Saturday 27 November 2010

Dr who tenth doctor quotes The Unicorn and the Wasp

Professor Peach: I say, what are you doing with that lead piping!?
Donna: It's a murder, a mystery and Agatha Christie!
The Doctor: So? Happens to me all the time.
Donna: I know but isn't that a bit weird? Agatha Christie didn't walk around surrounded by murders, not really. That's like meeting Dickens surrounded by ghosts at Christmas!
Doctor: Well...
Donna: Oh come on! It's not like we could drive across country and find Enid Blyton having tea with Noddy! Could we? Noddy's not real—is he? Tell me there's no Noddy!
The Doctor: There's no Noddy.
Agatha Christie: There's no cure, it's fatal!
The Doctor: Not for me, I can stimulate the inhibited enzymes into reversal. Protein! I need protein!
Donna: Walnuts!
The Doctor: Brilliant...!
Donna: I can't understand you... How many words? One! One word! Shake... milk-shake... milk?! No, not milk. Shake, shake, shake?! Cocktail shaker! What do you want, a Harvey Wallbanger?
Donna: Well, I don't know!
The Doctor: How is "Harvey Wallbanger" one word?!
Agatha Christie: Doctor, What do you need?
The Doctor: Salt! I was miming salt, I need salt, I need something salty!
Donna: What about this?
The Doctor: What is it?!
Donna: Salt!
The Doctor: Oh, that's too salty!
Donna:Oh, that's too salty!
Agatha Christie: What about this?
The Doctor: Mmm! 
Donna: What's that?
Agatha Christie: Anchovies.
Donna: What is it? What else?
[the Doctor mimes open palms, with arms outstretched]
Donna: It's a song... Mammy!? I don't know, Camptown Races?
Donna: All right then, Towering Inferno?
The Doctor: It's a shock, a shock, I need a shock!
Donna: All right then, big shock coming up... 
The Doctor: Ahh, detox. Oh, I must do that more often I mean, the detox...

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