Saturday 8 January 2011

Torchwood quotes End of days

Jack: Under any other circumstances, an exuberant Roman soldier would be my idea of a perfect morning.
Jack: Abaddon is the bringer of death, let's see how he goes with me. If he feeds on life, then I'm an all-you-can-eat buffet!
Gwen: So, what sort of vision did you have? We all saw people we loved, asking us to open the Rift. Who did you see?
Jack: Nothing. I didn't see anyone.
Gwen: Jack? What visions would have tempted you?
Jack:The right kind of Doctor.
Gwen: Jack!
Owen: I thought we tidied up in here.
Gwen: Did any of you see Jack on your way in?
Ianto: No. Why?
Gwen: [Arms folded, she turns to face the direction the noise came from] Something's taken him. Jack's gone.

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