Sunday 27 March 2011

Dr who quotes cybermen Rise of the Cybermen

John Lumic: Can it hear me?
Doctor Kendrick: I don't know sir, it still might be in shock, the brain has been welded to the exo-skeleton.
John Lumic: Skin of metal and a body that will never age or die: I envy it! Do you know me? Answer, do... you... know... me?
Cyberman Prototype: You are John Lumic.
Cyberman: We have been upgraded.
The Doctor: Into what?
Cyberman: The next level of mankind. We are human-point-2. Every citizen will receive a free upgrade. You will become like us.
The President: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what's been done to you. But listen! This experiment... ends tonight!
Cyberman: Upgrading is compulsory.
The President: And if I refuse?
The Doctor: Don't.
The President: What happens if I refuse?
The Doctor: I'm telling you, don't!
The President: What happens if I refuse?
Cyberman: Then you are not compatible.
The President: What happens then?
Cyberman: You will be deleted. 
Cyberman: You are rogue elements.
Doctor: But we surrender!
Cyberman: You are incompatible.
Doctor: But this is a surrender!
Cyberman: You will be deleted.
Doctor: But we're surrendering - listen to me, we surrender!!!
Cyberman: You are inferior. Man will be reborn as Cyberman, but you will perish under maximum deletion. Delete! Delete! Delete! Delete!!

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