Thursday 20 January 2011

Dr who - series 6 Amy Pond will fall pregnant – but is it Rory’s?

Doctor Who’s Amy Pond will fall pregnant in the new series of the hit sci-fi show.

The Time Lord’s companion – played by Karen Gillan – will be elated when she finds out she’s going to be a mum and rushes to tell new husband Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) the good news.

However, his response isn’t what she expects and things turn sour when Rory starts to suspect the baby isn’t his, and immediately points the finger at the Doctor.

An insider explained: “Amy has been obsessed with the Doc ever since she met him as a child and started making her Raggedy Doctor dolls. She went off in the Tardis with him and left Rory behind.

“Rory is suspicious that maybe the pair got it on in the Tardis with before he finally married Amy. The Doc, of course, denies it’s him.”

Source - primetime.unrealitytv


  1. there is a little girl on the second episode (series 6) who has regenerated and is obviously something to do with the doctor. And when amy was looking for the little girl and went into her room there was a pic of amy holding a little baby girl....surely that little girl isn't the doctor's and amy's????

  2. I know i did watch it i don't think she's the doctor's and Amy's girl.... i think she's Amy's and Rory's but you never know we'll find out in the final :)

  3. i think it has something to do with the silence when they had her tied up for hours or days, she couldn't remember anything. they counld of done something to her then.

  4. ah thats a pretty good idea of explaining it maybe they did do something to her and you never know

  5. Equally due to all the Timey Wimey effect the little girl could be a River/Doctor baby, with Amy as an aunty/godmother figure, hence the picture

    But I agree that the Amy pregnancy makes that far more likely, the scanner should a positive/negative flicker, hinting at a wierd timeline to the pregnancy due to the timetravel?

  6. I really hope amy is pregnant with the doctors baby because I think they would make a great couple. But I dont think it will be the doctors, young children will be watching this programme and whos gonna explain to them why their hero,the doctor, is having a baby with a married woman. No there's no way its the doctors, they just wouldnt use thaqt story line.

  7. i dought that steven moffatt with write that lol it really woudnt make dr who what it is

  8. i think the whole "timey wimmey travel and time tracks" must of mixed it up.

    because her presten self is pregnant....

    but in the past shes not...



  10. OMG OMG OMG i can't stand the suspence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. the silence couldnt of made amy pregnant as she said she was pregnant before going to the orphanage or whatever. here are the possobilites:
    amy and rorys baby
    amy and the doctors baby
    one of the doctors relations.
    BUT!!! the next episode of doctor who is called 'The Doctors Wife' so it could be the doctors child with someone else.....

  12. has any one actually thought that maybe beyond the fact that the silence held amy hostage? has any one actually kinda thought who the women with the patch is , she has appeared in the show before and they are watching amy ... but why ? is the patch lady a time lord ? someone from an alternate reality dream world- to the real world reality ? who knows steve moffat is the guy with the genius for writing and he has us all on suspence..

    what is riversong was a wife at one point? in the doctor's future and the reason she went to prison was because she killed a time lord? or / amy pond and river song are one in the same else... well amy's future child ? hmm...

  13. Yes i have been thinking who that lady is i keep thinking shes a time lady or something i don't know really

  14. ellemason - I dought its the doctor's and maybe the silence did do something to her (as in she was there on the ship for days) I'm always going to say it's Amy's and Rory's child. i can't see it being Amy's and the doctor's

  15. I don't think the silence did anything because she did say she was pregnant before she was captured :L soo like wtf?

  16. well i think it might be rivers and the doctor but it could be amy and the doctors baby

    the woman coming out the hach is the midwife for amy so what do you think

  17. How about Amy's baby is Amy - Paradox - She is her own Mother.

  18. I quite like the idea that the baby is/will be River Song which is only a small headache on the time paradox scale and neatly linear, however there is an alternative possibility. Having seen the Dr's reaction to the Tardis personified 'Sexy', it may yet be a possibility that the baby is part Tardis. Everyone is assuming natural conception here which simply may not be the case but that's my own personal conjecture. Ok I'll leave it there but yes Mr Moffat does have an exceedingly intriguing imagination, I'll even forgive him the error of Rassilon :D

  19. well we all no now that river song is the baby but i am confused about who is the dad

  20. I think that the Omega, from the EARLIER episodes, has to go into a spacesuit, as he has to stay in one. But he needs to get into a human body, ie. the little regenerating girl. The Omega is the Father of the Timelords, and the Doctor's enemy. Since the Omega sign is portrayed throughout the series, and even on River's uniform arm (from The Time of Angels and the follow up episode). Maybe she's in the Omega cult? If so, maybe the best man she ever knew was Omega? And she killed him, that's why she's in jail? Just a guess, I'll have to wait to see!


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