourite episode. The central premise was intriguing enough to keep you on the edge of your seat and with the addition of the juiciest villain since the Master, this was the Doctor Who episode from my dreams!'

BBC Dr who

Dr who quotes Daleks Army of Ghosts and doomsday

Dalek Sec: Location: Earth! Life-forms detected!
Dalek Sec: Which of you is least important?
Rose: What's that supposed to mean?
Dalek Sec: Which of you is least important?!
Rose: No, we don't work like that. None of us.
Dalek Sec: Designate the least important!!
Rose: Then who built it?
Dalek Sec: The Time Lords! This is all that survives of their homeworld!
Rose: What's inside?
Dalek Sec: The future!
Rose: You didn't need to kill him!
Dalek Caan: Neither did we need him alive.
Cyberman: Our technologies are compatible. Together, we can upgrade the universe.
Dalek Thay: You propose an alliance?
Cyberman: This is correct.
Dalek Thay: Request denied!
Cybermen: Hostile elements will be deleted! 
Cyberman: Daleks, be warned; you have declared war upon the Cybermen.
Dalek Sec: This is not war. This is pest control!
Cyberman: We have five million Cybermen. How many are you?
Dalek Sec: Four.
Cyberman: You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?!
Dalek Sec: We would destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek! You are superior in only one respect.
Cyberman: What is that?
Dalek Sec: You are better at dying!
Dalek Sec: Alert, alert - you are the Doctor.
Dalek Thay: Sensors report he is unarmed.
The Doctor: That's me. Always.
Dalek Sec: Then you are powerless.
The Doctor: Not me. Never.
Dalek Thay: I am Dalek Thay.
Dalek Sec: Dalek Sec.
Dalek Jast: Dalek Jast.
Dalek Caan: Dalek Caan.
The Doctor: So that's it! At last, the Cult of Skaro. I thought you were just a legend.
Rose: What are they?
The Doctor: A secret order, above and beyond the Emperor himself! Their job was to imagine, think as the enemy thinks. Even dared to have names... all to find new ways of killing!
Dalek Sec: The Doctor will open the Ark!
The Doctor: The Doctor will not.
Dalek Sec: You have no way of resisting.
The Doctor: Well... you got me there. Although... there is always this.
Dalek Sec: A sonic probe?
The Doctor: That's 'screwdriver'!
Dalek Sec: It is harmless.
The Doctor: Oh, yes. Harmless is just the word. That's why I like it. Doesn't kill, doesn't wound, doesn't maim. But I'll tell you what it does do - it is very good at opening doors.
Cybermen Platoon: DELETE!
Cult of Skaro: EXTERMINATE!
Cybermen: DELETE!
Torchwood Security: Open fire!
Dalek Sec: The Ark will open! 
Dalek Sec: Exterminate all life forms below! Exterminate!
Dalek Sec: It is the Doctor! Exterminate Him!
Dalek Squad: WE OBEY!
Dalek Sec: Emergency temporal shift!

2.04 Doctor Who: Crime of the Century

The year is 1989. In London, safe cracker Raine Creevy breaks into a house – and finds more than the family jewels.

In the Middle East, the kingdom of Sayf Udeen is being terrorised by Soviet invaders and alien monsters.

And on the Scottish border, a highly guarded facility contains an advanced alien weapon.

source - Big finish

Doctor Who Magazine 432 out today

The Doctor who Magazine is out today 

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