Thursday 14 October 2010

DW – CatchPhrases - 9th Doctor

"Fantastic!" – Was Said In The Following:

In Rose when realizing the London Eye was a giant transmitter.
In The End of the World when realizing there was no other captain or help on Platform One.
In The Unquiet Dead when first seeing the Gelth and when bidding farewell to Charles Dickens.
In Aliens of London after seeing the spaceship crash.
In Dalek at the Dalek's inability to shoot The Doctor.
In Father's Day when receiving a battery.
In The Doctor Dances after resolving the nanogene crisis.
In Boom Town when discovering the extrapolator.
In The Parting of the Ways when saying goodbye (twice) to Rose.

DW – About Vincent Van Gogh

In Vincent and the Doctor we meet one of history's most famous artists, Vincent Van Gogh.

He's a passionate man but not a straight-forward one. Perceptive, honest but painfully lonely, he makes no secret of his admiration for Amy!


He was born in Holland in 1853 and studied art in Belgium. Vincent did not begin painting until his late twenties but in his remaining years his work rate was immense, creating an amazing number of powerful and unique paintings. Many of them are recognised as the world's most popular pieces of art, from vivid sunflowers to powerful self-portraits.


To find out more about Vincent, visit the Van Gogh Collection where you'll find some fantastic programmes about his life and art.

Tweet from @DoctorWhoLive

We've arrived in Glasgow & are looking forward to 1st show in Scotland tomorrow! #doctorwho

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Tweet from @DoctorWhoLive

WOW what a fantastic time in Sheffield, thanks to all who came along - hope you enjoyed it! #doctorwho

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Doctor Who Live The Monsters are Coming Official Video

Dr who series 6 casting news for Episodes One and Two

Kieran O’Connor will be appearing in the story as Guard.

Alex Giannini

 Kerry Shale 

been cast in the story as a currently unknown character with a Southern US accent.

Peter Banks 

playing Dr. Shepherd in the two-part opening story of the 2011 series.


Doctor who day

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'SJA' exec 'unsure about Who crossovers'

Sarah and the Eleventh Doctor in Sarah Jane Adventures

The producer of The Sarah Jane Adventures has claimed that the show will avoid another crossover with Doctor Who in the near future.
Matt Smith will appear as the Doctor in the forthcoming two-part adventure 'Death of the Doctor'.
Phil Ford told Last Broadcast: "We have to remember that this is The Sarah Jane Adventures and Doctor Who is another show. Crossing the boundary is fun every now and again, but I'm not sure we should do it all the time."
He added that another crossover between the two programmes could begin to "look like a stunt".
"This was a great opportunity for Sarah Jane to meet the new Doctor," he said. "But I'd be wary of him coming back too much. Schedule-wise for the two shows it can be a logistical nightmare too."
However, Ford insisted that he is not entirely ruling out a future appearance from the Doctor.
"I'm sure he'll be back again some time," he said.
The first part of 'Death of the Doctor' will air on October 25 on the CBBC channel.

Terrifying dolls stalk Doctor Who

Matt Smith

Doctor Who actor Matt Smith

'Doctor Who' is set to be taken over by a group of ''terrifying'' giant dolls who chase the Time Lord in an upcoming episode.

'Doctor Who' is set to be taken over by a group of "terrifying" giant dolls.

The Time Lord - played by Matt Smith - will face a nasty shock in an upcoming episode when he is chased by the frightening models which feature giant heads and small features.

The episode, titled 'What are Little Boys Made of?', has been written by 'League of Gentlemen' actor-and-writer Mark Gatiss and will be aired in the spring next year.

A source told The Sun newspaper: "It is going to be terrifying. Mark has delved to the back of his dark mind to come up with this idea."

It was recently revealed that a number of old 'Doctor Who' characters are set to save The Doctor in an upcoming one-off TV special.

The time-traveller is set to be rescued from danger in a special episode of 'The Sarah Jane Adventures' - which will be called 'Death of the Doctor' - where four former Time Lords, two ex-assistants and a number of old enemy's make their TV return.

Former Tardis regulars Sarah Jane Smith - played by Elisabeth Sladen - and Jo Grant, portrayed by Katy Manning, are to unite on screen as part of an adventure to rescue The Doctor, in a story penned by former 'Doctor Who' boss Russell T. Davis.

Doctor Who Live Behind The Scenes


The Doctor Who Wii and DS games will be released in the UK on 12 November.

 Yes, BBC Worldwide has confirmed that Doctor Who: Evacuation Earth for DS and Doctor Who: Return To Earth for Wii will both be out on the same day.
Current Doctor Matt Smith will lend his likeness to the game, as does his sidekick Amy Pond, played by Karen Gillan. The two will engage in brand new storylines created by the Doctor Who production team.
Ahead of the release of the games, BBC Worldwide is releasing a special Dr Who Wii Remote in October.
12 November looks set to be a big day for Nintendo releases with Sonic Colours also out on the same day.
Are you interested in playing the new Doctor Who Wii and DS games? Let us know by commenting below...

Dr who ninth doctor quotes The Doctor Dances

The Doctor: Go to your room! Go to your room! I mean it. I'm very, very angry with you. I'm very, very cross! GO! TO! YOUR! ROOM!  I'm really glad that worked. Those would have been terrible last words.
The Doctor: Sonic blaster, 51st Century... weapon factories at Villengard?
Capt. Jack Harkness: Yeah. You've been to the factories?
The Doctor: Once.
Jack: They're gone now, destroyed. Main reactor went critical, vaporised the lot.
The Doctor: Like I said, once... There's a banana grove there now. I like bananas. Bananas are good.
Jack: Nice switch.
The Doctor: Thanks. From the groves at Villengard. Thought it was appropriate.
Jack: There's really a banana grove in the heart of Villengard, and you did that?
The Doctor: Bananas are good.
The Doctor: Funny little human brains. How do you get around in those things?
Rose: When he's stressed he likes to insult species.
The Doctor: Rose, I'm thinking.
Rose: Cuts himself shaving - does half an hour on life forms he's cleverer than.
The Doctor: Don't drop the banana!
Jack Harkness: Why not?
The Doctor: Good source of potassium!
Jack Harkness:Okay, this can function as a sonic blaster, a sonic cannon, and a triple-enfolded sonic disruptor. Doc, what you got?
The Doctor: A sonic... er... oh, never mind.
Jack Harkness: What?
The Doctor: It's sonic, okay? Let's leave it at that.
Jack Harkness: Disruptor? Cannon? What?
The Doctor: It's sonic! Totally sonic! I am sonic-ed up!
Jack Harkness: A sonic what?!
The Doctor: Screwdriver!
Jack Harkness: Who has a sonic screwdriver?
The Doctor: I do!
Jack Harkness: Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks "Ooh, this could be a little more sonic"?
The Doctor: What, you've never been bored? Never had a long night? Never had a lot of cabinets to put up?
Capt. Jack Harkness: Damn it! It's the special features, they really drain the battery.
Rose: The battery? So lame!
Jack: I was going to send for another one but somebody has got to blow up the factory!
Rose: Oh, I know. First day I met him, he blew my job up. That's practically how he communicates.
The Doctor: Nancy, how are old are you? Twenty? Twenty-one? Older than you look, yes?
Jack Harkness: Doctor, that bomb, we've got seconds!
Rose: You can teleport us out!
Jack Harkness: Not you guys. The nav-com's back online, it'd take too long to override the controls.
The Doctor: So it's volcano day. Do what you've got to do.
The Doctor: How old were you five years ago? Fifteen, sixteen? Old enough to give birth, anyway. He's not your brother, is he? Teenage single mother in 1941. So you hid. You lied. You even lied to him.
The Child: Are you my mummy?
The Doctor: He's gonna keep asking, Nancy. He's never gonna stop.
The Child: Mummy...
The Doctor: Tell him. Nancy, the future of the human race is in your hands. Trust me, and tell him.
The Child: Are you my mummy? Are you my mummy? Are you my mummy?
Nancy: ...Yes. Yes, I am your mummy!
The Doctor: C'mon, please. Come on, you clever little nanogenes, figure it out! The mother, she's the mother! It's gotta be enough information, figure it out!
Rose: What's happening?!
The Doctor: See? Recognizing the same DNA! [he runs forward] Oh come on. Give me a day like this. Give me this one. Haha! Welcome back! Twenty years to pop music, you're gonna love it!
Nancy: What happened?!
The Doctor: The nanogenes recognized the superior information, the parent DNA! They didn't change you because you changed them! Mother knows best!
Rose: Doctor, that bomb!
The Doctor: Taken care of it!
Rose: How?!
The Doctor: Psychology!
Jack Harkness: Doctor, I put the bomb into stasis, but it won't last long!
The Doctor: Change of plan, don't need the bomb! Can you get rid of it, safely?
Jack Harkness: ROSE!
Rose: Yeah?
Jack Harkness: Goodbye. By the way, love the T-shirt!
The Doctor: Everybody lives, Rose! Just this once! Everybody lives!'
Mrs Harcourt: Doctor Constantine?
Doctor Constantine: Mrs Harcourt, how much better you are looking.
Mrs Harcourt: My leg's grown back. when I come to the 'hospital, I 'had one leg.
Doctor Constantine: Well, there is a war on. Is it possible you miscounted?
The Doctor: Right, you lot, lots to do; beat the Germans, save the world, don't forget the welfare state! Setting this to self-destruct as soon as everyone's clear. History says there was an explosion here and who am I to argue with history!?
Rose: Usually the first in line! 
Rose: Look at you, beaming away like you're Father Christmas!
The Doctor: Who says I'm not, red-bicycle-when-you-were-twelve?
The Doctor: And everybody lives, Rose! Everybody lives! I need more days like this! Go on, ask me anything; I'm on fire!

Casting news for Episodes One and Two

Peter Banks

Canadian actor Peter Banks will be playing Dr. Shepherd in the two-part opening story of the 2011 series.

Peter is a well established actor who has appeared in numerous film, television and theatre productions. He will be appearing on our screen this autumn as Sir. Harry Oakes in the second episode of Channel 4′s adaptation of William Boyd’s novel Any Human Heart with Jim Broadbent and Matthew Macfadyen.

Kerry Shale

Another Canadian, Kerry Shale who was once fortunate enough to appear on stage with one of our contributors has also been cast in the story as a currently unknown character with a Southern US accent.

He recently appeared on our screens as an Advisor in the BBC film The Special Relationship alongside Michael Sheen and Dennis Quaid. And will shortly be returning to our screens as Steve Coogan’s US Agent in Michael Winterbottom’s six episode improvised comedy series The Trip.

Alex Giannini

Alex Giannini, who starred as Steven in the 1998 Sundance Festival Special Jury Prize winning film Miss Monday has also been cast in the story.

He can currently be seen playing Moses and Saul in Stephen Berkoff’s play Biblical Tales and in a filmed segment of The Prisoner of Second Avenue at The Vaudeville theatre as Judge Mario Pecona.

Kierran O'Connor

Kieran O’Connor will be appearing in the story as Guard.

Although the majority of his credits thus far have been in theatre roles, Kieran did play the role of Lenny Scott in five episodes of the BBC daytime soap Doctors that aired in 2008.

He will also be appearing in the upcoming UK filmed superhero film Captain America: The First Avenger.

Tweet from @BlogtorWho

WhoPrentice Week Two - We've brought you to a Dalek ship where scientist Davros has perfected a "reality bomb". Your job is to market it...

Posted by Timelord50 by Blackberry pin - 2200AEE8

Tweet from @BlogtorWho

Whoprentice Week 1 - I've brought you to Totter's Lane 'cos there's a TARDIS here in need of a redesign. First, fix the chameleon circuit...

Posted by Timelord50 by Blackberry pin - 2200AEE8

Tweet from @alun_vega

@BlogtorWho One more: Rose: "How does that sentence end, Doctor?" The Doctor: "Rose Tyler..." (whispers in her ear) "You're fired."

Posted by Timelord50 by Blackberry pin - 2200AEE8

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