Thursday 18 November 2010

Doctor Who Children In Need Wallpaper


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Doctor Who to be aired on Children In Need - A Special or A Sneak Peek?

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We've got far too long to wait for this year's Doctor Who Christmas special so thank goodness for Children in Need (BBC ONE, Friday 19th November). Just after 8pm, we're invited to join Matt Smith and Karen Gillan for some fun and games in the TARDIS when they're paid a visit by some very special guests. And as if that isn't enough, they might even have an exciting preview of A Christmas Carol to show us, so don't miss it!

Doctor Who has a long tradition of supporting Children in Need and has been associated with the annual fun-filled night of fund raising for over twenty-five years. Back in 1983, even before Pudsey Bear had made his debut, Doctor Who celebrated its 20th anniversary by screening The Five Doctors during Children in Need and over the years cast and crew have made countless appearances during the event. In 2005 we saw what happened when Rose met the Tenth Doctor for the first time and two years later the Fifth Doctor joined the party as he featured in Time Crash, a Children in Need mini-episode starring David Tennant and Peter Davison.

But this year, Doctor Who's presence on the big night will be better than ever - hurray! It's all for Children in Need, of course, so please visit the Children in Need site to get great fundraising ideas, discover who benefits from your support, and find out how to make a donation. And to get you in the mood, why not download our exclusive wallpaper celebrating the Doctor's appearance on Friday's show!

Second Doctor regenerates - Doctor Who: The War Games - BBC

In the Valley of the Gods (Utah set report)

Set report

My SO and I took off from Moab about 7:30, receiving text intel from Scot during the 2 hour drive down to Valley of the Gods. When I first looked up VOTG online, Google maps made it look like a much larger area. Once I realized there was only that one road through it, I felt much more hopeful. We found the turnoff, and followed 2 local sheriff cars in. They stopped at a helicopter parked by the side of the road. We later learned the crew were removing the camera that had been mounted on the heli. We then followed the crew and cop cars farther into the valley.

Then there it was. Off in the distance, a bunch of trailers and vehicles. Paydirt! We stopped our car before a van that seemed to be at the outer edge of the excitement, and got out to look. A friendly local (SLC) production team member informed us that we were discouraged from watching, but they would not force us to leave. He pointed to a camper on the other side of the action as some other civvies who were watching. So we stood by our car and started snapping pics. (I’ll post them this weekend, don’t have any image editing software on this netbook.) We were asked to back our car up a couple of times, and then the sheriffs took over traffic control for the short stretch of road they were using. First Karen got to do a scene where she ran along the road (twice!). Then they brought in the vintage Jeep Cherokee with two men in black suits. They did a couple shots of the vehicle zooming up and down the road (right past us after they got over a little hill), then closed the road for several takes of Karen running again, this time away from the road on a short path toward the trailers, and the Cherokee and a Jeep Wrangler zooming up behind her, skidding to a stop, and the MIBs getting out with guns drawn. In one take, it looked like Karen was stopping short, as if she was about to run of the edge of a cliff before she caught herself.

By this point the cops had asked the camper and another civilian Jeep that were on the other side to come back to our side of the shooting, so we met the rest of the gang: Tara and her husband David, and Lindsay who had driven over from Eagle, CO, starting at 1:00 AM and confirmed the location. Awesome people! A lot of fun to hang out with. Tara has her own TARDIS and a DW tech manual FULL of autographs. Two guys from LA (one originally from London, his name was Matt Smith, but not that one) then joined the crowd, along with some unsuspecting tourists who had to wait for a break in the action before being allowed through to the rest of the valley drive.

After a bit of watching the same thing over and over again, my partner and I decided to continue our own drive. The rest of the who-hunters were heading back to the staging area north of Mexican Hat, so after the beautiful drive through the valley, we met up with them again. Arthur Darvill was sitting being interviewed by some American guy across the road from where Tara and Lindsay were sitting in camp chairs with the “just want matt smith’s autograph” sign. The interviewers had to shush us informal viewers. David was the perfect host, feeding us turkey sandwiches and lemonata, yum, and even offering the use of their portable facilities. T & L spotted Alex Kingston there at the lunch table across the highway, but we didn’t see her.

We got tired of this after a good amount of time, and pretty clear attitude from the crew that we weren’t particularly welcome or cherished. So my partner and I headed into Mexican Hat, then ended up wandering down toward Monument Valley on the advice of our spies. We passed a large parking area with a sign saying “Base Camp” that already contained several of the production vehicles. A little further along, another pulloff had more vehicles. We went on down to Goulding’s, where it was rumored a night shoot might happen. It was cool down there, sort of reminiscent of Delta and the Bannermen, but then we turned back. And are we glad we did!

On the drive back up toward Mexican Hat, we passed a sheriff’s car with flashing lights at the side of the road, and then approached a vintage school bus at the side of the road, with a big film crew around it. I whipped out my zoom and sure enough, we got our first glimpse of Matt Smith walking across the road, donning a cowboy hat, and walking back. The local crew then let us through past the filming. We drove through, and saw Alex and then Matt standing at the side of the road. They weren’t more than 6 feet away from me as we drove by. I think I squeed myself just a little. Without really thinking I called out “Hi Alex!” and “Hi Matt!” but I wasn’t smart enough to have been taking a video as we drove through. So we came north past the northern sheriff, flipped a u-turn, and went back for seconds. This time we saw Matt and Alex standing together. I waved, and they smiled and waved back. Then we looped back around for a final run through past the bus. This time we were kept waiting about 10 minutes, and they seemed to be wrapping up. The bus was on the opposite side of the road as before, and appeared to be high-centered. Remember this if you ever want to loan your bus to DW: make sure it’s insured.

Generally it was a lot of fun meeting the other fans who came such a long way to try to see something. The few people from the crew we interacted with were nice. We talked quite a bit with the Sheriff at the VOTG shoot, and he told us Matt had flown in Tuesday night at midnight to Blanding, and his entourage had been disappointed that nothing was open. Guess they’ve never been to a small town before?

After that excitement, we headed back up to Moab, where we have a hotel room. It would have been easy to keep trying to follow the production around, but we are also here on vacation, and I didn’t want to get so carried away that we forgot to have some R&R, too. So tomorrow, we’re not going to Page. We might still go to Goblin Valley, not because we think they’ll be shooting there, but because it looks cool. And Friday we’re heading home, with our memories and lots of excitement for season 6 to start! (We were there! we will tell anyone who will listen.)

Thanks again to everyone who helped today be a day we will never forget!


Dr Who star Matt Smith gets flustered as he's quizzed about visiting strip clubs in Vegas

Dr Who star Matt Smith confessed he was worried about upsetting his bosses at the BBC as he joked about women and strip joints on a US chat show.

The 28-year-old actor looked flustered as host and comedian Craig Ferguson deliberately tried to embarrass him during their interview on the Scotsman's US late night chat show, The Late Late Show

More Here

Vincent and the Doctor nominated for Mind Award

Vincent and the Doctor, written by Richard Curtis has been nominated in the Drama category at this year’s Mind Mental Health Media Awards.

The nominations will be judged by an independent panel of media professionals and mental health service users. The awards, which celebrate the best portrayal of mental distress and reporting of mental health in broadcast media, will be held at the British Film Institute on Monday 22nd November 2010.


Dr who series 6 episodes 1 and 2 casts

Mark Sheppard
Stuart Milligan
Marnix van den Broeke
Chuk Iwuji
Mark Griffin
Kerry Shale
Glenn Wrage
Jeff Mash
Sydney Wade
Tommy Campbell
Peter Banks
Nancy Baldwin
Kieran O'Connor
Alex Giannini
Adam Napier
Henrietta Clemett
Paul Critoph
Ricky Fearon

Emilio Aquino


First Doctor Box Set - First Disc Error

"It has come to our attention that there is a minor glitch on the first disc of The First Doctor Box Set. A software fault during CD mastering has resulted in the loss of three words. A revised download is now available, and the disc is currently being repressed. Anyone who has purchased it directly from Big Finish will be sent it automatically, as your details remain on file.


Dooolally Who - by Babelcolour

Dr who filming in utah

Source and Here

Doctor Who Meets Star Trek The Next Generation...

The Ten Doctors PART 3 - By Babelcolour

The Ten Doctors PART 2 - by Babelcolour

The Ten Doctors PART 1 - by Babelcolour

4.09 Doctor Who: Lucie Miller

See it Here

Sarah jane adventures artwork

Showcase your Sarah Jane artwork in the Artist of the Future.

All galleries are now open. Monster images can be found in the alien gallery.

Check out the Character Index and the Alien Index for inspiration! 

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Sarah jane adventures artwork

Showcase your Sarah Jane artwork in the Artist of the Future.

All galleries are now open. Monster images can be found in the alien gallery.

Check out the Character Index and the Alien Index for inspiration! 

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Sarah jane adventures artwork

Showcase your Sarah Jane artwork in the Artist of the Future.

All galleries are now open. Monster images can be found in the alien gallery.

Check out the Character Index and the Alien Index for inspiration! 

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Sarah jane adventures artwork

Showcase your Sarah Jane artwork in the Artist of the Future.

All galleries are now open. Monster images can be found in the alien gallery.

Check out the Character Index and the Alien Index for inspiration! 

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dr who tenth doctor quotes Last of the Time Lords

The Master: Citizens of Earth, rejoice. Your Lord and Master stands on high... playing track 3!
The Master: It's ready to rise, Doctor. The new Time Lord empire, it's good isn't it? Isn't it good? Anything?
The Master: No? Anything? Oh, but they broke your hearts, didn't they? Those Toclafane... Ever since you worked out what they really are. They say Martha Jones has come back home, now why would she do that?
The Doctor: Leave her alone.
The Master: But you said something to her, didn't you? On the day I took control... What did you tell her?
The Doctor: I have one thing to say to you... You know what it is...
The Master: Oh, no you don't!
Male Toclafane: Sweet, kind Martha Jones. You helped us to fly.
Martha: What do you mean?
Male Toclafane: You led us to salvation.
Martha: Who are you?
Male Toclafane: The skies are made of diamonds.
Martha:No, you can't be him!
Male Toclafane: We share each other's memories. You sent him to Utopia.
Martha: Oh my god...!
Tom Milligan: What's it talking about? What's it mean?
Professor Docherty: Who are they?
Tom Milligan: Martha? Martha? Tell us, what are they?
Martha:They're us. They're humans. The human race, from the future.
Martha: I travelled across the world. From the ruins of New York, to the fusion mills of China, right across the radiation pits of Europe. And everywhere I went I saw people just like you, living as slaves! But if Martha Jones became a legend then that's wrong, because my name isn't important. There's someone else. The man who sent me out there, the man who told me to walk the Earth. And his name is The Doctor. He has saved your lives so many times and you never even knew he was there. He never stops. He never stays. He never asks to be thanked. But I've seen him, I know him... I love him... And I know what he can do.
The Master: Three minutes to align the black-hole converters. Counting down! I never could resist a ticking clock... My children! Are you ready?
Toclafane: [chanting] We'll fly and blaze and slice! We'll fly and blaze and slice!
The Master: At zero, to mark this day, the child Martha Jones will die.My first blood, ha. Any last words? ...No?...Such a disappointment this one. Days of old, Doctor, you had companions who could absorb the time vortex... This one's useless. Bow your head. And so it falls to me as Master of all, to establish from this day a new order of Time Lords. From this day forward...
The Master: What... what's so funny?
Martha: A gun.
The Master: What about it?
Martha: The gun in four parts.
The Master: Yes? ...And I destroyed it.
Martha: A gun, in four parts scattered across the world, I mean... come on. Did you really believe that?!
The Master: What do you mean?
The Aged Doctor: ...As if I would ask her to kill...
The Master: Oh, well. It doesn't matter! I've got her exactly where I want her!
Martha: But I knew what Professor Docherty would do. The resistance knew about her son... I told her about the gun so she'd get me here. At the right time.
The Master: But you're still going to die.
Martha: Do you wanna know what I was doing, travelling the world?
The Master:Tell me.
Martha: I was telling a story, that's all. No weapons, just words. I did just what The Doctor said. I went across the continents, all on my own, and everywhere I went I found the people and I told them my story... I told them about the Doctor... And I told them to pass it on. To spread the word so that every one would know about the Doctor.
The Master: Faith and hope? Is that all?!
Martha: No! Because I gave them an instruction. Just as the Doctor said...
The Doctor:Use the countdown.
Martha: I told them that if every one thinks of one word, at one specific time—
The Master: Nothing will happen! Is that your weapon? Prayer?!
Martha: —Right across the world! One word, just one thought, at one moment! But with fifteen satellites!
The Master:What?
Captain Jack: The Archangel Network.
Martha: A telepathic field, binding the whole human race together. All of them, every single person on Earth, thinking the same thing at the same time! And that word, is Doctor!
The Master: Stop it! No, no, no, no you don't!
The Master: Stop this right now! STOP IT!
The Doctor: I've had a whole year to tune myself into the psychic network and integrate with its matrices.
The Master: Stop! I order you to stop!
The Doctor: The one thing you can't do... is stop them thinking.Tell me the human race is degenerate now... when they can do this.
The Master: NO!!
The Doctor: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
The Master: Then I'll kill them!
The Master: You can't do this! You can't do... IT'S NOT FAIR!
The Doctor: And you know what happens now!
The Master: No!
The Doctor: You wouldn't listen. Because you know what I'm going to say...
The Doctor: I forgive you.
The Master: Now it ends, Doctor! NOW IT ENDS!
Martha: We've got all six billion spheres heading right for us!
[Back on the ground, the Doctor and the Master size each other up]
The Doctor: We've got control of the Valiant, you can't launch.
The Master: Oh, but I've got this! Black hole converter inside every ship. If I can't have this world, Doctor, then neither can you! We shall stand upon this Earth, together, as it burns!
The Doctor: Weapon, after weapon, after weapon. All you do is talk, and talk, and talk. But over all these years... and all these disasters, I've always had the greatest secret of them all. I know you. Explode those ships, you kill yourself... that's the one thing you can never do.
The Master: Always the women.
The Doctor: I didn't see her.
The Master: Dying in your arms. Happy now?
The Doctor: You're not dying, don't be stupid. It's only a bullet, just regenerate.
The Master: No.
The Doctor: One little bullet, come on.
The Master: I guess you don't know me so well; I refuse.
The Doctor: Regenerate. Just regenerate. Please. Please! Just regenerate! Come on!
The Master: And spend the rest of my life imprisoned with you?!
The Doctor:But you've got to. Come on. It can't end like this. You and me, all the things we've done. Axons, remember the Axons? And the Daleks? We're the only two left. I have no one else. REGENERATE!
The Master: How about that? I win! Will it stop, Doctor? The drumming. Will it stop?
Captain Jack: But I keep wondering... what about aging? Cause I can't die, but I keep getting older... the odd little grey hair? Y'know? What happens if I live for a million years?
The Doctor: I really don't know.
Captain Jack: Heh, okay, vanity, sorry. Yeah, can't help it. Used to be a poster boy, when I was a kid, living in the Boeshane Peninsula. Tiny little place. I was the first ever to be signed up for the Time Agency. They were so proud of me. The Face of Boe, they called me. I'll see you. 
The Doctor: No..
Martha: It can't be.
The Doctor: No... definitely not... no?
The Doctor:No!!
The Doctor:What? What?
The Doctor: What?

Doctor Who DVD Card Art 2



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Dwm (Doctor who magazine) out today

Out today in shops £4.20 

Doctor Who DVD Card Art 1


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In The Past–Adric Magix


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