Wednesday 12 January 2011

Who’s the Marked Man?

Most of you will remember that the recent Doctor Who Series 6 trailer featured River Song (Alex Kingston) and Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) with mysterious tally marks all over their skin in scenes from the opening two-parter. Many had assumed a connection between the characters as the pair were the only ones seen with the markings.

Now comes an interesting development. Previously unseen snaps from the Utah shoot, taken by location spy Chris Nuccitelli, reveal that Rory (Arthur Darvill) is also a marked man, as you can see in the picture below. Due to the quality, we can’t be sure they are definitely tally marks, but it just seems too coincidental to be something else.

Presumably someone is counting down to something. But who, what and why?

Other pics show that Rory is being chased by the men in black (who are also seen in the trailer chasing Amy).

The happens on a dam…

…and Rory ends up surrounded.

Just don’t look down!

So could the men in black be capturing the Doctors companions and taking them to Area 51? Are they hunting people with the markings? Speculate away!

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