Monday 4 April 2011
















Matt Smith talks about the new series of Dr Who

Dr who begins on april 23rd with an episode called The impossible Astronaut a story that sees The Doctor and his companions facing a terrifying new threat.

And Here is an interview of Matt Smith talking about series 6 and Dr who

Torchwood: Miracle Day Poster

Annnnnnnnnnd the Title for episode 7! is...

According to lizo mzimba the Title for series 6 episode 7 of Dr who is.....

A good man goes to war...

Torchwood: Week Twelve Production

Production: Week Twelve:
Times cited within reports below are in Los Angeles local time, except where indicated

Monday - Tuesday
Filming for the first couple of days wasn't clear, but indications were that preparations for episode seven were well under way to commence with a night shoot on Tuesday evening. This was also Cris D'Annunzio's first evening, who seemed quite taken with John Barrowman!

28 10:07 ST Monday morning beautiful sunny day.
All is peaceful as we shoot and continue to prep biggest ep yet!!!
28 10:24 ST That could mean so many things...explosives? Very emotional? Special effects?
All of the above?
Yes yes yes
28 13:28 CDA Costume fitting for Torchwood.
29 09:32 JE Watching Torchwood dailies. Oh my. Oh my my my.
29 16:45 CDA Night shoot on set of Torchwood where I will have it out with the
talented and handsome, John Barrowman.
30 08:20 CDA Great first night on set of Torchwood. What a terrific group of people!
And yes, John Barrowman is dreamy.
30 11:02 CDA Seems I'm not alone in my warm feelings for Mr. Barrowman.
Not Surprising. I'm upgrading him from dreamy to luscious. Uh-oh!!

Documentation for today indicated that a three-day shoot was planned at 1335 Willow Street, the address being home to the Willow Studios, which provide a number of pre-designed sets for the filming profession (bars, restaurants, apartments, etc.) - the studios had also played hot to a photo-shoot a few weeks before.

BBC Production Office (via
The BBC Production Office praised costume designer Shawna Trpcic for her episode seven costumes by the BBC:
13:34 Costume Designer Shawna Trpcic, has yet again kicked ass
as seen in her designs from EP7. You Go Girl!
13:36 You can't help but love her, trust us, the feeling
doesn't go away.

Meanwhile, the weather in Los Angeles was keeping other members of the team happy!
16:02 KO Oh my lord it's lovely in LA.
The weather is outstanding.
I'm having an iced tea! Could get used to this life.
16:12 BBC Kai Bring some tea to the office would ya?!
Enjoy the day.
21:23 KO Tonights snack is good old fashioned Beef Jerky.
I bought it from the farmers Market today, it immense,
addictive as hell.
21:28 DE First warm evening here in ages leads to gaudy sunset.
22:01 KO How's the family? did you bring the little one to the set?
We're all great thank you, he's not been on set yet!! Maybe one day.

Another night shoot beckons ...
17:03 BBC We're going deep into the night this week... deep into the night.

Thursday's shoot included filming somewhere close to the Dodger's Stadium, according to Cris D'Annunzio, whilst Allyson Floyd indicated somewhere dim, dank and cold underground - with multiple shoots in progress these could be completely different locations, of course!

The Wales Screen Commission also commented on filming: "Just heard from one of the Torchwood crew that's seen the first episode, and they say it looks AMAZING, like a tourist video for Wales!!!"

On the Torchwood set, by Cris D'Annunzio (via yfrog)
04:19 AF OMG, calltime at 6:30 AM! For some reason,
I thought it was PM! O_O No sleep! Gaaaaaaah!
07:51 CDA I may be able to hear the game as our Torchwood set
is on location today next to Dodger's Stadium.
Or at least hear the crowd.
09:28 CDA It's always exciting working with John Barrowman,
so I probably won't be thinking about the game at all!
11:06 AF Dim, dank and cold underground while
the sun shines outside. Must... stay... awake. >_<
12:54 CDA I will be seen in Torchwood: Miracle Day, episode 7.
Will post more details later. Thanks!
16:14 CDA Dodgers open in 45 min. and already signs of bonehead
mngmt decisions. Russell Martin? Hello?
01:01 CDA Sure, Katie, I will pass along your love to John
01:17 CDA @Katie Just wrapped filming for tonight.
Home to sleep!
01:19 CDA @Katie - And JB appreciates your love & support.
Me too! G'night!

Filming for Friday was documented as 590 South Santa Fe Avenue, which turned out to be a lot and warehouses just around the corner to the Willow Studios!

However, it was a production office 'tour' from Shawna Trpcic for today's TW-Spy!

What can you see in my photo?
Thats how we work so many hours :-)
(via Twitpic)

View from my desk beautiful California summer weather
(via Twitpic)


Photo: Kai Owen
(via yfrog)
It would seem that Tom Price has arrived in L.A.!

01 20:20 KO A cracking week! Now for a few beers and some Thai food.
Big game for United this weekend, HAVE to win -
no messing at all.
03 09:50 TP Reading TW scripts. AWESOME. Sadly no mention of what
an immortal populace would do to the charity shop industry.
03 15:30 KO Look who's in my house playing with my childs toy!!!
03 18:37 TP Jane, I am distracted from learning your writing

by your tweets. How META am I?!

Source - Doctor who news page

Doctor who - Who's going to get killed off?

The show's chief executive (Steven Moffat) promised to kill off the Doctor (Matt Smith), his companion Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), her husband Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) or the mysterious River Song (Alex Kingston). 

He told Doctor Who magazine he'd been having trouble coming up with a way of getting viewers excited about the new series and decided killing one of the cast in the opener, The Impossible Astronaut, was a sure-fire way of keeping fans' interest.

He said: "We're not lying, we're not cheating. One of those four people is going to die.

"The Doctor's darkest hour is coming. Shows like Doctor Who should have big colourful, memorable moments that make you go, 'What the hell?' Well, this is one of them.

"It's hard to create shock in Doctor Who when we've already blown up the universe a couple of times. What do you do next?"

The writer, who also pens hit show Sherlock, added: "When I came up with this heart-wrenching twist, I thought, 'We kill off one of the leads in the season opener. Who's going to stop watching at that point?' It lures you in."

It won't be the first time one of the show's main characters have been "killed off" only to return thanks to a plot device.

Last series saw the death of Rory, once in a hallucination in the episode Amy's Choice and again after he was shot dead by a Silurian and erased from history in Cold Blood.

But he was later returned to health after being mysteriously reincarnated as an Auton at the end of the fifth series when he shot Amy.

She too is revived by the next episode - in time for the pair to help save the universe and get married.

In the show's fourth series a future incarnation of River "dies" in the episode Forest Of The Dead, penned by Moffat, although the Doctor - then played by David Tennant - managed to save her personality in a computer core.

The Doctor too has been fatally wounded several times throughout the show's history - but usually escapes death thanks to his ability as a Time Lord to regenerate.

Hmm so if you think about it he's already killed Amy, Rory and river off already so could it be the Doctor? please comment!

Source - The sun

Drama Showcase 1: Not A Well Woman


Freefall with Pansy Maude! From Hollywood parties to African huts and beyond...

Extremely visually challenged, Pansy’s quirky view of life is possibly tinged by the way she sees it - or not as the case may be. Pansy is free thinking, foolish, fearless, feisty and fabulous, but she is wrapped in a sunny world of soft edges and clouds of smiling colours, as she ventures into the dark shadows of menace, violence and self destruction.


Secrets of the New Series

At one minute past midnight on Tuesday morning we'll be bringing you an article in which Steven Moffat (Doctor Who's lead writer and Executive Producer) answers questions about the new series, plus we've plot details about the first two episodes. We'll also be bringing you a striking new image of the Doctor, River, Amy and Rory.

Source - BBC Dr who

Nicholas Courtney Tribute (1929 - 2011)


Doctor Who- Insider - New Season 2011 Behind-the-Scenes

Doctor who magazine covers

Source - Doctor who magazine on facebook

Classic Episode Request

Would you like to watch a classic episode of doctor who online, well request it in the form below and see what magic i can uphold.

There are rules to this fortune that i must adhere too.

There can only be 1 request posted on this site every 3 days

There requested individual episode will be posted for a maximum of 7 days

The episodes are subject to availability

In the form below fill in the following details,

The episode you would like to see followed by the doctor who starred in that episode and if possible the season it was featured in.

For Example

Marco Polo – William Hartnell – Season 1

And The Name You Want to Be Acknowledged By,

For Example


This Form Will Be Available At The Top Of The Site All The Time

Mara Tales (Kinda and Snakedance) (DVD)

See it Here

Marvel / Dr Who / Men's / Davros Empire (Black - T-Shirt)

Source -

Marvel / Dr Who / Men's / Cyberman Army (Black - T-Shirt)

Source -

Marvel / Dr Who / Men's / Cyberman Head (Black - T-Shirt)

Source -

Doctor Who (Dr Who) / Men's / Dalek Exterminate (Black - T-Shirt)

Source -

Tardis Radio


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