Wednesday 23 March 2011

Dr who quotes cybermen Revenge of the Cybermen

Cyber Lieutenant: Computer reports heavy phobic energy discharge between the beacon and Voga.
CyberLeader: That means the humans have recently used their transmat beam?
Cyber Lieutenant: Yes.
CyberLeader: Time to docking?
Cyber Lieutenant: Sixteen minutes.
CyberLeader: Order the boarding party to the board hatch.
CyberLeader: The heart of Voga is almost pure gold, gold is hostile to our function.
CyberLeader: Locate and destroy all animal organisims!
Kelman: Have you killed them?
CyberLeader: Of course not, we have neutralised them. They are necessary to our plan
CyberLeader: Once our landing is detected, the Vogons will attack in force.
Kelman: They only have light arnaments, nothing that can affect your Cybermen. 
CyberLeader: This is the main shaft?
Kelman: Yes, this is the shaft that I explored for you. It runs right to the core of Voga.
CyberLeader: How far from the shaft entrance is the transmat receptor area?
Kelman: Just a matter of yards, I set the receptors as close as possible.
CyberLeader: Excellent Kelman, you have done well.
CyberLeader: The Humans will carry the explosives into the shaft.
The Doctor: What's your cut Kelman? Voga's gold?
CyberLeader: There will be no gold! Voga is to be utterly destroyed, and this time we will not fail!
The Doctor: Oh really?
CyberLeader: And you, Doctor, and your two friends will help us in this task. That is why your lives have been spared.
The Doctor: What great rewards have you rewarded Kelman?
CyberLeader: The matter is of no interest to you.
The Doctor: Everything is of interest to me, and Cybermen possess nothing that a human might want.;
CyberLeader: You are incorrect.
The Doctor: What is it? You've no home planet, no influence, nothing! You're just a pathetic bunch of tin soldiers skulking around the galaxy in an ancient spaceship!
CyberLeader: You speak unwisely. We are destined to be rulers of all the Cosmos!
The Doctor: Oh, I don't think so somehow. You tried that once and you were nearly wiped out.
Cyberman: All resistance overcome.
CyberLeader: The beacon is ours!

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