Friday 29 October 2010

For Fanfictioners and Doctor Who Fan's Everywhere:

HALLOOO. So, I am starting this thingy because I have heard so many spoilers and found so many different video's and stories and everything to do with Doctor Who that I wanted to share them. I use things like youtube and wikipedia and other links people send me and I come across some very interesting things. Including...

o Filming Of Series 6
o Fan Video's
o Photo's From Series 6
o Spoilers/Rumours for Series 6

Ect. This is basically a whole lotta spoilers and rumours so if you don't wanna know or think about stuff to do with Series 6 yet then dont read :) Just sayin. I can't wait for the Christmas Special and really hope it's as good as there making it out to be. ":All Your Favourite Christmas Movies At Once." Steven Moffat.

The Split?
Personally, I'm a little bit miffed at the new thing there doing. For people who don't know, they are splitting Series 6 into two parts. So, Seven of the 13 episodes will air in Spring 2011, while the remaining six will follow in Autumn of 2011. I suppose this is good for 2011's Christmas Special because it makes it feel like it's here sooner, but I hate having to wait! and knowing Doctor Who on the Seventh episode it will be a super cliffhanger. I am already on mental breakdown levels waiting for the Christmas Special I JUST CANT TAKE IT ARHH. No, but really, now that I think about it the split is probably a good thing because it will feel like Doctor Who is here all year. (Bloody Hell! stupid firework went off in my back garden.) So, yeah.

Amy's Big Secret?
Someone told me (can't remember who it was. hmmm) that Amy has a big secret that is going to come out in the next series. I've seen some of the filming video's (which I'll post eventually) and she looks really depressed/dismal. The person I spoke to, I'm gonna call him John for now (Hi John) said that they think she may be pregnant for real this time. I dunno. We'll have to wait and see.

River Song?
Okay, so I know there are a few people out there who don't like her. But I wanna know why? Let me know because she is actually my favourite character and there are some filming video's of her as well from Series 6. There is so much conspiracy around her. I mean really who is she! it gets a little annoying how Moffat (Steven Moffat :D) keeps leaving it hanging. But, Series 6 we find out who she is and we see the first time she meets the Doctor (so that should be interesting) I, personally, think that she's his wife. Other people (like John) think she's a time lady and in filming she wears this necklace that apparently looks like the fob watch from The Family Of Blood. They think she might be this alien thingy called Omega (which I personally haven't heard of, but I'm a younger generation so I don't think I would have) because in the Time Of Angels she has the sign of Omega on her shirt sleeve. They think she's the Face Of Boe, Jack/Face Of Boe's Child, Amy, Donna, the Doctor and The TARDIS. I don't understand some of these idea's/theories, but let me know what you think.

The Christmas Special:
One thing I do NOT understand is... Why is Katherine Jenkins in the Christmas Special? Don't get me wrong she's a fantastic singer but I would never have imagined her in a Doctor Who episode (though I never expected Kylie, Billie Piper or Catherine Tate, so yanno) but yeah I don't get it. The Christmas Special is said to be set around the classic novel 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens and the Eleventh Doctor (according to the trailor) is meant to be the Ghost of Christmas Past, another thing I do NOT understand. Hopefully I'll understand it when I'm watching it. Michael Gambon is in it too, but that's understandable because he was in Harry Potter, a fantasy. Also Amy is going/is on her honeymoon with Rory.

Steven Moffat Quotes:
o ":We're going for broke with this one. It's all your favourite Christmas movies at once, in an hour, with monsters. And the Doctor. And a honeymoon."
o ":I've honestly never been so excited about writing anything. I was laughing madly as I typed along to Christmas songs in April."

So, that's it for now, I'll post the links to Series 6 Filming soon. Let me know what you think of River Song and the Christmas Special...

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