Wednesday 9 March 2011

Celebrating the Series: The Vampires of Venice

The Vampires of Venice saw the return of Rory and many of you loved the scene where the Doctor bursts back into his life. It contained Zoe's favourite moment of the episode, which she told us was, 'The Doctor jumping out of the cake at Rory's stag. And the right one this time! Hm. I wonder what happened all the other times he jumped out of the wrong cake?'

Not sure about that, but presumably he got his just deserts..? Rory's return scored highly with many of you, with Leah saying, 'My favourite part (of the series) was in The Vampires of Venice... Rory and the Doctor break in at night to the school and it's dark - Rory says 'Good job I brought this,' and pulls out a mini-torch. The Doctor whips out a huge 'portable sunlight' torch. Rory then says, 'Yours is bigger than mine,' (and the Doctor replies) 'Let's not get into that!''

Maria also enjoyed the moments of humour in the adventure, emailing us, 'The Vampires of Venice was a super funny episode - especially the fight between Rory and Francesco! The Doctor saves them once again! Well done!!'

Katie C provided this thoughtful reflection... no pun intended! 'The Vampires of Venice was a fantastic episode. I loved seeing more of Rory, and seeing him and the Doctor clash over Amy, however much the Doctor tried to avoid it... Then there was the part when Amy said that the Rory can pose as her brother, because it'd be too weird for him to be her fiancé. But when the Doctor offers, she says he can be her fiancé. It really showed how Amy feels about the Doctor, and poses a problem for Rory, now that Amy has her raggedy Doctor back. I also LOVED the part when Rory told the Doctor that he makes people dangerous to themselves when they're around him, always trying to impress him. Rory put it brilliantly, and it's so true. You can see it in all of the Doctor's companions, and even in people who barely know him, who have only crossed paths with him momentarily.'

Read more at BBC Dr who

Dr who series 6 episode title and start date

The doctor who magazine (which is out tomorrow) has revealed the date for episode 1 of series it is to be the 23rd April (next months) and they also have revealed a title for episode 11 The God Complex 

Dr who filming pictures 08/03/2011

These were taken by mugim0e view more Here

Keep up to date with the latest filming on twitter/dwsr

Torchwood: Week Eight production

Production: Week Eight:

Another week and another early start, for costume designer Shawna Trpcic, who later on discussed aspects of Captain Jack's new jacket:
06:20 Torchwood at 4:12 am. Funny thing is I woke up before my alarm. :-)
now I'm yawning and eating too much trying to stay alert. :-)
06:23 what is CJ coat Y u chose fabric?
Wool w/ tiny bit of cashmere to keep it soft with goodBody.
11:29 Thought JB was allergic to wool?
Old Coat was cotton - the wool im using is thin and
super soft no allergic reactions.
12:41 costume was made of moleskin to simulate wool as JB allergic
does it qualify as cotton?
i suppose might b an UK/US word thing
19:59 Can't wait to see our captain in NEW hero coat!
I wonder if he wears the silver aeroplane cufflinks this series too?
Other Twitter-chat for the day included:
07:54 ST Ice cold but sunny & clear beautiful
rained for 10hours during fri night shoot :-/
09:02 AS Week 8 of Torchwood aka 80s revival week!
19:13 MC Abby singer! For those of you who don't know that means the
second to the last shot is up.
19:19 MC Wrap
21:21 AS @trpcic lol Ralph? DWtS!!! That's amazing! Watching fo sho!
80s revival week rules! I'm so rocking legwarmers this week.

Back out and about, filming at two locations; a parking garage at 524 South Flower St, just around the corner from the major shoot at the US Bank Tower - the tallest building in Los Angeles! - and several photos from Shawna Trpcic and Michael Colbert showed off its views across the city!

Michael Colbert
(via Twitpic)
The view today. "Heroes" fans might note Kirby plaza where the orange thing is.
Michael Colbert
(via Twitpic)
Another view
Shawna Trpcic
(via Twitpic)
Never seen LA like this :-)
Shawna Trpcic
(via Twitpic)
Top of historic mens club in downtown

Shawna Trpcic, via Plixi

Michael Colbert, via Twitpic
"TW-Spy!" today reveals John and Eve's comfy chairs, and an intriguing logo that promises "from better to best"! Meanwhile, the cast and crew go wobbly at the knees with guest star Ernie Hudson filming scenes alongside John Barrowman!

09:08 ST TV crews work sooooo hard we have units all over this
morning have not stopped running and my crew
are literary out of breath!!
09:47 MC Poop on a stick! It's only 9:45!
15:26 ST Publicity photos for Torchwood on the way
Shooting this weekend with 7 members of the cast :-)
15:37 ST John said his undercover pants were a bit tight but
he likes them. I told him Im famous for
"Captain Tight Pants" gotta keep up tradition

Wednesday - Friday
Wednesday saw filming continue with two units, though it wasn't clear if this was back at the US Bank Tower or elsewhere; production was to return to the Warner Brothers lot for the rest of the week, though it would seem that adjacent activities would cause quite some excitement!
02 23:58 DC Shooting #y&r and #torchwood next week.... Busy busy.
02 21:58 AF Shooting #Torchwood back at good 'ol WB tomorrow. ^_^ |
02 22:28 ST I am soooo exhausted but gotta tell you working on torchwood is such a
luv fest I am very happy two units today shopping and early fit in am
03 13:05 AF Having now read the latest script, I take that back! :D
03 15:41 AS Note: This is not Torchwood but J. Edgar is shooting on the lot near us.
Looking for Leo!
03 16:09 BBC Just spent a lovely afternoon with some of our fellow UK crew.
We're also still floating on the Ernie Hudson cloud, the rumors are true.
03 17:15 JE It is almost all written, yes! All episodes but last one are in
the pipeline at some stage. No word on next season yet.
03 17:56 ST Clint Eastwood and Leo dicaprio r here -
squeeeel in amazing Hoover era costumes
03 21:01 ST Don't jump ship on us from Torchwood to a fancy movie set, please!
Never! I have never giggled & blushed so much! Like teenage luv
04 16:08 AF More "Torchwood" (@ Warner Bros. Pictures)
04 17:39 BBC Eve Myles wants everyone to make her a promise,
HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEKEND! That seems manageable right?
04 17:39 AF Conan O'Brien and Leo DiCaprio are somewhere on this lot.
When am I going to conveniently happen across them?? ;D
04 17:46 AF I realized that one of the two main Torchwood stages is right
next door to Two and a Half Men. Ground 0 for recent Hollywood drama! :P
04 17:48 BBC Also, we're prepping for a photo shoot this Saturday.
Publicity stills, can't wait!
04 19:51 ST All packed & prepared for first PR shoot w/ the cast. Yay!!
Crew shooting into the weeee hours then up for Morning shoot.
Pray all sleep well
04 23:17 BBC We've got Bill and Lauren on this late night of shooting.
The lot is empty... Mission #2 - Private Party on the
"Two and A Half Men" set!
05 01:25 BBC Mission #2, FAIL. We're having too much fun on our own set.
Such a great cast and crew. Good Morning Everyone!

05 01:35 AF Yet another Happy Fraturday to all! ;)

Source - Dr who news page

Dr who quotes Daleks Bad wolf and parting of the ways

Dalek #1: Alert! Alert! We are detected!
Dalek #2: It is the Doctor! He has located us!
Dalek: I will talk to the Doctor.
The Doctor: Oh, will you? That's nice. Hello!
Dalek: The Dalek Stratagem nears completion. The Fleet is almost ready. You will not intervene.
The Doctor: Oh, really? Why's that then?
Dalek: We have your associate. You will obey or she will be exterminated.
The Doctor: No.
Dalek: Explain yourself.
The Doctor: I said 'no'.
Dalek: What is the meaning of this negative?
The Doctor: It means 'no'.
Dalek: But she will be destroyed!
The Doctor: No! 'Cause this is what I'm gonna do - I'm gonna rescue her. I'm gonna save Rose Tyler from the middle of the Dalek Fleet, and then I'm gonna save the Earth, and then just to finish off, I'm gonna wipe every last stinking Dalek outta the sky!
Dalek: But you have no weapons! No defences! No plan!
The Doctor: Yeah. And doesn't that scare you to death!
Dalek #1: The Doctor is initiating hostile action!
Dalek #2: The Stratagem must advance. Begin the invasion of Earth!
Dalek #3: The Doctor will be exterminated!
Daleks: Exterminate!
Daleks: Exterminate! Exterminate! EXTERMINATE!!!
Dalek #1: You know The Doctor. You understand him. You will predict his actions.
Rose: I don't know! And even if I did I wouldn't t-tell you.
Dalek #1: Predict. Predict! PREDICT!
Dalek #2: TARDIS detected. In flight.
Dalek #1: Launch missiles!
Dalek #2: Exterminate!
Rose: You can't! That TARDIS doesn't have any defences! You're gonna kill him!
Dalek #1: You have predicted correctly.
Daleks: Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!
 The Doctor: Is that it? Useless! Nul points.
The Doctor: How did you survive the Time War?
Dalek Emperor: They survived through me.
The Doctor: Rose... Captain, this is The Emperor of the Daleks.
Dalek Emperor: You destroyed us Doctor! The Dalek race died in your inferno, but my ship survived, falling through time. Crippled, but alive!
The Doctor: I get it
Dalek #1: Do not interrupt!
Dalek #2: Do not interrupt!
Dalek #3: Do not interrupt!
The Doctor: I think you are forgetting something, I'm The Doctor, and if there is one thing I can do, it's talk. I've got 5 billion languages and you haven't got one way of stopping me, so if anyone is going to shut up, IT'S YOU! Okey Doke, so... Where were we?
Dalek Emperor: We waited here, in the dark space... Damaged but rebuilding. Centuries passed and we quietly infiltrated the systems of Earth. Harvesting the waste of humanity, the prisoners, the refugees, the dispossessed, they all came to us. The bodies were phillited, pulped, sifted, the seed of the Human race is perverted, only one cell in a billion was fit to be nurtured!
The Doctor: So, you created an army of Daleks out of the dead.
Rose: That makes them... half human.
The Dalek Emperor: Those words are blasphemy!
Dalek #1: Do not blaspheme!
Dalek #2: Do not blaspheme!
Dalek #3: Do not blaspheme!
Dalek Emperor: Everything human has been purged, I cultivated pure and blessed Dalek!
The Doctor: Since when did the Daleks have a concept of Blasphemy?
Dalek Emperor: I reached into the dirt and gave new life, I am the God of all Daleks!
The Doctor: ...They're insane. Hiding in silence for hundreds of years, that's enough to drive anyone mad. But it's worse than that. Driven mad by your own flesh...the stink of humanity. You hate your own existence. And that makes them more dangerous than ever. Rose, Captain, We're leaving!
Dalek #1: Exterminate!
Captain Jack:I kinda figured that.
 The Dalek Emperor: Purify the Earth with fire. The planet will become my temple and we shall rise. This will be our Paradise!
Rose: I can see the whole of time and space...every single atom of your existence... and I divide them!  The Time War...ends!
The Dalek Emperor: I will not die! I CANNOT DIE!!!

Karen & Arthur filming Doctor Who in the Wales Millennium

Photo was taken yesterday and you can also see it Here

2.05 Doctor Who: Animal trailer

Listen to the trailer Here

Doctor Who // Series 5 Opening Credits - Buffy Style

Episode 17 – Gary Russell and the Return to Gallifrey podcasts

In this episode we’ll be featuring an interview with Doctor Who and Sarah Jane Adventures script editor, author and audio producer Gary Russell focusing on the return to the Gallifrey series by Big Finish Productions, recorded the 27th of November, 2010 at the Chicago TARDIS convention.

Read more Here

Doctor Who Action Figure Collectors Set: Resurrection Of The Daleks

The TARDIS, with the Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough on board, becomes caught in a time corridor. Once freed it materialises in London in 1984 near the exit of the corridor. Upon investigating warehouses nearby, the travellers stumble upon a trap set for them by the Daleks!


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