Monday 14 March 2011

Celebrating the Series: The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang

And so, after 11 episodes, countless monsters and a million memories, we came to the series finale: The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang. The adventure had a number of stand-out moments, from the Doctor's speech by Stonehenge to the heart-pounding finale. But here's what you thought of it...

'My favourite episodes of the last series were the last two,' Laura told us. 'The way the whole series had to be written so that these would work and the jumping back and forward was genius. The series was like a treasure hunt... and the prize was the fantastic surprise for the Doctor! All of the enemies from the past and the present (and future) and the Doctor still beat them!'

Many people were thrilled by the collection of old foes the Doctor faced and Alex said, 'The scene in The Pandorica Opens when the Doctor finds out what the Pandorica was for was brilliant... the big trio of the Daleks, Cybermen and Sontarans explaining their plan was a fantastic watch! Glued to the screen!'

Ashton got in touch to say, 'The arm of the Cyberman was AWESOME. The sun's going out of the end of the episode was amazing... The BEST part of this episode though was the gathering of the enemies working together to stop the Doctor!!! They honestly thought they could outsmart him!'

The gathering was a surprise for John who commented, 'The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang was the best finale ever. It brought back Rory, which made me happy and it had all of the Doctor's enemies teaming up on him to save the universe... I didn't see that coming.'

Conal's favourite moment was '...the Doctor's speech to the massive fleet of ships. I. AM. TALKING!' Many people enjoyed that moment with Tayfun calling it 'my favourite moment of Doctor Who'.

Claire was another fan of the adventure, citing her fave moments... 'Every single thing about the last fifteen minutes of The Pandorica Opens. The reveal that the Romans were Autons, Amy remembering Rory, the revelation that the Pandorica was meant for the Doctor, River stuck in the exploding TARDIS, Rory shooting Amy, the beautiful music and the chilling final shot of the stars exploding... Best cliff-hanger ever.'

Clementine wrote to us from France and called the adventure 'outstanding'. But one phrase relating to Amy's wedding struck her and she told us, 'One last thing. 'Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue' will definitely be said at my wedding. Well, that's about it. Actually, it's not, I could write about this for hours, but I must stop somewhere, right?'

Well, bon courage for your wedding, Clementine, and you're right. This has got to stop somewhere... We hope you enjoyed revisiting the Eleventh Doctor's adventures to date and frankly we can't wait for the new series to start! Massive thanks to everybody who wrote to us. We read every email and tried to include as many of your thoughts as possible... it's been brilliant reading your opinions - some of them unexpected, many of them witty and several which we found genuinely moving. Thanks for taking part and we hope to hear from you again soon!

Source - BBC Dr who

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