Thursday 16 December 2010

Dr who eleventh doctor quotes Victory of the Daleks

The Doctor: Amy, Winston Churchill!
Churchill: Doctor... is it you?
The Doctor: Winston, my old friend!
The Doctor: Ha! Every time!
Amy: What's he after?
The Doctor: TARDIS key, of course.
Churchill: Think of what I could achieve with your remarkable machine, Doctor! Think of the lives that could be saved.
The Doctor: Ah, doesn't work like that.
Churchill: Must I take it by force?
The Doctor: I'd like to see you try.
Churchill: At ease.
Dalek: Would you care for some tea?
The Doctor:Stop this! What are you doing here? What do you want?!
Dalek: We seek only to help you.
The Doctor: To do what?
Dalek: To win the war.
The Doctor: Really? Which war?
Dalek: I do not understand.
The Doctor: This war against the Nazis or your war against the rest of the universe? The war against all lifeforms that are not Dalek?
Dalek: I do not understand. I am your soldier.
The Doctor: Okay, okay! Okay, soldier, defend yourself! 
Bracewell: What the devil?!
Dalek: You do not require tea?
Bracewell: Stop him! Prime Minister, please!
Churchill: Doctor!
The Doctor: Come on!
Churchill: What the devil?
The Doctor: Come on! Fight back! I know you will!
Bracewell: I must protest!
The Doctor: You hate me! You want to kill me! Well, go on! Kill me! Kill me!
Amy: Doctor, be careful!
Dalek: Please desist from striking me. I am your soldier.
The Doctor:You! Are! My! Enemy! And I am yours! You are everything I despise. The worst thing in all creation. I've defeated you. Time and time again, I've defeated you. I sent you back into the Void. I saved the whole of reality from you. I am the Doctor, and you are the Daleks!
Amy: So what do we do? Is this what we do now? Chase after them?
The Doctor: This is what I do, yeah, and it's dangerous, so you wait here.
Amy: So I've got to stay safe down here... in the middle of the London Blitz?!
The Doctor: Safest it gets around me.
Amy: Well, what does he expect us to do now?
Churchill: KBO, of course.
Amy: What?
Churchill: Keep Buggering On.
Dalek: We picked up a trace. One of the Progenitor devices.
The Doctor: Progenitor? What's that when it's at home?
Dalek: It is our past. And our future.
The Doctor: Ohhh, that's deep. That is deep for a Dalek. What does it mean, though?
Dalek: It contains pure Dalek DNA. Thousands were created. All were lost, save one.
The Doctor: The question is, what do we do now? Either you turn off your clever machine or I'll blow you and you new paradigm into eternity.
Supreme Dalek: And yourself.
The Doctor: Occupational hazard.
Strategist Dalek: Scan reveals nothing; TARDIS self destruct device non-existent!
The Doctor: All right it's a Jammie Dodger, but I was promised tea!

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