Tuesday 7 December 2010

Guess Who's coming for Christmas?

Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and The Doctor (Matt Smith) star in Shadows Of The Vashta Nerada

Doctor Who – The Adventure Games

Online from Christmas Day 25 December 2010

This Christmas Day, Doctor Who fans are in for an extra special treat as the BBC releases the fourth and final episode in this series of the ground-breaking Doctor Who – The Adventure Games immediately following the BBC One and BBC One HD broadcast of the Christmas special.

The game will be available for UK households on PC and Mac as a free download from the Doctor Who website (www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho).

Entitled Shadows Of The Vashta Nerada, this fourth episode sees the first appearance of Steven Moffat's brilliantly original monsters since their debut in Silence In The Library and Forest Of The Dead.

Executive produced by Steven Moffat and written by Doctor Who writer Phil Ford (Shadows Of Mars, Torchwood), the game sees the return of Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in digital form as the Doctor and Amy face their biggest adventure yet.

Kicking off immediately following the cliff-hanger ending of episode three, Shadows Of The Vashta Nerada sees The Doctor and Amy have materialised just south of London (and about a 1,000 miles to the left) inside an aquatic sea-bed colony called Poseidon. The game features a breath-taking plot which surrounds a real-world conspiracy – and, of course, takes place at Christmas.

"We've gone all-out for the season finale," says Steven Moffat. "Shadows Of The Vashta Nerada takes place entirely underwater – something which would be impossible for the TV series, as water is so expensive. It's thrilling, terrifying, educational and fun. Just steer clear of those shadows..."

Doctor Who – The Adventure Games have been produced by a team drawing on the very best talent from TV and gaming. The interactive episodes are executive produced by Steven Moffat, Piers Wenger, Beth Willis and with Anwen Aspden (BBC Wales Interactive), alongside Charles Cecil, one of video gaming's most revered creators. The games are being developed by Sumo Digital, one of the UK's best game designers. Stories and scripts are from Phil Ford (co-writer Doctor Who Waters Of Mars) and James Moran (Doctor Who, Torchwood Children Of Earth). The project has been commissioned for BBC Online by the Vision Multiplatform team and is being driven by BBC Wales Interactive.

Shadows Of The Vashta Nerada will be available simultaneously on PC and Mac from the Doctor Who website (www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho) on Christmas Day. The game will be available for no extra cost to UK households. Users outside the UK will be able to purchase and download it on the same date – details will be put on the Doctor Who website.

Doctor Who – The Adventure Games will return in 2011.

The Pandorica Opens–Exploring The Worlds Of The Eleventh Doctor By Frank Collins

Pandorica opens front cover


Pandorica Opens Back


Watch Online–DW–S2–Tooth And Claw


The Doctor and Rose arrive in the highlands of Scotland in 1879 in time to meet Queen Victoria. They accompany her to the Torchwood Estate where they must face a band of warrior monks and a werewolf.

Dr who in the christmas radio times scans

Source - Life,Dr who and combom

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009 – Hello, Sweetie!

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Paradigm For Christmas Time

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THE PANDORICA OPENS & SERIES 5 SOUNDTRACK - Bumper Christmas Competition

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Things We Love About Doctor Who #6

Celebrity Eggheads

December Podcast 002 - 07 December 2010

December 7th–Advent Calendar

The Advent Of Fear


Day Six!

The blank-eyed maid reached towards Beth as the whistling sound of the Doctor's device ceased. Slowly opening her eyes Beth saw she was back in her gran's kitchen. No servants, no Doctor but she was still clutching the advent calendar he had been examining moments earlier. She leaned on the kitchen table for support as her gran bustled through the door carrying half a dozen bulging bags. Beth let out an involuntarily yelp at her sudden appearance.

'Sorry, dear, didn't mean to startle you!' Her gran's smile flickered. 'Are you alright? You look white as a sheet.'

'I'm fine,' Beth croaked. 'I just didn't hear you coming, that's all.' Before her gran could quiz her further, she mentioned something about homework and dashed upstairs.

Beth was in her bedroom changing out of her pajamas into jeans, trainers, a long sleeved blouse and her warmest cardigan. If she was going back she wanted to be warm and ready this time, and she had to go back, to help the Doctor. Picking up the advent calendar, Beth turned on the torch she had retrieved from her gran's toolbox earlier. She crept out of her bedroom and made her way to the kitchen. Standing in the dark room illuminated only by the torchlight she peered at her wrist watch. Slowly the second hand moved around the dial until all three hands pointed to the number twelve. It was midnight. Taking a deep breath and with a combination of fear and anticipation, Beth reached for the seventeenth window and slowly opened it.

'Beth!' beamed the Doctor. They were alone in the old kitchen and he carried a lantern. 'I knew I could count on you!' He blew out the lantern's candle.

'How did you get away?' asked Beth.

'Ahh, well, the maids were reacting to my sonic screwdriver...' The Doctor brandished his strange gadget before slipping it into his suit pocket. 'Saw it as a threat to the calendar but when I switched it off, the threat was gone and they just carried on with what they were doing... as though nothing had happened.' The Doctor's voice was already trailing off as he took the calendar from Beth and examined it once more. 'Ingenious! I mean, wrong. But ingenious. Whoever is behind this made their equipment look like an ordinary advent calendar. They got their dates a bit mixed up but still... If you hadn't provided the clue, Beth, I doubt I'd have realised that this was the key to everything.' He gave that smile again. 'Thanks.'

'So what's our next step?'

'We find the original calendar, the one that you'll eventually discover in your gran's attic. Now I wonder where - '

'How about the library? It's an ideal place with all that shelving.'

'A library? Oh, I don't - '

'What's wrong with libraries?'

'Nothing. I like libraries. I love libraries. Just that lately every time I visit a library something... oh, come on. The library it is!' As they crossed the hallway the Doctor stopped suddenly. He glanced over at the grandfather clock that stood against the wall opposite the front door. Slowly he made his way over to it staring intently at its face. 'Beth, how long would you say you've been back?'

She thought for a moment. 'A few minutes at most.' The Doctor stood aside and she saw the clock clearly. It was 1.43. Beth's watch also indicated that it was nearly a quarter to two. 'How's that possible?' she asked incredulously.

'Relative time seems to be accelerating. We need to hurry.'

Beth shone the torch around the library as the door closed silently behind them. Hundreds of books lined the walls and it was difficult to make much out in the darkness. Beth brushed against a chair she hadn't seen in the gloom and caught her breath. The Doctor touched her reassuringly on the shoulder.

'It's okay, Beth, everyone's asleep.' The Doctor reached for a book and pulled it from the shelf, 'Bleak House,' he proclaimed, 'One of Charlie's best.' He went to return it to the shelf but some powerful force tore it from him. It flew from his hand, hitting the curtains at the far end of the room. Beth's eyes widened as she saw that dozens of books were moving of their own accord. With no warning a book hurtled towards her, narrowly missing her head. Then another whistled towards the Doctor and another and another. He burst into action, sprinting across the room, vaulting over a chair and sweeping Beth up towards the door.

Beth reached for the handle but it wouldn't turn. 'I can't open it!' she cried as the books flew towards them; Beth, painfully aware that they were striking the Doctor, who was shielding her from their vicious assault. The sonic screwdriver whistled as the Doctor directed it towards the handle, but still it wouldn't budge. 'He won't be able to withstand this for long,' Beth realised desperately.

Suddenly she ducked under the Doctor's arm and weaved her way across the room, dodging the heavy books tearing through the air. 'This way!' she yelled, as she felt underneath one of the shelves. Her anxious fingers pressed a concealed indentation. 'Got it!' A section of wall swung open and Beth and the Doctor fell through the opening to escape the barrage, the door slamming shut behind them. Breathing heavily Beth leaned against the wall to catch her breath as the Doctor ran his fingers through his hair.

'What did I tell you? Me and libraries. Every time! But Beth!' The Doctor clasped her by the shoulders. 'That was brilliant!' he exclaimed brightly. 'And looks like someone wants to stop us finding the other calendar...'

They were stood in a brick passageway.

'This leads to the living room,' Beth panted. 'My grandfather showed me years ago. It's amazing what you remember in a crisis.' At the far end of the passage Beth found the right spot on the brickwork and the door slid open, flooding the passageway with bright light. The unexpected glare momentarily blinded them both, but their eyes quickly adjusted as they made their way into the room. The curtains were open and on the bright, white, snow covered lawn Beth could see the strange blue box she had noticed earlier. There was something indefinably reassuring about it.

But now she was distracted by a more immediate presence. A stranger stood by the sideboard, his back to Beth and the Doctor as he examined something on its surface. He half-turned and Beth instinctively took a step back. He was pale, tall and very thin, smartly dressed in a dark, dour suit with a tiny white carnation in his buttonhole.

Beth turned off the torch and put it down on one of the side tables. The Doctor was looking at the clock over the mantle. 'It's 9.10 already,' he announced. The thin man moved towards a chair, picking up a newspaper from the sideboard as he went. Beth could see his small, dark beady eyes, horn rimmed spectacles and thin moustache. He sat down in a deep red gentleman's chair.

The Doctor moved towards to the sideboard and Beth saw what he was looking at. It was the advent calendar, brighter, newer than hers but undoubtedly the same. The Doctor fished her calendar from his pocket and put it beside the other.

'I wonder when he had the chance to slip it in there?' thought Beth. A crackling noise came from both frames and a blue light arced between them, like tiny bolts of lightening.

'Now, that's interesting...' murmured the Doctor, 'And shouldn't be happening.' He reached for the frame before snatching back his hand as a bolt of light struck it. 'Yep, well, should've realised that would hurt.' The Doctor took a step back. 'It's part organic,' he mused, 'That's the only explanation.'

'Organic? But it's made of metal.'

'It's not a metal known on this planet, Beth. It's some kind of organic alien technology; not a type I recognise. And that's rare. And worrying. The organic component is what's causing the power discharge.' Beth looked blank and the Doctor added, 'If the exact same organic matter from different times touch, a large amount of energy is released.' As he spoke the Doctor glanced at the man. He was looking directly at him.

'Who are you?' demanded the Doctor. The wraith-like figure lowered the newspaper without breaking his gaze and turned his head ever so slightly to maintain eye contact.

'I'm giving you a choice,' the Doctor declared. 'Release us now and leave peacefully. I know you're not human and I can help you. But if you continue with this I will not be responsible for the consequences.' The Doctor's voice held a dark undertone but here was no reaction from the stranger, just a cold, blank unblinking stare. Suddenly he stood and quickly walked from the room. Beth and the Doctor ran to the doorway but he was nowhere to be seen.

'Where did he go? He couldn't have crossed the hall that quickly!' exclaimed Beth.

'What's next door?' asked the Doctor.

'The dining room,' replied Beth, fear creeping into her voice.

The Doctor looked down and said gently. 'Its okay, you don't have to come with me if you don't want to. You can stay here by the fire.'

Beth looked back into the living room and shuddered. 'No, I'd feel safer with you, Doctor.'

The Doctor moved towards the dining room, gently edged open the door and stepped into the room. Immediately it was dark and in literally a flash the room was illuminated by a single large chandelier which held a dozen suddenly lit candles that hung over the long dining table. Beth kicked herself for not keeping the torch with her as their eyes adjusted to the relative gloom. There was no sign of their quarry.

A pale blue light throbbed through the darkness and without exchanging a word they moved cautiously towards it. Despite the danger Beth felt a sense of calm and somewhere in her subconscious she realized the light was soothing her, silencing her, tricking her, trapping her. As they crossed the room she could see the light emanated from behind the drawn curtains. The light. The soft, soothing light...

With a sharp, sudden flourish the Doctor tore a curtain aside and Beth screamed as the thin man's face stared back at them.

She felt a moment's relief as she realized he was on the other side of the window but a deeper sense of dread claimed her as he turned, looking across the lawn. He wanted them to see something and his hangman's smile left no doubt as to its nature. The blue box that she had seen earlier was now encased in the arcing blue light. The light was some kind of prison.

The Doctor smacked his open palm against his forehead. 'Of course!' he shouted. 'I thought he wanted me, us, out of the way, but that isn't it at all. He wants the TARDIS. He's using the released temporal energy to break down her defences!'

'That's your ship?'

'Oh, yes! No time to explain, Beth, but that alien wants the last functioning time machine in the universe and we need your advent calendar to stop him.'

'Did you say time machine?'

But the Doctor was already sprinting towards the door. It slammed shut before him. As Beth ran forward she felt a breeze above her head. The chandelier had started to spin and it was gaining speed. It span faster and faster until its chain silently snapped. Beth involuntarily winced expecting the candles to crash into the table below, but the chandelier hovered.

She glanced towards the Doctor in amazement as the flames of the candles merged into one intense blaze. Suddenly the spinning circle moved swiftly towards them and Beth instinctively pushed the Doctor to the ground as the flames whipped through the air where his head had been moments earlier.

'Thanks for that,' breathed the Doctor appreciatively. They scrambled under the table as the flames renewed their assault, striking blow after blow onto the tabletop above.

'It's not going to protect us for long,' whispered Beth.

The Doctor was adjusting his sonic screwdriver and telling her to remain where she was; he rolled out from under the table and bounded to his feet. Reacting to the movement, the chandelier flew towards him. The Doctor aimed the sonic screwdriver directly at the approaching flames and activated it.

Nothing happened.

The circle of fire sliced towards the Doctor. Beth unthinkingly dug her palms into the floor, pushing herself away from the inevitable collision but at the last moment the whine from the sonic screwdriver increased by an octave and the chandelier was halted, seemingly fighting with the device for control. A look of fierce concentration on his face, the Doctor intensified the sonic emissions. And then it was over. The flames tripled in size for a dangerous, terrifying moment before the chandelier stopped spinning and crashed to the ground.

'Come on!' shouted the Doctor to Beth.

They raced towards the door but Beth put her hand on the Doctor's arm, bringing him to a halt. It had taken them a moment to register the noise but they could both hear tiny whispers echoing around them, numerous voices talking disjointedly, a baby wailing.

'The trap is closing, reality is breaking through. Those are the voices of the people that live here. We're nearly out of time, Beth. I need your help. Are you any good with a... Come on, I'll explain through here...'

He stood waiting for them as they entered the living room which was flooded with daylight. The Doctor moved towards the frames, the blue electricity more intense now. The pale alien stared coldly at them, seemingly unconcerned by their presence. The Doctor reached for Beth's advent calendar. The whispers were growing louder and louder reaching a crescendo of deafening volume. Beth nodded her understanding and the Doctor snatched up Beth's calendar. Energy surged through him and the Doctor was thrown across the room.

As the alien watched him crash into the wall and slump motionless to the floor, Beth seized her chance. She quickly took the sinister being's photograph with the camera she had been concealing behind her back. Instantly he vanished. Beth knelt beside the Doctor who had propped his back against the wall. He was winded but otherwise unhurt. Every window of her frame was now open revealing twenty four identical photographs of the alien. The photo she had just taken. Slowly the images of the alien dissolved revealing the photographs of her family beneath. The photos of the eerie room and the Doctor had vanished, too, replaced by more innocent pictures.

'It's over,' said the Doctor quietly as Beth helped him to stand. The whispers were gone too, replaced by the sounds of a busy household. 'We'd better be off before we're noticed. I think we'll find they'll be able to see us now.'

'How did you know that taking a photograph of the alien would trap him instead of us?' asked Beth, as they crossed the lawn a short time later.

'Some humans believe that taking someone's photograph steals their soul. The alien was using technology that worked on a similar principle and we used that knowledge against him.'

'And you had a camera the entire time...'

'Oh, well you know how it is. You pick things up, put them in your pockets and forget they're even there till you need them. Now, it's time we got you home, Beth Summers, before your gran starts to worry.'

'I've had enough excitement to last me a lifetime!' she replied as the Doctor unlocked the TARDIS door. As Beth stepped inside, he smiled as she gasped loudly from within. He followed her into his ship and hesitated before closing the door, glancing across the lawn at the imposing Victorian house. For a second the Doctor thought he saw a pale figure watching him from the other side of the garden. He gently closed the door and moments later the TARDIS dematerialized, observed by the solitary watcher from a distance, before he too disappeared into the morning air.

The End

Haven't I seen your Fez somewhere before? Day 6 advent calender

One of our favourite moments from the last series was the Doctor proving definitively that fezzes are cool. In fact, we wish we'd seen more of the handy hat from The Big Bang and so we've scattered it throughout events of the past year. This is your chance to see how much you recall from the last twelve months... from the Doctor's adventures and the proms to backstage moments... can you put a face to the fez?

How to play... The Fez has landed! Simply examine the image featuring a fez and using your skill, judgement and memory, select who (or what) you think is hidden by the headgear. Click on 'start' to begin the game... good luck!


Staggering Stories Podcast #94: Fnarging Soundtrack


Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler and the Real Keith Dunn talk about the Sarah Jane Adventures: “Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith” and the Doctor Who ‘Series 5′ Soundtrack, find some general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:


Dr Who: The Mazes of Time Game Video


Dr who tenth doctor quotes the end of time part 1

Narrator: It is said that in the final days of planet Earth, everyone had bad dreams. To the west of the north of that world, the human race did gather, in celebration of a pagan rite to banish the dark and the cold. Each and everyone of those people had dreamt of the terrible things to come, but they forgot... because they must. They forgot their nightmares of fire and war and insanity. They forgot, except for one...

The Doctor: Ah, now sorry, there you are. So, where we, I was summoned, wasn't I? The Ood in the snow, calling to me. Well, I didn't just have to come straight here; had a bit of fun you know, travelled about, a bit of this and that, got into trouble, you know me. But it was brilliant. I saw the phosphorous carousel of the Great Magellan gestadt, saved a planet from the red carnivorous Maw, named a galaxy Alison. Got married, that was a mistake: Good Queen Bess! And let me tell you, her nickname is no longer... anyway, what do you want?

Ood Sigma: You should not have delayed.

The Doctor: Last time I was here, you said my song would be ending soon. And I'm in no hurry for that.

Ood Sigma: You will come with me.

The Doctor: Hold on. Better lock the TARDIS.  Eh? Like a car. I l... locked it, like a car. That's... funny. No? Little bit? Blimey, trying to make an Ood laugh...

Elder of the Ood:But something more is happening, Doctor. The Master is part of a greater design, because a shadow is falling over creation. Something vast is stirring in the dark!

Elder of the Ood: The Ood have gained this power to see through time, because time is bleeding. Shapes of things once lost are moving through the veil, and these events from years ago threaten to destroy this future, and the present, and the past!

The Doctor: What do you mean!?

Elder of the Ood: This is what we have seen, Doctor. The darkness heralds only one thing: the End of Time itself!

Dr who tenth doctor quotes the end of time part 1

Narrator: It is said that in the final days of planet Earth, everyone had bad dreams. To the west of the north of that world, the human race did gather, in celebration of a pagan rite to banish the dark and the cold. Each and everyone of those people had dreamt of the terrible things to come, but they forgot... because they must. They forgot their nightmares of fire and war and insanity. They forgot, except for one...

The Doctor: Ah, now sorry, there you are. So, where we, I was summoned, wasn't I? The Ood in the snow, calling to me. Well, I didn't just have to come straight here; had a bit of fun you know, travelled about, a bit of this and that, got into trouble, you know me. But it was brilliant. I saw the phosphorous carousel of the Great Magellan gestadt, saved a planet from the red carnivorous Maw, named a galaxy Alison. Got married, that was a mistake: Good Queen Bess! And let me tell you, her nickname is no longer... anyway, what do you want?

Ood Sigma: You should not have delayed.

The Doctor: Last time I was here, you said my song would be ending soon. And I'm in no hurry for that.

Ood Sigma: You will come with me.

The Doctor: Hold on. Better lock the TARDIS.  Eh? Like a car. I l... locked it, like a car. That's... funny. No? Little bit? Blimey, trying to make an Ood laugh...

Elder of the Ood:But something more is happening, Doctor. The Master is part of a greater design, because a shadow is falling over creation. Something vast is stirring in the dark!

Elder of the Ood: The Ood have gained this power to see through time, because time is bleeding. Shapes of things once lost are moving through the veil, and these events from years ago threaten to destroy this future, and the present, and the past!

The Doctor: What do you mean!?

Elder of the Ood: This is what we have seen, Doctor. The darkness heralds only one thing: the End of Time itself!

Storm Teaser 4


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The Omega Podcast Episode 1-34: Doctor Who/Muppets Seperated at Birth


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Doctor Who Action Figures: 11th Doctor: Christmas Adventure Set 2010

Includes two 5-inch action figures: The Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond with police uniform.

See it Here

Doctor Who Action Figures: The 7th Doctor

Mercurial and highly moral, this Doctor would often despair at the cruelty and wastefulness he encountered across the galaxies. On a trip to America in 1999, he was accidentally gunned down by a street gang and taken to

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Doctor Who Action Figures: Peri & Sil Vengeance On Varos - out today

The Sixth Doctor and Peri visit the planet Varos to obtain supplies of a rare ore called Zeiton 7, vital to the functioning of the TARDIS. Varos was once a colony for the criminally insane and the descendants of the original guards still rule, while the poverty-stricken people are kept entertained by screenings of public torture from the Punishment Dome.

See it Here

Tardis Radio


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