Tuesday 7 December 2010

Dr who tenth doctor quotes the end of time part 1

Narrator: It is said that in the final days of planet Earth, everyone had bad dreams. To the west of the north of that world, the human race did gather, in celebration of a pagan rite to banish the dark and the cold. Each and everyone of those people had dreamt of the terrible things to come, but they forgot... because they must. They forgot their nightmares of fire and war and insanity. They forgot, except for one...

The Doctor: Ah, now sorry, there you are. So, where we, I was summoned, wasn't I? The Ood in the snow, calling to me. Well, I didn't just have to come straight here; had a bit of fun you know, travelled about, a bit of this and that, got into trouble, you know me. But it was brilliant. I saw the phosphorous carousel of the Great Magellan gestadt, saved a planet from the red carnivorous Maw, named a galaxy Alison. Got married, that was a mistake: Good Queen Bess! And let me tell you, her nickname is no longer... anyway, what do you want?

Ood Sigma: You should not have delayed.

The Doctor: Last time I was here, you said my song would be ending soon. And I'm in no hurry for that.

Ood Sigma: You will come with me.

The Doctor: Hold on. Better lock the TARDIS.  Eh? Like a car. I l... locked it, like a car. That's... funny. No? Little bit? Blimey, trying to make an Ood laugh...

Elder of the Ood:But something more is happening, Doctor. The Master is part of a greater design, because a shadow is falling over creation. Something vast is stirring in the dark!

Elder of the Ood: The Ood have gained this power to see through time, because time is bleeding. Shapes of things once lost are moving through the veil, and these events from years ago threaten to destroy this future, and the present, and the past!

The Doctor: What do you mean!?

Elder of the Ood: This is what we have seen, Doctor. The darkness heralds only one thing: the End of Time itself!

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