Monday 21 February 2011

Doctor Who: Omega Theory.. more details

So in summary the old Omega 2 Theory was:
"River Song is a follower of Omega (Omega is the symbol shown in the Thumbnail of the post), It was said that the clerics in "Time of Angels" were religious, it didn't state WHAT religious, we think that the clerics and River Song are followers of Omega, Are they're any more of them?
Somehow Omega Comes back (or it is set before he turns evil) and River somehow Kills him, as it was stated in "Flesh & Stone" that she killed the best man she ever knew, The ones she follows (Omega). Although Omega is a dead man he isn't Always a dead man, Time Can be Re-written, but he can regenerate, which links to the 2 lines on the Omega Symbol, meaning the 2nd regeneration."
Now We know an ood is going to be in Series 6, is this something to do with ood sigma, was the ood not just something to add into "the end of time" to make it last longer, was it a away to re introduce Ood Sigma, now the reason i bring this up is because Sigma is one of the Greek Alphabet, is this linked to the Omega symbol, and the apparent super imposed Alpha symbol which i fail to see still.
Next up too add is in "the eleventh hour" the hospitals machines and jeffs laptop we noticed were produced by mYth, the Y is shown as a greek letter, it is getting beyond a joke now, these have to be linked somehow...
And one last insignificant one, in "the time of angles" river reads out her teleport bracelet co ordinates, she says delta in this code, Delta is also a Greek Letter.
See more Here on the Greek Alphabet.
Greeks also have just been registered Combom posted about the possible return of the man from "The War Games" returning, in this episode they're was many lands of different time zones, this then fits in with the trailer and this idea too, as we have seen Nazi's, and Georgians (16th century)...


  1. You are an idiot. Omega is NOT returning. Fact. You morons only prove the Eighth Doctor right when he once said "Ah human beings...always looking for patterns in things that arent there"

  2. shutup you dont know crap omega is returning cant you see the hints?

  3. Why dont you shutup. You are the stupid one because it is so obvious omega is returning, all the symbols? Oh wait I forgot your blind like your gran

  4. You shut up you shut up stupid head
    Hey, great bit guys - don't tell me, you're both the same guy and you're downing a giant bottle of Mountain Dew and you've got Burrito bits in your unkempt beard while you type feverishly on your massively outdated laptop. That's crazy.
    Okay - the Omega allusions have gone way past the red herring stage and it's a Roman numeral 2 or it could be the number eleven (11) as in the eleventh regeneration of the doctor.
    Omega escaped his antimatter universe prison once before - taking the form of Peter Davison (the 5th doctor).
    Now having the doctor that was killed be a 'ganger would be very dumb on Moffats part - even a David Tennant fan would find that to be an insult to their intelligence - I'm just spit-balling here but - the Doctor must of know that something was up back during the "The Time of Angels" episode - if a nine year old from Brighton can find the Omega symbols on the gun toting Anglican's arm band than a 900 year old Time Lord with the knowledge of a billion or so languages should eventually clue in. The doctor had much "alone" time (which is virtually all the time in the world if you have a Tardis) so he had a lot 'o' time to cook up a "timey whimey" plan.
    So I'm just spit-balling here but - he lures Omega out of the antimatter universe by being smarmy - Omega takes the form of the eleventh doctor - the doctor makes sure that Omega is at the lake in Tahoe with Amy. Rory and their middle aged rug rat River/Melody. The Doctor goes back in time and saves River/Melody from the space suit - he jumps in and off he goes to 2011 to kill Omega. Of coarse Omega doesn't really die when his body dies - he just goes back to his antimatter prison so the doctor shouldn't have too much ethical "killing people is bad" feeling about the whole thing.
    Of coarse, the good Doctor has to make the ultimate sacrifice on this one - he was being the cleverest he's ever been in his whole life and no one is there to watch.
    So, I trust I've given you guys enough material for your "you shut up stupid head" routine - it would be awesome if you could do it again - if not I'll just throw on an episode of Sponge Bob Square Pants to past the time.


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