Sunday 30 January 2011

sarah jane adventures quotes Eye of the Gorgon

Sarah Jane: Everyone gets old, Clyde, even you.
Clyde: Ha, no, not me! Way technology’s movin’, by the time I’m forty, I can get my brain put in a robot and live forever!
Alan: Maria, your mum and me, you know that’s all over.
Maria: [bitterly] Well that’s great for you, isn’t it? Some solicitor gives you a bit of paper, and it’s all over. But what good is that to me, Dad? She’s always gonna be my mum!
Alan: [hurt] But I know that. Of course she is, sweetheart.
Maria: Well, maybe I want her to get to know my friends, so she doesn’t think they’re weird anymore. And maybe I don’t want her to go back with Ivan. But that’s never gonna happen, is it? Because you’ve got a bit of paper!
Sarah Jane: Can you tell me where you got this talisman?
Bea Nelson-Stanley: Oh, that’s my Edgar.
Maria: Your husband?
Bea Nelson-Stanley: Mm, yes! He used to say the Sontarans were the silliest-looking race in the galaxy. 
Sarah Jane:  What did you say?
Mrs Randall: She’s always going on about monsters and space-men.
Sarah Jane: She’s seen Sontarans.
Maria: What’s a Sontaran?
Bea Nelson-Stanley: The silliest race in the galaxy, that’s what Edgar used to say. Like a huge… potato, with…  rrrgh, a ray gun.
Bea Nelson-Stanley: Quite nasty blighters they were, all the same.
Sarah Jane: Oh yes, Bea, they are, you’re right! You’re absolutely right.
Clyde: Listen, Luke. When weirdo nuns turn up on your doorstep asking about freaky glowing alien gizmos, one thing you never do is tell them you’ve got one!
Sarah Jane: Incidently, for future reference, Maria, even some fairy tales have a foundation in fact.
Sarah Jane: The Greeks were always dishing out challenges to each other. I think it must be a man thing.
Sarah Jane: So what do you think you’re doing, getting into a stranger’s car? For an intelligent boy, sometimes, oh, I can’t believe how stupid you are!
Sister Helena: I’d shut up if I were you. Or the Abbess will show you her idea of solving a problem like Maria.
Maria: I didn't mean to shout at you, Dad. I'm sorry...I'm so sorry.
Clyde: Why can’t they have garden gnomes like everyone else?
Maria: Sarah Jane was right, wasn’t she? I thought meetin’ creatures from other planets was gonna be excitin’ and cool, but she told me, she said it wasn’t anythin’ like that. In the end it just messes you up. Your whole life, and the people you love…. That’s why Sarah Jane’s always been on her own. That’s why you’re here, isn’t it, Bea? With no one in the world who really knows you or cares. This is how we all end up, isn’t it?
Bea Nelson-Stanley: I had my Edgar. You’re young! You’ll find yours.
Bea Nelson-Stanley: Not so fast, young lady! Would you, er, get, oh… fetch me – ah – my mirror!
Bea Nelson-Stanley: No, not for me! What do you think I’m going to do, powder my nose while you take on that monster? It’s for you!
Maria:  For me?
Bea Nelson-Stanley: Whatever do they teach you in school these days?
Maria: Don’t you wish you’d found someone special to share it all with?
Sarah Jane: Oh, I think I have. For the second time.

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