Monday 4 October 2010

Dr who seventh and eighth quotes tv movie

The Doctor: It was on the planet Skaro that my old enemy, the Master, was finally put on trial. They say he listened calmly as his list of evil crimes was read and sentence passed. Then he made his last, and I thought somewhat curious, request. He demanded that I, the Doctor, a rival Time Lord, should take his remains back to our home planet - Gallifrey. It was a request they should never have granted.
The Doctor: A Time Lord has 13 lives and the Master had used all of his. But rules never meant much to him, so I stowed his remains safely for the voyage back. Because even in death, I couldn't trust him. In all my travels through space and time, and nearing the end of my seventh life, I was finally beginning to realise that you could never be too careful.
[As the Seventh Doctor.]
The Doctor: I am not human. I am not like you.
Grace: Nobody's like me, Mr. Smith.
[The Seventh Doctor's final words before regenerating.]
The Doctor: Timing malfunction. The Master! He's out there. I've got to stop him.
[The Eighth Doctor's first words after regenerating.]
The Doctor: Who am I? WHO...AM...I?!
The Doctor: I know who I am! I...AM...THE DOCTOR!
The Doctor: Grace, I came back to life before your eyes. I held back death. Look, I can't make your dream come true forever, but I can make it come true today.
The Doctor: I love humans. Always seeing patterns in things that aren't there.
The Doctor: Look over there! On the other side of your galaxy, that's home.
Grace: [astonished] Gallifrey.
The Doctor: 250 million light years away. That's a good 10 minutes in this old thing.
The Doctor: You want dominion over the living, yet all you do is KILL!
The Master: Life is wasted on the living!
The Doctor: Give me your hand!
The Master: NEVER! DOCTOR!

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