Saturday 21 May 2011

Matt, Karen and Arthur On Their Real Life Doubles!

BBC Dr who

Watch Online–The Rebel Flesh


Bits and Bobs big update Dr who, Ratings, Colin Baker, Audio commentary, Tardis wallpaper, Hiddn clues Series 6 and More!!

Only British TV Could Do This

The Curse of the Black Spot: Australian ratings

The Curse of the Black Spot - Final Ratings

Colin Baker: "I was a twit not to believe in Twitter"

11 Doctor Who-Card by Belegilgalad

The Doctor's Wife - Audio Commentary

Tardis WallPaper For dekstop pc, ipad, iphone.

Hidden Clue in Doctor Who "Impossible Astronaut" Could Reinvigorate Series 6 Rumours

Colin Baker: "Wycombe Wanderers Adams Park"

Doctor Who - The Almost People Preview 2

Doctor Who - The Almost People Preview 1

Doctor Who - The Almost People Trailer

The Secrets Of The Fourth Dimension

"All the secrets you seek can be found here on the Webb"

"We found your message you're alive but what secrets 'D'you mean?"

“I mean I glimpsed him and may the gods help him or perhaps you can”

“To see what I saw click on the spot beyond the doctors home planet”

Message Interrupted


The Secrets Of The Fourth Dimension

"All the secrets you seek can be found here on the Webb"

"We found your message you're alive but what secrets 'D'you mean?"

“I mean I glimpsed him and may the gods help him or perhaps you can”

“To see what I saw click on the spot beyond the doctors home planet”

Message Interrupted


Ablaze - Eleven, river by honeynoir

Forget_You_The_Silence_Song - Eleven by Alias Bishie Joe Armstrong

Cannibal - Ten, Rose by CowboyHobo

Letter_From_a_Ghost - Eleven and romana by Ace of gallifrey


Ablaze - Eleven, river by honeynoir

Forget_You_The_Silence_Song - Eleven by Alias Bishie Joe Armstrong

Cannibal - Ten, Rose by CowboyHobo

Letter_From_a_Ghost - Eleven and romana by Ace of gallifrey

Torchwood Series 4 episode titles

1. The New World
2. Rendition
3. Dead of Night
4. Escape to L.A.
5. The Categories Of Life
6. The Middle Men
7. Immortal Sins
8. End Of The Road
9. The Gathering
10. The Blood Line

It seems I missed these when I posted about the Torchwood character profiles.


You Sexy Thing: Doctor Who - Insider Ep. 4. #1

The Doctor and Amy get gunged! - Doctor Who - BBC

found on youtube

A Good Man Goes To War synopsis

Amy Pond has been kidnapped and the Doctor is raising an army to rescue her as the drama continues. But as he and Rory race across galaxies, calling in long-held debts and solemnly given promises, his enemies are laying a carefully concealed trap.

In her cell in Stormcage, River Song sadly acknowledges that the time has come at last – today will mark the Battle of Demons Run and the Doctor's darkest hour. Both sides will make their sacrifices and River Song must finally reveal her most closely guarded secret to the Doctor.

Source - Blogtorwho

DVD Special Feature - On Target with Ian Marter Part 2 - Doctor Who: Carnival of Monsters

found on youtube

The Almost People Synopsis

As the solar storm rages, Jennifer, a Ganger driven mad by the memories of being "decommissioned", is seeking revenge, as the time-travelling drama continues.

She can remember every excruciating second of every "execution" and is determined that the humans will pay. And she isn't just talking war; she's talking revolution. As the crumbling factory fills with toxic fumes and drips lethal acid, the "Originals" wait desperately for the shuttle from the Mainland to rescue them. But Jennifer has other ideas. Can the Doctor convince the terrified factory workers to embrace their own humanity and work together with their Gangers to overcome a monster of their own making?

Jennifer is played by Sarah Smart, the Doctor by Matt Smith, Amy by Karen Gillan and Rory by Arthur Darvill.

The almost people will air Saturday 28th of may


Dr who - The Rebel Flesh Day!!

A solar tsunami sends the TARDIS hurtling towards a futuristic factory on Earth, where human doppelgangers are used to mine dangerous acid, as the time-travelling adventures continue.

A second wave hits and the "Gangers" separate. They can remember every second of their "original's" life and feel every emotion they've ever experienced. But are these memories stolen or have they been bequeathed? Are the Gangers merely faulty machinery that must be shut down or are they living, breathing, sentient beings? Can the Doctor convince the terrified humans to accept these "almost people" and prevent an all-out civil war before the factory explodes?

The Rebel Flesh Clip #3 Doctor Who

The Master gets shot? - Doctor Who: Terror of the Autons - BBC

Found on youtube

The Rebel Flesh Spoiler Pics

Source - Doctor whotv

Matthew Graham interview: on writing Doctor Who (Den of geek)

Let's start with the obvious one, then. How did it come about that you've written a two-parter for Doctor Who series 6?

Well, I was hoping to do the last series, the first Matt Smith series. I had a very nice lunch with Piers [Wenger, executive producer] and Steven [Moffat] and we talked about ideas and had this storyline for a single. And we were quite excited about it, but I was whizzing backwards and forward to America a lot at that time, and I was also gearing up on the last series of Ashes To Ashes, which I knew needed all hands to the pumps.

So, I just panicked and thought I wouldn't have enough time. So, I contacted Steven and said I've got to bow out, regretfully. And then after the series went out, I got an e-mail from Steven, a typical Steven e-mail in capital letters, that read "thanks for abandoning me to do the series on my own. So what about series 2?" I couldn't say no, really!

I remember we ran a story where we interviewed you, and our lines of communication became slightly crossed...

[To clarify: we spoke to Matthew during the final series of Ashes To Ashes and we were left with the impression that Matthew was on board for Doctor Who series 6, and reported it accordingly. Turns out that he wasn't, hence we changed the story within about an hour of it going live. A very innocent mistake all round.]

That's right, of course! That's actually how the lunch with Piers and Steven started. Because Piers read that article and contacted me and said, "Oh, you're doing Doctor Who? That's brilliant!" He assumed that I'd agreed it with Steven! And I said no, that was a slight misunderstanding between myself and Den Of Geek, but while we're talking...

So, in a sort of way, you match-made that!

The story that you're doing here is nothing to do with the single that you pitched a year or two back?

It's brand new. It's totally brand new. I've just watched them, actually, and I think they are absolutely fab. I think they're some of the best writing that I've ever done. And it's brilliantly directed, and brilliantly made. And I just hope everyone likes it.

I really hope that those who maybe thought that Fear Her was too childish and too silly, I'm hoping that that will silence them. This is my response!

Can I touch on Fear Her? You're not a daft man, you've presumably gone online and seen that it's divided opinion somewhat. What are your thoughts on it, looking back? Was it the episode you wanted to do?

I'm actually thrilled with it. It's not what I'd have chosen if I'd come to Doctor Who, obviously. When you come to Doctor Who, you want to tell a story with monsters. You want spaceships. You want the Tardis in mortal peril. You want big, epic science fiction adventure. Of course, you do. That's why you write it.

But I was just so thrilled to be asked to write it, even when Russell [T Davies] said, "Look, it's going to be a more inexpensive episode, and it has to take place on a housing estate," I still said, "Fine."

I wanted to write for David Tennant, for Billie Piper, and be part of TV history. So, I said, "Absolutely." I was thrilled with it.

What we had set out to do right from the start with Fear Her was tell a story that was aimed very much at children. For children, not really for adults, not really for the older Doctor Who fans.

It was aimed at the kids, because Army Of Ghosts and Doomsday were coming up, and they were going to be very big, very dark and very traumatic. And Russell wanted a playground adventure. He said, "How old is your son?" At the time he was seven. So, he said, "Write this one for your son." That's what I did. I did something that was in primary colours, that had a scary voice in the cupboard. I always say that other people got cybermen, I got two blokes with a red lamp rattling a wardrobe!

But, to be honest with you, I didn't go online particularly and read the responses. From my side of it, the response was brilliant. I had loads of kids write to me and say how much they enjoyed it. And it was only later I realised that the older fans had reacted badly to it. So, I went, "Well, it's a shame that they have, but it wasn't meant for them."

The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People are different. As far as I'm concerned, this is proper, across the board Who. Adults, kids- if they can watch it, because it is scary. I showed it to my wife the other night, and there were a couple of images in it where she went, "Actually, that's quite scary. That's not very pleasant." And I notice that it's going out a bit later. I wouldn't be surprised if they put a warning out beforehand.

I was happy with Fear Her, but when I came back I did say, rather selfishly, "I want epic, I want monsters! And science fiction, and gadgets, and lots of stuff happening." And they gave it to me!

Read more at Den of geek

Tardis Radio


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