Tuesday 3 May 2011

Dr who - series 6 Talking about the little girl, omega and the silence

A Talk on (Chatango - Tardis chat) between me (Emma - Themasterstoe), Rob (EternalDalek) and Skaro (Theskarorevenger) This morning we were talking about omega, series 6, the little girl who regenerated and the silence.

Themasterstoe2: Doesn't anything that the silence "could" be something to do with the time lords

EternalDalek: Probably the Silence are working for somebody else, but they want to rebel against that person maybe?

Themasterstoe2: probably omega

EternalDalek: Unless Omega founded some sort of organization early on in Time Lord history?

Themasterstoe2: Annnd why didn't the doctor detect the girl (as in why didn't he smell her as a time lady ) if you get me (ect the end of time)

Themasterstoe2: I'm wondering if omega was resurrected for the time war and like the master he ran away and built an organization

EternalDalek: To protect himself or something?

EternalDalek: And maybe the girl is the result of Omega's experiments?

EternalDalek: Because the little girl can only survive in the suit, hence her regeneration. Maybe Omega distorted Time Lord biology so much the Doctor didn't recognize her?

Theskarorevenger: but what i want to know if the girl was fatally dieing, how did she survive 6 months?

So what do you think could omega have something to do with the silence? could the time lords be returning? (who knows)

Please comment and say what you think

the silence can plant something in your head without you knowning it...
they could have done it to amy - making her think shes not pregnant when she is
Perhaps they could have done it to the doctor to - making him think that the time lords are dead when they are actually alive.


  1. Spark Mystery5 May 2011 at 15:17

    If River said her daughter had died and her past is the Doctor's future then maybe the little girl is her daughter.

  2. just thought maybe the lilttle girl is some regeneration of Susan...his granddaughter??

  3. and also i think omega mite be something to do with it all as he is about the only ex-character too not appear in the last 6 series (Rassilon, master, Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarens, Sarah Jane and K9 even!)

  4. Hmm interesting i also think omega has something to do with it

    But i don't know about susan when we last saw her she was grown up and not a child :)

  5. Very True. Maybe it is something to do with Amy's pregnancy thing then..or is that just a red herring?

  6. What ever happened to Jenny, the Drs daughter? Can she be involved somehow?


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