Thursday 21 October 2010

Doctor Who Live - review

Sheffield Arena - October 13th 2010 I'm surrounded by thousands of Doctor Who fans of all ages, some of whom have come in character. I couldn't help thinking that  that many sonic screwdrivers, bow-ties and fezs in such a confined space could have a serious effect on the space-time continuum and the show hadn't begun yet!

No doubt following on from the success of the Doctor Who Proms it was decided to bring the experience to a wider audience. Only this would be a little bit different - instead of just a rapid succession of composer Murray Gold's fantastic scores written for the series being played by a full orchestra, the Live tour has its own specially written storyline featuring a new character created by Steven Moffat- Vorgensen, self-proclaimed best showman in the galaxy (brought to life by Nigel Planer) -  who uses his invention to bring characters from the series to the stage.

If you have yet to see the show I won't give you any plot details, but will say that the live action is interspersed with video clips featuring Matt Smith as the eleventh Doctor.

Among the old favourites such as the Daleks and Cybermen, we were treated to appearances by the Ood, Weeping Angels (I didn't blink!) and Juddoon amongst several others. I won't tell you all the monsters who appear so as to give you some measure of surprise if you do have tickets. It was quite amusing and a little gratifying to see the smaller children freaking out whenever the baddies appeared, remembering how I used to hide behind the sofa or behind a cushion back in the days when I watched Tom Baker and Peter Davison when it was their turn to be the Doctor.

The whole production has a cast of 16 people along with a 16 piece band conducted by Ben Foster who fans may know as the composer of the Torchwood music. It is a testament to Murray Gold's creative talents that his music originally arranged for full orchestra translates well to a smaller arrangement. By the way, smaller doesn't mean quieter or less impressive - there is more of a rock band feel to the new arrangement - which in my opinion is AWESOME!

By Angela Grant
Posted by Timelord50 by Blackberry pin - 2200AEE8

A Little Humour

A Bit of Sad News

I just wanted to pass along this bad news of a Great American Icon of the entertainment community who has passed away and will be missed.
The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection, and trauma complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71.
Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs. Butterworth, Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The gravesite was piled high with flours.
Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded. Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was considered a very smart cookie, but wasted much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Despite being a little flaky at times, he still was a crusty old man and was considered a positive roll model for millions.
Doughboy is survived by his wife Play Dough, three children: John Dough, Jane Dough and Dosey Dough, plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop tart.
The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes.

Just keeping everyone on top of currant events.

Radio Times – Death Of The Doctor

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Actor Wish list for Series 6/7 from Blogtorwho

As production on Series 6 of The World's Greatest TV Show continues unabated, one begins to wonder just who will be joining Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill on their adventures in time and space.
Doctor Who has been blessed with an array of fine actors in recent years (and not so recent too). Only this year saw the likes of Toby Jones, Iain Glen and Tony Curran (not to mention Matt Smith) actoring up the small screen with some aplomb. But there are still some boys and men out there whose absence has been noted and subsequently listed. And here is that list.
There follows eleven names (originally twelve*) that I think would make fine additions. Two provisos, however: (1) the actor has not already appeared in Doctor Who; and (2) would also be likely to star in the show (i.e. not Brad Pitt). Come back next week and find out what girlies Blogtor wants to see in the show.
11. Patrick Stewart
After the recent Corden~Gate debacle (if you haven't seen it, check it out), Sir Pat is a bit tainted but let's remember that he's not always taking pot-shots at the pot-bellied. Patty S was once an actor and those who saw him in Hamlet, alongside what's-his-face, were witness to his ever-present talent. The Shakespearian thesp hasn't done much TV of late (aside from American Dad, of course) so this could be a welcome return. We see him starring as the archetypal scientist on a par with The Doctor, but bald!
10. Timothy Spall
Though he's more often on the big screen these days (Alice in Wonderland earlier this year and Harry Potter and the Whatever It Is due in November), Timmy does like to 'slum' it on television, as seen in Jimmy McGovern's The Street. The Spall-a-tron is certainly one of Britain's most gifted and versatile actors with a career spanning five decades. Part? - possibly a scientist's assistant who accidentally breaks stuff only to reveal he was the mastermind behind the plan all along....
9. Richard Ayoade
Having spent some time with Ayoade back in the early Noughties (I MC'd a stand up night that he performed at) I was fascinated by how striking his appearance was. I mean, he is a tall, handsome and stylish guy. So imagine my amusement when he pops up in The IT Crowd looking all Moss-ified. Having also impressed in Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace and The Mighty Boosh, Ayoade's got range and looks, well, different (vive le difference!). I can imagine him as a sexy scientist. With test tubes.
8. Max Beesley
Poor Max Beesley - so many poor career choices yet still so successful! Thankfully he seems to be returning to something watchable with next year's Mad Dogs (also starring Phillip Glenister). I say watchable, it is being made by Sky... Anyway, Maxxo seems to choose a series to get involved in these days rather than one offs so maybe he's holding out for the part of Gallifrey's finest. I think a scientist who's hiding the fact that he failed all his exams but slept with the marker seems to perfect for him.
7. Matt Berry
He's only here 'cos I have genuine man-love for this guy. Berry could read the script to Timelash/Time Flight/Twin Dilemma//Fear Her (take your pick of the clunkers) and make it, at least, worth a listen. If you’ve seen him in various roles (the aforementioned Garth Marenghi, Boosh, IT Crowd or Snuff Box) then you'll know diversity ain't his thang - and nor should it be. If we ever get the origin story for Davros then I humbly suggest Matt Berry for Skaro's finest scientist…
6. Bill Bailey
Surely everyone in the world is a little bit in lurve with Bill Bailey? The bearded one never fails to light up the screen and raise a smile whether it’s Black Books, Spaced or even, dare I say, Hustle. As sci-fi seems to be synonymous with Bailey, a part in the show would not seem out of this world (never mind question). Mad scientist, definitely.
5. Tom Hollander
It's been quite the year for Hollander having appeared as wildly different characters in The Thick of It and its movie version, In The Loop; one the dolt, the other a prick of Malcolm Tucker proportions. To top that he's been entertaining BBC Two audiences in the comedy Rev. Ideal candidate for scientist who plays by the rules but has to break them through his friendship with The Doctor.
4. Aidan Turner
Coo, ain't he dreamy? Nerdoids (and young people) have been enjoying his performance as John Mitchell in Being Human but it was his almost Doctor-ish appearance in Desperate Romantics (which, sadly, doesn’t look like it's coming back, bah!) that really impressed. I picture him as a hunky scientist trying to cure a planet's dying planet only to discover he’s made it worse through his bare-chested antics.
3. Phillip Glenister
Although he's made some rather sniffy remarks about Doctor Who (mainly 'cos Life On Mars lost out to it at various award ceremonies - boo hoo!), Big Balls Phil, as he's known round here, still needs to the pay the bills. Fact fans may note that his brother Robert starred in one of the finest Who stories ever, The Caves of Androzani back in 1984 and this would be a fine opportunity to put Demons behind him... We see him as an angry scientist who beats up his subjects with a bunsen burner.
2. Robert Sheehan
Anyone who's seen Misfits (last year on E4, this year - for all the slow people out there - on Channel Four) will inform you, nay force upon you, the awesomeosity of the gobby, wise-cracking Nathan, played by Robert Sheehan. The guy's got star written all over him so it would be nice to see him on the small screen once again before he migrates to the big screen. Potential role? A young sexy scientist who plays by his own rules.
1. Benedict Cumberbatch
Of course, who else would it have been? Benny Thundersnatch is the hottest name on telly right now after his performance as Conan Doyle's Holmes in the Mark Gatiss/Steven Moffat 2010 update, Sherlock. The blighter has even hinted in recent interviews suggesting a role may well be upcoming in numerous episodes. The only thing better than seeing BC in DW would be a Sherlock/Doctor Who crossover for Children In Need. Make it happen Team Mofftiss!
* When I originally wrote this piece, before filming began, I had included Daniel Mays. Now, since he has already filmed his part, it seemed daft to mention him. But, for completists here is his entry:
9. Daniel Mays
A familiar face after snarling up the screen as the Devil (or his BFF at least) in the Ashes To Ashes finale, Daniel Mays seems to be the perfect actor to take on the role of The Master after John Simm (though the actor at number one could be even juicier). Negatives? Well there was the Channel Four “comedy” Plus One (to be fair to Mays, he was the best thing about it) and he’s also appearing the upcoming BBC sci-fi-fest Outcasts so it could be a while before we see him in Who. Ideally as the janitor who cleans up after all the scientists have gone to bed.

Who would you like to see?
Comment below, let the insanity begin...

Sarah jane adventures radio times death of the doctor

The Sarah Jane Adventures Clean Titles


Doctor Who - A Celebration With David Tennant Part 1

Dr who tenth doctor quotes christmas invasion

Harriet Jones:Harriet Jones, Prime Minister.
Responder: Yes, I know who you are.
Mr. Llewellyn: So they might not be actual Martians.
Soldier: Of course not. Martians look completely different.
Harriet Jones: Did we ask anyone about the Royal Family?  Oh. They're on the roof.
The Doctor: Oi, you could have someone's eye out with that!
The Doctor: You just can't get the staff. Now you! Just wait. I'm busy! Mickey, hello! And Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North! Blimey, it's like This Is Your Life! Tea! That's all I needed! Good cup of tea! Super-heated infusion of free-radicals and tannins, just the thing for healing the synapses. Now, first things first. Be honest. How do I look?
Rose: Umm... different.
The Doctor: Good different or bad different?
Rose: Just... different.
The Doctor: Am I... ginger?
Rose: No, you're just sort of... brown.
The Doctor: Aw, I wanted to be ginger! I've never been ginger! And you, Rose Tyler! Fat lot of good you were! You gave up on me! Ooh, that's rude. Is that the sort of man I am now? Am I rude? Rude and not ginger.
Sycorax Leader: Blood control is just one form of conquest. I could summon the armada and take this world by force!
The Doctor: Well... you could do that. Yeah, you could do that. Of course you could! But why? Look at these people, these human beings. Consider their potential! From the day they arrive on the planet, blinking, step into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than— no, hold on. Sorry, that's The Lion King. But the point still stands: Leave them alone!
The Doctor: No second chances. I'm that sort of a man.

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Posted by Timelord50 by Blackberry pin - 2200AEE8

More hints dropped for 2011 and Christmas?

On the DVD commentaries for Series Five Moffat mentions the Christmas Special saying.

I've just written into the Christmas special a speech where he [The Doctor] talks about the fact that he doesn't have a hat.

And of 2011, he teases.

You might think, for instance, that there are things that live inside clouds. I'm just saying that, kids, as a little nod to the future there.

In this month's Doctor Who Magazine Neil Gaiman takes over Moffat's regular Production Notes column and reveals.

His 2011 script was originally planned as the eleventh episode of Series Five and didn't include Rory.

He obliquely confirms that his story includes a character called 'Auntie' which might confirm our ?speculation? that Elizabeth Berrington will appear in his story.

Suranne Jones plays someone who is beautiful and who bites "and who might just turn out to be an old acquaintance with a new face".

The episode begins "in void-space, with something - or someone - we have not seen since The War Games, and a knock on the TARDIS door."

Moffat also promises that Gaiman's episode will change the way we look at Doctor Who forever.

DWM's editor, Tom Spilsbury reveals that the first "proper" talks have begun at the BBC regarding the 50th anniversary, and that the programme is set to get "even bigger".

Oh, and Moffat is amused that we think we know what Gatiss' episode is called! - Which since it was discovered in the on-line CV of the episodes' child guest-star could mean that either his agent was deliberately given misinformation or misinterpreted the information that he was provided with.
Posted by Timelord50 by Blackberry pin - 2200AEE8

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