Tuesday 4 October 2011

Could Time Travel Be Real?

A Scientific experiment buried a kilometre underground has rocked the world of science. If the latest results are correct, the laws of physics will need to be rewritten – and time travel could be more than science fiction.

Researchers at the Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy say that their experiment has measured tiny particles called neutrinos travelling faster than the speed of light. imageThis is a massive event, because one of the core principles of modern physics states that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light (300million metres per second).

Albert Einstein’s famous theories of relativity rely on the speed of light being unbeatable, so much of modern science would be turned on its head if these results can be repeated in other experiments.

By measuring the time it took for neutrinos to travel through the ground from the CERN Laboratory 730KM away, the researchers found that the particles had arrived roughly 60 billionths of a second earlier than what was though possible.

If something can travel faster than the speed of light, it would mean that an effect could come before the cause – like your nose bleed coming before someone hits you – meaning that time travel is in some way possible.

However, most scientists – including those behind the experiment – are suspicious. That’s because it could be that there is a flaw in the experiment. other theories suggest that the neutrinos could be taking a shortcut through another dimension.

Top physicist Chang Kee Jung is one of those who is sure that the experiment is flaws. “i wouldn’t bet my wife and kids, because they’d get mad,” he says “but i’d bet my house”.

Tardis Radio


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