Saturday 5 March 2011

Celebrating the Series: The Beast Below

The Beast Below had a difficult task in following the new Doctor's debut but the adventure proved totally different to The Eleventh Hour. After the everyday setting of Leadworth we were suddenly plunged into the future on Starship UK as Amy and the audience were shown further into the Time Lord's world.

Liz Ten, the Smilers and the heart-breaking story of the Star Whale all spring to mind when recalling the episode and there were plenty of emotional highlights.

Kit told us, 'Towards the end of The Beast Below, when the Doctor shouts "Nobody human has anything to say to me right now" I cried a little bit.' And the comic moments were appreciated, too: 'I love the series... the moment that made me laugh,' Owen said, 'is the Doctor saying "Are you going to stick out your tongues?" to Smilers in The Beast Below.'

Sarah wrote, 'The Beast Below was a great episode. Amy showed the Doctor she is a good companion by saving the last Star Whale,' adding, 'I think it would be really cool to be on Starship UK... it was a really good episode.'

Ashley agreed, enthusing, 'Loved The Beast Below... Matt and Karen are super cute together!'

And people were warming to the new Doctor quickly. Nicholas gave us a wonderful description of the Eleventh Doctor: 'Mad, mad and mad with a cherry on top (which in itself is mad as well). That's how you can describe Matt Smith's Doctor. His hair, his clothes, his look, his intelligence, his personality, everything!'

But for some people it was a first. 'The Beast Below was my very-first Doctor Who episode.' Loes revealed. 'That's where my Doctor Who obsession began...'

And after everything that happened on Starship UK we got an added treat at the end of the story as the following week's adventure was hinted at... Richard said his favourite moment of the episode was when 'Churchill rings the Doctor and the Ironside appears...' We'd soon find out what that would lead to...

The last word today goes to Shane who talked about how he enjoyed the emerging picture of the Eleventh Doctor. 'As a long-time Doctor Who fan I thought Matt Smith hit the nail on the head with his excellent portrayal of the wandering Time Lord. My favourite Doctor yet!'

BBC Dr who

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