Saturday 31 July 2010

Watch Online - K9 - Regeneration

Thursday 29 July 2010

Watch Online - The Last Of The Timelords

Watch Online - The Sound Of Drums

Watch Online - Blink

Watch Online - Utopia

Watch Online - The Family Of Blood

Watch Online - Human Nature

Watch Online - 42

Watch Online - The Lazarus Experiment

Watch Online - Evolution of the Daleks

Watch Online - Daleks in Manhatten

Watch Online - Gridlock

Watch Online - The Shakespeare Code

Watch Online - Smith and Jones

Watch Online - The Runaway Bride

When doctor who became an adult show and needed a watershed time.

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A nice view from the cut outs

Things to keep u happy

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Daleks at the fair

The local Ewell Village Fair is known for many non-Dalek things, but none of them come to mind. Being a fundraising event for a selection of charities chosen by the borough's new mayor isn't nearly as impressive as being invaded by a soldier of Skaro. Two young victims, Keria and Christal (left), are the only survivors of the charity held at Ewell Castle School, which aided the funds of Dyscover, the Samaritans, and Meru.

Click here for more information about the event and how to get there.

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Daleks at the fair

The local Ewell Village Fair is known for many non-Dalek things, but none of them come to mind. Being a fundraising event for a selection of charities chosen by the borough's new mayor isn't nearly as impressive as being invaded by a soldier of Skaro. Two young victims, Keria and Christal (left), are the only survivors of the charity held at Ewell Castle School, which aided the funds of Dyscover, the Samaritans, and Meru.

Click here for more information about the event and how to get there.

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Email test

Email test

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Doctor Who Media Is Coming Soon

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Doctor Who Media!


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Tuesday 27 July 2010

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Prom Photos 2010

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Proms 2010: Prom 10: Dr Who Prom

Even the Daleks were back, offering the Prommers tea and biscuits in the fevered atmosphere.


Given the number of alien menaces that Doctor Who has seen off over the decades, winning over a slavishly enthusiastic crowd at the Proms was never going to be his greatest challenge. But the BBC still pulled out all the stops this weekend to ensure that the audience had an out-of-this-world experience.

The atmosphere was fevered – the Tardis parked by the bust of Sir Henry Wood, the sound baffles dangling overhead like flying saucers, and monsters from the show marching through the packed auditorium as the BBC National Orchestra of Wales and London Philharmonic Choir expertly synchronised their playing (under conductor Ben Foster) to scenes from the show. Even the Daleks were back, offering the Prommers tea and biscuits.

Such Proms are meant to introduce their young audience to the classics, but judging by the response of the eight-year-old I had purloined for the occasion, this was only partially successful. As soon as the videos and aliens disappeared, and co-conductor Grant Llewellyn appeared to do the “proper” bits, her interest waned. Taking that into account, the organisers made the non-Who music as rousing and familiar as possible: after John Adams’s Short Ride in a Fast Machine and William Walton’s overture Portsmouth Point, it was Holst’s Mars, Orff’s O Fortuna and Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries.

In the end, however, it was all about the Doctor – witness the rock-star welcome that greeted Matt Smith’s second-half appearance. Smith’s Doctor gave his customary manic performance, enlisting the help of a mini-me audience member in braces and bowtie to save the Albert Hall from a “wibbly-wobby, explodey-wodey thing”. Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams) also pitched in, but the bulk of the hosting was ably handled by co-star Karen Gillan (Amy Pond).

As for my companion, what with getting to meet Gillan on a fortuitously timed loo break, and having her Dalek-shaped programme signed by composer Murray Gold, there was only one question as the rousing theme tune, and tumultuous applause, died away: “Can I come back next year?”

Monday 26 July 2010

Watch Online - Doomsday

Watch Online - Army Of Ghosts

Watch Online - Fear Her

Watch Online - Love and Monsters

Watch Online - Satans Pit

Watch Online - The Impossible Planet

Watch Online - The Idiots Lantern

Watch Online - The Age Of Steel

Watch Online - Rise of the Cybermen

Watch Online - The Girl In The Fireplace

Watch Online - School Reunion

Watch Online - Tooth And Claw

Watch Online - New Earth

Sunday 25 July 2010











Friday 16 July 2010

HAVE A VOTE – Is This Season Funnier?

I know, the BBC series has been around longer than I have been (and I'm 19). So there's a lot of history there, and there's always been an impudent sense of humour embedded in the whole enterprise. The Doctor is a lot of things, but he's always been a little bit mischievous. He's the guy who goes around the universe poking things with a stick (or a sonic screwdriver) just to see what might happen, and no alien crisis is without its share of quips and tart observations.

But I'm finding that the combination of Steven Moffat as show runner and Matt Smith as the Doctor is proving especially fruitful in the humour department. I've largely enjoyed the current season of "Doctor Who," which begins a 2-episode conclusion this Saturday on BBC America, but the sense of deliberate structure, the chemistry between Karen Gillan as Amy and Smith as the Doctor and the sharp humour may be my favourite aspect's of the Eleventh Doctor's first set of adventures.

I loved me some Russell T Davies but there was always a chaotic element to his seasons of the show. It's not that he never foreshadowed events or built up to big conclusions, but, under his leadership, the show sometimes hurtled from dud to brilliance to middling competence without necessarily giving the viewer an overall sense of where things were headed. Davies' finest hours tended to be the two- and three-partners on "Doctor Who" and the "Torchwood: Children of Earth" miniseries -- contained stories that always ratcheted up the dread and tension nicely. My sense is that Davies is a writer who works best when he knows the end point of a story before he starts to write it.

Time travel treat for Doctor Who fan battling brain tumour


A brave eight-year-old boy who was diagnosed with a brain tumour is hoping his wish to meet Doctor Who will come true.

Jack Daly, from Mermaid Close in Winnersh, was diagnosed with a medulloblastoma brain tumour in May last year and is receiving chemotherapy treatment at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading and John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford.

The youngster came face-to-face with Doctor Who’s time travelling Tardis at the first ever Wishing Party held by children’s charity Starlight in June. He hopes the charity will be able to grant his wish to meet the real Doctor Who, Matt Smith.

Helen Daly, Jack’s mother, said: “Jack was diagnosed last May. It’s been a bit of a nightmare but to be honest he’s coping very well with it all.

“He loves Doctor Who. When he saw the Tardis his eyes lit up.”

Jack, who is a keen singer, is also a fan of musicals and developed a love of ABBA while listening to the Swedish band during previous treatment.

The youngster, who is in Year Three at Bearwood Primary School in Sindlesham, is due to begin his seventh cycle of chemotherapy.

Mrs Daly said: “Bearwood School have been fantastic, they’ve been so supportive.

“We had to travel to Oxford every day for six weeks over the summer holidays for radiotherapy. It has been hard for Jack. He gets very tired, feels sick and has mood changes but things like Starlight really have helped loads.”

Starlight is a children’s charity which grants once-in-a-lifetime wishes for seriously and terminally ill children.

The organisation held their first Wishing Party for more than 500 seriously and terminally ill children at the Artillery Gallery in London.

Mrs Daly said: “The day before the party Jack was supposed to have a blood transfusion and I was so worried he was not going to be able to do a whole day in London but he did.

“He dressed as Peter Pan and fought some pirates and then changed into a wizard costume. It was a really magical experience.

“They really made it special and everybody came out to say goodbye and Jack was given a lucky bag.”

Starlight created 14 different areas of fun for the children who were able to have tea with Alice and the Mad Hatter before journeying through a wardrobe into the snowy lands of Narnia.

Janet Lindsay, head of PR at Starlight, said: “This was a day that no child who went will ever forget. And for their families it will provide very happy memories for them all to share.”

Who’s That Girl

CHAT king Craig Ferguson says he wants to name his new baby after his favourite Doctor Who actor - but only if it's a GIRL.


The Scots funnyman claims it would be "awesome" to call the youngster Patrick Troughton - after the second star to play the BBC's timelord.

Craig, 48, yesterday revealed to fans on his Twitter website that third wife Megan Wallace is expecting.

He said: "Holy crackers! Mrs F is pregnant. How did that happen?Trying to persuade the wife Patrick Troughton Ferguson would be awesome. She says only if it's a girl."

Glasgow-born Ferguson, who presents America's The Late Late Show, is already dad to nine-year-old Milo Hamish from his second marriage. Troughton was Doctor Who in the show from 1966 to 1969.

Read more:

I’ll Quit as the Doc For a Film Career

MATT SMITH is ready to quit as Doctor Who as early as next year - to crack Hollywood.

Who-llywood bound? ... Matt 
Smith as the Doctor

And he certainly looks relaxed about his future, judging by his happy demeanour alongside 21-year-old model girlfriend Daisy Lowe.

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Who-llywood bound? ... Matt Smith as the Doctor

Matt, 27, has told pals he wants to go after just two series of the BBC1 sci-fi show so he can try his hand at movies.

The actor is currently filming this year's Christmas special with Karen Gillan, who plays his sidekick Amy Pond, and opera star Katherine Jenkins.

He will then go straight into production on the new series, which will air next year.

But a pal said: "Matt plans to quit after the next series.

"He is eager to try new things and thinks Hollywood beckons."

His Doctor Who exit would disappoint fans after he made a promising start as David Tennant's successor.

It would also shock BBC bosses, who had hoped that the younger actor would stay longer than the three series that Tennant did.

Matt's first series as the Doctor didn't quite match the ratings of Tennant's stint, with just over seven million tuning in by the end.

The BBC said: "Matt is filming the Christmas special and then goes on to film the second series.

"Beyond that, the BBC and Matt won't speculate on things."

Smith has just filmed a BBC2 drama about gay writer Christopher Isherwood, due to air this year.


Monday 12 July 2010

Watch Online - World War 3

Watch Online - The Aliens Of London

Watch Online - The Unquiet Dead

Watch Online – The End Of The World

Watch Online - Rose



ones opinion on ones favourite show (not me)

BBC PROMS 2010 - Prom 10 – Doctor Who Prom

Saturday 24 July

7.30-9.45pm BBC RADIO 3

Matt Smith as Doctor Who

Matt Smith as Doctor Who

The Doctor is back. Two years ago, he appeared at the BBC Proms via video link. This year, he's here in person. Thrills, spills, adventures, monsters and special guests are all guaranteed along the way in this Proms spectacular. Petroc Trelawny has the unenviable task of keeping everything in order for BBC Radio 3 – though, sadly, without the help of a sonic screwdriver.

Doctor Who (Matt Smith) and his assistant, Amy Pond (Karen Gillan), join the BBC National Orchestra of Wales and the London Philharmonic Choir for an action-packed evening. Monsters from the current run of the hugely successful BBC series threaten to disrupt proceedings. Only the Doctor – ably assisted by conductors Ben Foster and Grant Llewellyn – can save the day.

There are some classical favourites with a suitably celestial theme, including Mars from Holst's Planets Suite and John Adams's thrilling Short Ride In A Fast Machine.

Presenter/Petroc Trelawny, Producer/Tim Thorne

Twenty Minutes – Dance Of The Daleks

Saturday 24 July

8.20-8.40pm BBC RADIO 3

How do you make a sink-plunger seem scary? Matthew Sweet investigates the weird and wonderful sound world of Doctor Who's incidental music.

Matthew Sweet spent the Saturday tea-times of his youth peering at the television, from behind the sofa, to watch Doctor Who. He time-travels through the programme's 47-year history to investigate the weird and wonderful sound world of its incidental music. He talks with some of the composers who have contributed, in very different musical styles, to the enduring success of the programme over the decades.

Presenter/Matthew Sweet, Producer/Graham Rogers

Filming Pictures – SJA – and stuff

image image


News feed of new base location

That was a stroke of good luck! May have just found site of base. Crafty!! Unless someone is hiding trailers!

it's Pierhead St, looks like they're parking the trailers behind the blue hordings

do the Prod. Team wear hi-viz jackets as well? With "production team" printed on them? Ooh & there was a catering van at C.E

yeah. Just been back and the 2 trailers have gone. They had the porter cabins on them. No idea where they've gone.

premature, they've moved


Katherine Jenkins' Doctor Who role


Katherine Jenkins is to star in the Doctor Who Christmas special as Amy Pond heads off on honeymoon.

The opera singer has been cast in her first acting role in what has been billed as a "fun-filled and heartfelt festive story".

She said: "I'm over the moon to be involved in the Doctor Who Christmas special. I can't quite believe it as it's a part of the family tradition at the Jenkins household. I heard the news that I got the role on my 30th birthday and it was the best birthday present ever."

Filming is set to begin on the seasonal episode, which will also feature veteran actor Michael Gambon - known for his role as Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies.

The hour-long show will, as usual, feature Matt Smith as The Doctor, with assistant Amy (Karen Gillan) and new husband Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill). The pair were seen at their wedding at the end of the most recent series last month.

Executive producer Steven Moffat said: "We're going for broke with this one. It's all your favourite Christmas movies at once, in an hour, with monsters. And the Doctor. And a honeymoon.

"I've honestly never been so excited about writing anything. I was laughing madly as I typed along to Christmas songs in April.

"My neighbours loved it so much they all moved away and set up a website demanding my execution. But I'm fairly sure they did it ironically."

Previous Christmas specials have included roles for stars such as Kylie Minogue.


 2010 special starts filming. Michael Gambon and Katherine Jenkins to guest star in a story that’s a Doctor Who twist on A Christmas Carol.


This year’s Doctor Who Christmas Special will be a twist on Dickens’s A Christmas Carol, according the official BBC Press release:

“Production started today on the 2010 Doctor Who BBC One Christmas Special in which the thrilling adventures of the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) and newlyweds Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) will continue in a fun-filled and heartfelt festive story.

“In the grand tradition of Doctor Who Christmas specials, this year the show has once again attracted stellar guest stars as veteran actor Michael Gambon (Harry Potter, The Singing Detective) and opera diva Katherine Jenkins, in her first acting role, join the Time Lord for what might be his most Christmassy adventure yet!

“Arriving on set for her first day of filming, Katherine Jenkins said: ‘I’m over the moon to be involved in the Doctor Who Christmas Special – I can’t quite believe it as it’s a part of the family tradition at the Jenkins household. I heard the news that I got the role on my 30th birthday and it was the best birthday present ever!’

“About the series Lead Writer and Executive Producer, Steven Moffat, commented: ‘Oh, we’re going for broke with this one.  It’s all your favourite Christmas movies at once, in an hour, with monsters.  And the Doctor. And a honeymoon. And … oh, you’ll see.  I’ve honestly never been so excited about writing anything. I was laughing madly as I typed along to Christmas songs in April. My neighbours loved it so much they all moved away and set up a website demanding my execution. But I’m fairly sure they did it ironically.’

“The Christmas special follows on from Matt Smith’s first series as The Doctor, which attracted huge critical acclaim for Smith, his companion Gillan and lead writer Moffat, from press and legions of fans alike.

“Ben Stephenson, Controller, BBC Drama Commissioning said: ‘Matt Smith and Karen Gillan captivated audiences in their debut series and Doctor Who’s clever twist on the much loved A Christmas Carol will thrill BBC One viewers this year with special guest stars Sir Michael Gambon and singing sensation Katherine Jenkins joining Amy and the Doctor for an unforgettable present!’

“The series was co-commissioned by Ben Stephenson, Controller, BBC Drama Commissioning for BBC One and Jay Hunt, Controller of BBC One. Steven Moffat is Lead Writer and Executive Producerwith Piers Wenger and Beth Willis, also executive producing.

“Filming on the Christmas special will continue until August 2010.”

Tardis Radio


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