Wednesday 9 March 2011

Celebrating the Series: The Vampires of Venice

The Vampires of Venice saw the return of Rory and many of you loved the scene where the Doctor bursts back into his life. It contained Zoe's favourite moment of the episode, which she told us was, 'The Doctor jumping out of the cake at Rory's stag. And the right one this time! Hm. I wonder what happened all the other times he jumped out of the wrong cake?'

Not sure about that, but presumably he got his just deserts..? Rory's return scored highly with many of you, with Leah saying, 'My favourite part (of the series) was in The Vampires of Venice... Rory and the Doctor break in at night to the school and it's dark - Rory says 'Good job I brought this,' and pulls out a mini-torch. The Doctor whips out a huge 'portable sunlight' torch. Rory then says, 'Yours is bigger than mine,' (and the Doctor replies) 'Let's not get into that!''

Maria also enjoyed the moments of humour in the adventure, emailing us, 'The Vampires of Venice was a super funny episode - especially the fight between Rory and Francesco! The Doctor saves them once again! Well done!!'

Katie C provided this thoughtful reflection... no pun intended! 'The Vampires of Venice was a fantastic episode. I loved seeing more of Rory, and seeing him and the Doctor clash over Amy, however much the Doctor tried to avoid it... Then there was the part when Amy said that the Rory can pose as her brother, because it'd be too weird for him to be her fiancé. But when the Doctor offers, she says he can be her fiancé. It really showed how Amy feels about the Doctor, and poses a problem for Rory, now that Amy has her raggedy Doctor back. I also LOVED the part when Rory told the Doctor that he makes people dangerous to themselves when they're around him, always trying to impress him. Rory put it brilliantly, and it's so true. You can see it in all of the Doctor's companions, and even in people who barely know him, who have only crossed paths with him momentarily.'

Read more at BBC Dr who

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