Friday 31 December 2010

Day Thirty-One: The moment has been prepared for...

"We caught up with Matt Smith and Katherine Jenkins earlier this month and asked what were their favourite moments of A Christmas Carol. You can discover their answers in our new video. What will feature in their magic moments? The grand entrances? Sad farewells? Shark attacks or chimney stacks? Find out now and let us know your favourite moments from A Christmas Carol."

Doctor in the House... Origin of Speeches

1. I probably better go. You know me. Stuff to do. Was from... Death of the Doctor (The Sarah Jane Adventures)

2. Something not very good indeed. Was from... Vincent and the Doctor

3. I knew you were going to say that. Did anyone else know he was going to say that? Was from... Vampires of Venice.

4. This is the most beautiful parlour I have ever seen. Was from... The Lodger

5. That's how we greet each other nowadays, isn't it? Was from... The Lodger

6. Talk about cross! Who stole all their handbags? Was from... The Pandorica Opens

7. I'm the Ghost of Christmas Past. Was from... A Christmas Carol

8. Legs! I've still got legs! Was from... The End of Time, Part Two

9. Have you been telling people I'm dead? Was from... Death of the Doctor (The Sarah Jane Adventures)

10. I'm a girl! No, no... I'm not a girl. Was from... The End of Time, Part Two

11. I know evil when I see it and I see it in that window. Was from... Vincent and the Doctor

12. The waves of time wash us all clean. Was from... Timelash

13. Between you and me, if that day ever comes... I think the whole universe might just shiver. Was from... Death of the Doctor (The Sarah Jane Adventures)

14. It was the daisiest daisy I'd ever seen. Was from... The Time Monster

15. And those pathetic little patches of sludgy snow were shining white in the sunlight. Was from... The Time Monster

16. There are some corners of the universe that have bred the most terrible things. Things that act against everything we believe in. They must be fought. Was from... The Moonbase

17. But the last time I was dying I looked back on all of you, every single one. Was from... Death of the Doctor (The Sarah Jane Adventures)

18. Daleks, Sontarans... Cybermen... They're still in the nursery compared to us. Was from... Trial of a Time Lord

19. Well, in view of the facts that I've already presented - the ray gun, this pen and one or two other things - I think we're dealing with people who are not from this planet. Was from... The Faceless Ones

20. Have you ever thought what it's like to be wanderers in the fourth dimension? Have you? Was from... An Unearthly Child

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