Sunday 23 January 2011

Torchwood quotes children of the earth day 1

Gwen: Alright Glyn? What's occurring?
Glyn: Been watching the Bay, no sea monsters yet.
Gwen: Ah, still early!
Ianto: Heh, he thought we were a couple, he said 'You two', the way he said it 'You two'.
Jack: Well we are, does it matter?
Gwen: Oh my God, Severn Bridge. I'm going into England. Farewell forever.
Rhys: Good luck. Have you got currency?
Gwen: Yes, and I've had my injections.
Rhiannon: Susan on the corner was in town and it was her anniversary so they went to that posh french place in town by the memorial and there was you.
Ianto: So...
Rhiannon: There was you...having dinner...with a man.
Ianto: So?
Rhiannon: Having dinner with a a restaurant.
Ianto: So you have dinner with Tina.
Rhiannon: Not in town. Susan said he was gorgeous. Like a film star. Like an escort.
Ianto: He's my boss.
Rhiannon: She said it was intimate. I said well he's had girlfriends, and she said, well no girl was getting her feet around that table. No chance! have you gone bender?
Ianto: Misha's hearing this.
Rhiannon: She's not bothered. Her friend Shan's got two mothers. Go on? You never tell me anything these days. Dad died that was it. You were off-you couldn't wait. Like I did something wrong. I didn't. Did I?
Ianto: It's not that. It's my job. It's..difficult. It's...  He is very handsome.
Rhiannon: No?
Ianto: Now stop it.
Rhiannon: You're kidding me? Really though? Really? Christ all mighty!  He's nice though, is he? Is he? Oh my...I mean, since when?
Ianto: It's weird. It's just different. It's not men. It''s just him. It's only him. And I don't even know what it is really, I'm not broadcasting it.
Jack: Ianto! We're having a baby.
Ianto: Congratulations. Is now a good time to tell you I lost the car?
Jack: You did what?!

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