Friday 22 October 2010

Dr who tenth doctor quotes new earth

The Doctor: So the year five billion, the Sun expands, the Earth gets roasted.
Rose: That was our first date.
The Doctor: We had chips.So anyway, planet gone. All rocks and dust, but the human race lives on spread out across the stars. Soon as the Earth burns up, ooh, they get all nostalgic, big revival movement. They find this place. Same size as the Earth. Same air, same orbit. Lovely. The call goes out, the humans move in.
Rose: What's the city called?
The Doctor: New New York.
Rose: Oh, come on.
The Doctor: It is! It's the city of New New York! Strictly speaking, it's the fifteenth New York since the original, so that makes it New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New-New New York.  What?
Rose: You're so different.
The Doctor: New-New Doctor.
Cassandra: Oh, my God... I'm a Chav!
Novice Hame: One story says that just before his death, the Face of Boe will empart his greatest secret. He will speak those words only to one like himself.
The Doctor: What does that mean?
Novice Hane: It's just a story.
The Doctor: Tell me the rest.
Novice Hane: It is said he will talk to a wanderer, to the man without a home, a lonely god.
Cassandra: Ooh, my. Well this is... different.
Rose: Cassandra?
Cassandra: Goodness me, I'm a man! Yum! So many parts... and hardly used.Oh, two hearts! Oh baby, I'm beating out a samba!
Rose: Get out of him!
Cassandra: Oh, he's slim. And a little bit foxy! You thought so, too. I've been inside your head, you've been looking... you like it.
Cassandra: Oh, sweet Lord, I'm a walking doodle!
The Doctor: You were supposed to be dying.
The Face of Boe: There are better things to do today. Dying can wait.
Cassandra: Oh I hate telepathy. Just what I need; a headful of Big Face! 
The Face of Boe: I had grown tired with the universe, Doctor, but you have taught me to look at it anew.
The Doctor: There are legends, you know, saying that you're millions of years old.
The Face of Boe: Well now, that would be impossible!
The Doctor: Wouldn't it, just? I got the impression there was something you wanted to tell me.
The Face of Boe: A great secret...
The Doctor: So the legend says...
The Face of Boe: It can wait.
The Doctor: Oh, does it have to!?
The Face of Boe: We shall meet again, Doctor. For the third time, for the last time, and the truth shall be told. Until that day...
The Doctor: That is enigmatic. That is text-book enigmatic.
The Doctor: Are you alright?
Cassandra: I'm fine. I'm dying, but that's fine.
The Doctor: I can take you to the city...
Cassandra:  No, you won't. Everything's new on this planet. There's no place for me and Chip anymore. You were right,'s time to die. And that's good.

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