Saturday 13 November 2010

Doctor Stew Trailer -

Doctor Stew Trailer -

Doctor Stew Trailer -

Doctor Stew Trailer -

Doctor Stew Trailer -

Something About Peri


Steven Moffat 'wanted sexy Who companion'

Steven Moffat has revealed that he cast Karen Gillan for the role of Amy Pond in Doctor Who because he wanted The Doctor to have a sexy companion.image
Speaking to New York Magazine, Moffat revealed that he actively sought to bring sexual tension back to the sci-fi series when he replaced Russell T Davies as Doctor Who's executive producer.
"I just thought it would be, you know, bad girl in the Tardis," he said. "They've always been so well behaved, those girls!"
Moffat added: "I just thought, I haven't met any girls like that. Most of the girls I know would just jump The Doctor as soon as they look at him. I said, 'It's time we have one of those'."
He also discussed how far the show would venture into The Doctor's sex life in the future.
"We know that he had a family once," he said. "And we could pretend that he doesn't have an eye for the pretty girl, but you'd be struggling to justify that view, wouldn't you, looking at his choice of travel companions. I think he has at some point in his life indulged. Whether he still does is a secret between him and that big blue box."
Doctor Who is to return for a one-off special at Christmas on BBC One.

Karen Gillan wants to date a ‘Doctor Who’ fan

Good news for all you sci-fi geeks out there! Stunning siren Karen Gillan has admitted that she wants to settle down with a ‘Doctor Who’ fan.


The single actress – who plays the Time Lord’s assistant Amy Pond in the BBC One sci-fi show – is on the look-out for a guy but as well as being smart and funny, he has to love the BBC hit show.

She said: “What I look for in a guy is a sense of humour, that’s very important he’s got to make me laugh. He probably has to be smarter than me so he can tell me stuff and I can learn, dashing good looks.

“He doesn’t have to like ‘Doctor Who’, but I’d probably have a bit of a problem with it if he didn’t like it. Yeah he has to like ‘Doctor Who’!”

Karen is unsure if her fame puts potential love interests off her, but admits she regularly gets called “Amy” and is often stopped by fans of the TV series when she is out and about.

She added: “I always get called Amy when I’m out. People will say, ‘Amy?’ It happens all the time but I like it, I like the name Amy, I don’t like my name.

“I don’t have to wear a disguise yet, but I find that people don’t really recognise me when I’m out and don’t have any make-up on.”

November Podcasts Begin - 09 November 2010

Yes! Nick Briggs is back from Doctor Who Live, so it's time for the regular podcasts to return. Joining Nick are David Richardson (very serious and eating), Paul Spragg (self-proclaimed comedy genius and crisp supplier) and Alex Mallinson (Head of Cartoons and Tea).

This podcast is the first of three for this month. Warning: May contain tea and ryvita. Also contains: Lurkers At Sunlight's Edge, The Resurrection of Mars, The First Doctor Box Set... and so much more than you could possibly imagine... possibly.


Doctor Who Live @ Liverpool Echo Arena - Flying Supreme Dalek and Doctor...

daliaFirst broadcast of interview with creator of Doctor Who theme

BBC Inside Out will feature a previously unbroadcast interview with the late Delia Derbyshire – the woman who created the iconic Doctor Who theme tune – on Monday 15 November on BBC One at 7.30pm.

In this episode, excerpts of Derbyshire's interview will be heard – which were originally recorded in the late-Nineties by BBC Radio Scotland's John Cavanagh but never broadcast before.

In the interview she reveals that one of the primary influences on her music, including Doctor Who, were the abstract sounds she heard as a child during the Coventry blitz.

Inside Out also features previously unseen footage of Delia later in life at a Doctor Who fan convention.

In the programme, BBC Radio 2 presenter Stuart Maconie looks at her career and explores why the woman herself remains a mystery despite her work influencing the world of electronic music, including Pink Floyd and today's modern dance acts – because, in 1963, hardly anyone outside of avant garde music circles and academia knew electronic music even existed.

But, 47 years on, the Doctor Who theme is probably the most famous piece of electronic music in the world.

Read more Here

Knights of the Dinner Table

More at Diviant art

Knights of the Dinner Table

More at Diviant art

Knights of the Dinner Table

More at Diviant art

Knights of the Dinner Table

More at Diviant art

Dr who tenth doctor quotes Human Nature

Jenny:Head in the clouds, that one. I don't know why you're so sweet on him.
Martha: He's just kind to me, that's all. And not everyone's that considerate, what with me being...  
Jenny: ...a Londoner?
Martha: Exactly! Good old London Town!
John Smith: Mankind doesn't need warfare and bloodshed to prove itself. Everyday life can provide honour and valour. Let's hope that from now on this country can find its heroes in smaller places. In the most ordinary of deeds.
Joan Redfern: It's all becoming clear. The Doctor is the man you'd like to be, doing impossible things with cricket balls.
John Smith: Well, I discovered a talent, that's certainly true.
Joan Redfern: And the Doctor has an eye for the ladies...
John Smith: The devil!
Joan Redfern: A girl in every fireplace.
John Smith: Ah now, there I have to protest Joan, that's hardly me.
Joan Redfern: Says the man dancing with me tonight!
Joan Redfern: Where did you learn to draw?
John Smith: Gallifrey.
Joan Redfern: Is that in Ireland?
John Smith: Yes it must be.
Joan Redfern: You're not Irish?
John Smith: Not at all, no. My father Sydney was a watchmaker from Nottingham, and my mother Verity was—well, she was a nurse, actually.
Joan Redfern: Oh, we make such good wives!
Baines/Son of Mine:Just shut up, stop talking, cease and desist, there's a good girl! 
Baines/Son of Mine: Have you enjoyed it, Doctor? Being human? Has it taught you wonderful things?! Has it made you better?! Richer?! Wiser?! Then let's see you answer this: Which one of them do you want us to kill? Maid, or matron? Your friend, or your lover? Your choice!

Top Three - Acting Tips

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Top Three - Acting Tips

To watch it go here

Top Three - Acting Tips

To watch it go here

Top Three - Acting Tips

To watch it go here

Sarah jane adventures repeats today

Sarah jane adventures series 4 lost in time 


Sarah jane adventures series 4 The Nightmare Man, Part 1 and 2 

13:00 - 13.25 

Sarah jane adventures series 4  

The Vault of Secrets, Part 1 and 2

14:00 - 14.30 

Sarah jane adventures series 4 Death of the Doctor, Part 1


Sarah jane adventures repeats today

Sarah jane adventures series 4 lost in time 


Sarah jane adventures series 4 The Nightmare Man, Part 1 and 2 

13:00 - 13.25 

Sarah jane adventures series 4  

The Vault of Secrets, Part 1 and 2

14:00 - 14.30 

Sarah jane adventures series 4 Death of the Doctor, Part 1


Sarah jane adventures repeats today

Sarah jane adventures series 4 lost in time 


Sarah jane adventures series 4 The Nightmare Man, Part 1 and 2 

13:00 - 13.25 

Sarah jane adventures series 4  

The Vault of Secrets, Part 1 and 2

14:00 - 14.30 

Sarah jane adventures series 4 Death of the Doctor, Part 1


Sarah jane adventures repeats today

Sarah jane adventures series 4 lost in time 


Sarah jane adventures series 4 The Nightmare Man, Part 1 and 2 

13:00 - 13.25 

Sarah jane adventures series 4  

The Vault of Secrets, Part 1 and 2

14:00 - 14.30 

Sarah jane adventures series 4 Death of the Doctor, Part 1


Multiple Christmas Specials!

As you may have already heard, there are not one, not one-and-a-half, but two Doctor Who Christmas specials to be broadcast this year! One, as everyone who calls him- or herself a Whovian should know by now, is the televised event that guest stars Michael Gambon and (cue angelic opera music) Katherine Jenkins. We’ll never get to see the other one, because it’ll be on Radio One!

Speaking on Radio One’s Fearne Cotton show last Monday along with Karen Gillan, when asked about the Christmas special, Matt Smith revealed:

“We did a ’special’ Christmas special for Radio One. Oh gosh, is that a secret?! Well anyway I’ve ruined it now so I might as well carry on!”

Smith and Gillan then mysteriously steer the subject back to the television special and mention that Katherine Jenkins sings in it, which you’ll know if you’ve been following us this week.

The radio special might just be a dream come true for many a Who fan! Not only do we now have more canon to look forward to than previously believed, it looks like we’ll also have our first proper Eleventh Doctor audio play! Perhaps it’ll be here that we’ll learn more about Orient Express phone call at the end of Series 5, or maybe how Amy and Rory ended up on the planet Honeymoon (which is where they were during The Sarah Jane Adventures episode Death of the Doctor, in case you missed it).


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